Judul : homecoming hairstyles updos 2013
link : homecoming hairstyles updos 2013
homecoming hairstyles updos 2013
here we are in step number 2 of the zillionmicro braids style in this that i will be showing you in detail step-by-step how tobraid your own micro braids first i will begin by showing you how to position your handson your hair extensions i will also be showing you how to part your hair into sections andthen how to braid your own micro braids before you begin braiding your micro braids you wantto make sure that your hair has already been parted into a section to part my hair i willbe using my water hair spray bottle to spritz my hair as it helps me to part my hair i willalso be using a comb to part my hair and to be tangled through my hair as well the typeof code that i like to use has 3 different sized in each size teeth and each side teethserve for different purposes the teeth here
on the left side of my column serve as yourtypical called the teeth here on the right side you use to help part your hair and evendetangle your hair as well the teeth at the bottom of my comb serves as your typical pickso depending on what type of style you have you could fluff the roots of your hair formore of a voluminous look or you could simply use the pick at the end of the comfort detanglingyour hair i will be using the pick at the end and even the 2 teeth at the top of thecurrent to help me as i am parting and sectioning my hair so first i will begin by grabbingmy spray bottle and misting the section of hair that i will be parting for my micro braidnow i will be taking my comb and i will part in extremely small square of hair on my headthe section appear that you will be using
for your zillion braid is an extremely smallpatch of hair that is the reason why they're called micro braids is because the braidsare micro sized so the section i have parted off i could say that the measurement on bothsides is probably a 4th of an inch you just want to part an extremely small piece of hairthat you will be using for your micro braid extensions so now that part of my sectionappear i will use my calling to be detangle in my hair and then you want to apply hairgel on the ends of your hair to keep your hair slick within your braids now that you have parted your section of hairi will show you how to position your hands on your hair extensions now that you haveparted your section of hair on your head for your micro braids i will show you how to actuallyhear your hair extensions and position your
hands on your hair for your braiding processso the type of hair that i have here is extremely light-colored hair this hair is blonde inmy hair is not the reason why i am using is blonde hair is so you can clearly see thedistinction between the weave and my natural hair so that you can understand the braidingtechnique so i will be doing the same thing to this blonde hair that i would do with blackhair as i am braiding my hair this is the hair after i have taken it out of the packageand it's kind of long the length of this hair and vibrated the braids all the way down tothe bottom it would fall almost at my waist so what you want to do is make sure you locatethe middle of the section of hair and you want to cut the hair in half so the part that'sin my head here you will be cutting in half
with your scissors so that the length isn'ttoo long if you would like your braids past your shoulders then leave the link lengthis but if you would like for the hair to fall a little bit past your shoulders go aheadand cut the hair and so for demonstration purposes i'm going to take off a little bitof the hair from this bundle to show you how much hair you need for your actual micro braidsome just to mention a little bit off here and then i'm going to cut this piece of hairin half now this is how much hair you would actually need for your micro braid you coulduse a little bit more or extremely full braids or a little bit less if you want your raceto be little bit this is about the size of hair that you will need for your micro braidso now you want to locate the middle of the
hair here i'm going to bring both sides toone side just to show you and then you're simply going to divide this hair into 2 partsbut when you divide this hair into 2 parts you want to pinch it off with a 3rd and thentwo thirds in your other hand now i have a 3rd of the hair my right hand and two thirdsof the hair in my left hand and i've made sure that both sides are equal in length sonow what you want to do is take your small piece of hair your 3rd and wrap it aroundthe two thirds then bring both ends back together so now the sections are divided equally into3 parts the fact that this part here was two thirds and this part of my hand he was one3rd when i brought the piece back together this divided everything up into 3 equal partsyou want to make sure that your hair is consistently
