homecoming hairstyles 2016 long hair

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    homecoming hairstyles 2016 long hair

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    hi everyone! it's april. i'm here with my friend melissa we're going to do an asymmetric a-linethis is going to be really short around the ear on one side then a regular a-line on the other side and it's going to have a really run textured bang and really short in the backyou are going to need a good pair of shears a razor, you are going to need some thinning shearsand i have these chunky texture shears alsothey are really fun then i have a t-edge trimmersand this will be to clean up

    her neck and then several clips and a wide tooth comb and you're going to start by combing the hair and you will part it off in 4 sectionsand we'll also have a bang section so you will do a trianglei'll do that first right in the middle of both eyes go ahead and bring diagonal sectionsup and it should make a triangle and then we'll clip this away you're going to go straight back and go all the way back to the back of the head and her hair is already pretty shortso i'm combing it away

    and then we're going to take right on the top of her head where the comb hits that's how you know you are at the tip right at the top you are going to take a down sectionhorizontal section down from the top of her head to the back of her ear so those are going to be the sectionswere gonna work with you can clip them up to keep them clean and out of the way alright so to decide what

    way we're having all this hair go to we just have to decide which way she parts her hairshe parts her hair on this side going to the right.right?? it goes to the right. okay i had to make sure i couldn't rememberso this bang will be this way alrightso the left side is going to be the short side and the right will be the long side i'll start in the back and i'm going to take two more sections just because her hair is already really short just below where the comb leaves the head right there i'm going to take that

    just comb it downi'm going to put this up in a clip and the same on the other sidethese are diagonal sections so it should be like a triangle shape onthe bottom so i'm going to work on this back section firsti'm going to go ahead and grab my razor look down for mei'm going to razor out this hair as short as we can get itright where it starts to grow and you do this by holding good tension there then slowly walking the razor

    slowly pushing the razor down in a soft motion that we'll take care of chopping it off for youbut it keeps it really soft if you want a really hard line you would go in with the shears but i want it to stay soft and blended okay and then i just have a guard on my i have a really good guard on my razor so i can go through and shave the back of her neck and i'llprobably go with the t-edgers after when it's all dry to get the little ones that it missedbut just to clean it up for now alright so that's the length on the bottom

    we're gonna go ahead and take one inch sections and we are elevating this out 90 degrees from the head and i'll take my razor and go right behind my fingers and slowly shave it down so it's nice and tight i will go all the way across the head doing this in this back sectionand this is taking out all the heaviness and weight right there it's going to be really tight now that we have the back

    as short as we want itone more little piece here we are going to let these two sections downif we were doing a regular a-line we would be taking these two sections and doing both of them as a diagonal this sides going to be a lot shorterpart it down the middle i'll start working with the side thats going to be the a-line so i'll comb this over so i can keep it awayand i'll work on this side grab your shearsand i'm going to take

    diagonal sections and i cut this alreadyso that will be my guide i'm going to take maybe an inch above where we cutand i'm going to comb this up and away because it's too short for a clip combing up the opposite direction of the part will keep it clean enough to where you can work stillif that makes you nervous you can still clip it up i'm not going toalright so we will take this hair up

    now we're going to follow the diagonal parting that we just made and we'll keep the hair really tight to the head keep your fingers right against the headand point cut and just cut along this line so it's going to beperpendicular to go back and check it make sure you didn't get any long hairs you can really quick pull it up and make sure that you have that same angle that the part is at

    then i'm going to take another sectionanother inch down do the same thing and i'm going to hold my hands at the same spot i'm over directing the hair to that same spot all right and then the rest iti'll pull it all down see if it meets up with it it doesif you are dealing with really long hair you can take it in two more sections but i'm not make sure you can see your guide

    okay so that side in the back is cut we have this nice shape coming this way now we're going to meet up with this one and keep it at an angle that's more straight across the weight line for this one is going to end up being right hereso this weight line needs to flow back over into this and so this isgoing to be short underneath i'm going to section it off so it's a little bit easier to see what i'm doing. and you notice i took more of a straight section because that's the line we are going to be cutting on this side

    now i'm going to pull it up and meet it up to this other side of the a-lineright here you can see the guide that's the end of this side where it starts for the a-linepull it straight up to that and point cut following this parting and remember we pulled that parting. we are straight instead of angled so just keep doing that i'm combing this hair up because there are some longer hairs from her older a-line haircut i'm going to go back in and fix thosebut i want to make sure that i get all of them

    into this weight line shape for the parting that we just took i'm going to go back through and make sure it all matches up deep point cutting okay and then take down another section you should be able to see the guideunderneath from your last section on this one if you can't then you took too much hair just part it off a little bit thinner so you can see it

    that last little bitpull that triangle down too not very much of that will probably meet up so just cleaning it up to make sure you don't have any long pieces hanging over there you have it okay so this is alittle bit of a corner left over from her other a line so you can do two things with thisyou can leave it and have a fun little wispy down here with fun texture or you can chop it off because i

    might want to keep it i'm just gonnaleave a little bit of it right down there for fun now and then when it's dry if idecide it looks funny i can chop it off for now it could be really cute it could be her little tail so we are going to keep that therei'm going to take a diagonal forward section right herethen comb all this back so all of this is going to be meeting up with her fringe then have lots of really fun, long chunky pieces coming around her facethen it'll be a little bit shorter

    up around her ear.i'm going to use the razor just to get most of the length off i'm going to go in and chip away at it i'm going to take my scissors and i'm going to let the hair fall and cut some deep point cutsbe really careful around the ear with this make sure you are not cutting any of their face or ear

    and i'll notch out the texture for her ear you can put your hand underneath if you are nervous okay so then this little piece in theback that was really long i'm going to blend that into the hair that i cut right hereand you can see it's