in 3 parts so that your braids look very uniformso now to position your hands on your hair you want to take your left hand you want toinsert your index finger through the middle of that two thirds piece of hair that we brokeup and so in the middle goes your next finger in your middle finger and your time goes aroundthe hair to hold the hair in your hands so once again i'm going to show you index fingersthrough the middle you’re in your middle finger on the outside and you just to usethe rest of your hands to hold the hair in your hands so once again i am going to showyou so now for your right hand you’re going to take your 3 main figures of your hand yourtime thumb and middle finger and you are going to hold it position it around this hair hereso i am just going to go ahead grab the hair
and insert all 3 of my fingers like this andyou want to make sure that your hands are position as close to this point as possibleso now that your hands position the last and crucial step for positioning your hands foryour micro braids you are going to take your right hand that has your 3 main fingers you'regoing to twirl it underneath and then you want to stick your index finger through theopening of the hair that's in your left hand so the index finger goes through so with yourindex finger and your thumb you are going to mention that hair that's in between those2 fingers and now i can release my right hand so at this point this is where you will startactually braiding your hair you will only start with your right hand to grab all ofyour hair as you are braiding so now that
i've shown you how to prepare the hair onyour head for your braids and also how to prepare your hands on your extensions i'llbe showing you how to braid your micro braid so first i will begin by going over the haironce again how you want to position your hand so i break the 3rd often the two thirds wrapthe 3rd a round two thirds to bring that third back together again and there's my 3 equalparts so now my left hand the index finger goes to the opening of the two thirds therest of my hands go around and then my right hand the 3 main figures are positioned onthe hair now you are going to turn your right hand under insert your index finger throughthe opening that's there your right hand excuse me your left hand so insert your index fingerin the hair that's in between your index finger
now and your thumb you pinch together nowyou can release your left hand in the hair is in your right hand and you can begin braidingso the reason why i have this blonde hair is so that as i am braiding my hair you canclearly see the distinction between the different parts of the weave and also how i incorporatedinto my micro braid so to begin here we have a part here on our head it's already beendetangled and sectioned and hair gel has been applied so now at this point you have yourright hand here and you want to take your left hand and put it over your head to helpyou as you are braiding your hair now all of the hair left on my part will be addedto the middle layer that’s in between my index finger in my so this piece of hair hereis what will be connected to my real hair
so now what you will do with your left handis take all of the hair that's on your scalp gather together and you are going to openup your index finger and your thumb to grab the hair so once again i'll show you exactly whathappened so the hair is in my right hand and i will be opening up my index finger and mythumb to grab all the hair that's on my scalp so my left hand to gather all of the hairand on the go ahead open my index finger and my thumb and grab all the hair that’s sonow that i've grabbed all the hair me to take my left hand again over my head and on thegrab the section of hair here and pull it over to the side as i pull into the side i'mgoing to rotate my right hand to the rights and create a little opening here in betweenmy index finger and my index finger and also
my ring finger so now i am going to take myindex finger of my left hand and i'm going to go in and hook this bottom piece of hairhere to add to my left hand so i am gonna go ahead and hook that and i've connectedto the left and now my right hand is free so now my right hand again with my 3 mainfingers i'm going to grab my real hair and the extension hair into my fingers there andposition everything in place once more so now that my left hand has two strands of hairmy left hand is going to rotate to the left to create an opening here between us openingi insert my index finger and i hope this bottom piece of hair to add to my right hand thehair still broken up into 3 parts even when i added to my hand so now my left hands freeagain with this piece of hair there in my
right hand has to strands of hair every timeone of your hand has two strands of hair you rotate that hand is my right hand now hastwo strands of hair the right hand is rotated to the right but it's my left hand had twostrands of hair it would get rotated to the left amount so now i am going to grab thishair here put it over to the side and also rotate my right hand to the right then tocreate that opening their is that opening is created i take my index finger of my lefthand and i hook the bottom piece of hair to add to my left hand in the process continuesrotate my left hand to the left insert my index finger to the bottom piece of hair andnow my left hand is free grab this piece of hair again rotate my right hand to the rightinsert my index finger and grab that bottom
piece of hair here and now i am forming mybraid you only need to do this about 3 to 4 timesmaybe even 5 times and then you can actually just continue to braid all the way down tothe bottom so since my arm is a little bit uncomfortable because it's wrapped aroundmy head i like to release to make sure that the braid is still holding onto my hair andthen i'm just going to grab each of the 3 pieces with my hands and then i'm just goingto continue to braid to the bottom you are just going to continue to braid allthe way down and sometimes one of the ends are a little shorter than the others you cansee the there it’s a little bit shorter than the rest of the hair you are just goingto continue to break down the to you can’t
go any longer and then you can even borrowthe hair from one of the sites to add to the section so this middle section seems to belong distances, pinch a little bit of hair off there to add to the short and then i cancontinue braiding to the bottom so every time one of the sides give short like i see theside here is getting shorter i could pinch off a little piece of hair to add to thatside so that it can become a little bit longer and more even with the rest of the piecesso now you finish braiding your micro braid you want to make sure that you snip off anypieces of hairs that stick outside of your braid so as you go down your hair you noticethat there is little bits of pieces of hair that sticks out now sometimes is to simplycome from shorter sides of your braid that
start to run out and you start to see thesefrayed ends what you want to do is take your scissors and simply snipped off the hairson the edges of the braid this helps your braid to look a lot more neater so that whenyou're finish your braids are not fuzzy now that you have done your first micro braidi will show you a 2nd time once again how to do your micro braid for example i'm showingyou with blonde hair so you can clearly see the braiding technique and process so rememberin between your index finger and your thumb you will be grabbing your real hair and itwill be connected to the strand here so now to begin to gather all of my hair here formy section with my left hand and i'm going to open my index finger in my thumb to graball of my real hair
so once you've gathered all of the hair youare going to take your left hand grab the blonde hair here i'm going to move this overto the side and rotate my right hand since it has two strands of hair rotate my righthand to the right and create a little opening there and then take the next hair of my lefthand hook this bottom piece of blonde hair and connected with my left so now my righthand is free and my left hand has two strands of hair down to take my 3 main fingers ofmy right hand grab my real hair with that strand of hair there and then my left handis going to get rotated to the left once i rotated to the left i create a little opening here going to hook my index fingeron that bottom strands to connect that back to my right hand and now my left hand is freeonce again so i moved the left hair out of
the way with my left hand and i take my righthands is asked to strands in rotated to the right grab my index finger to get into thisbottom piece of blonde hair to add to my left hand once again rotate left him to the leftthis opening here grab it with my index finger and now my left hand is free again and i takemy right hand has to strands of hair every time one of your hand is holy to strands ofhair you have to rotate that hand to turn so since my right hand has two strands ofhair i turn my right hand to the right to create a little opening their take my indexfinger and i hook that small piece and you will continue this process about 3 to 4 toeven 5 times until the braid is snug onto your head you can keep doing this until yougo comfortably down on the hair as you can
before you release once i release the braidshould stay in if it doesn't stay i should break down further than i once i let go thebraid should be in tact as you see there the reason i let go is because i honestly cannotcontinue to braid all laid out with my hand over my head so i release and take both myfingers of my hands and then i position my hands back on those 3 sections of hair thati have and then i just continue braiding all the way to the bottom so as you are learning how to braid you'reprobably going to move at a very slow speed like this i've been braiding my hair eversince i was 12 to 11 years old so i could go extremely fast but i am doing the samemotion that anyone else is doing i am rotating
the piece of hairs continuing to break downas you get more comfortable with braiding you can go a lot faster now remember if you have any hairs to stickout of your braids make sure to use your comments to snip off the hairs but if your real hairsticks out of your braids use hair gel to slick your hair down to your braids and thati have shown you how to part in section your hair for your brain also shown you how toposition your hand on your extensions and braid your own micro braid in the next stepnumber 3 i will be giving you my best tips tricks and advice for doing your micro zillionbraids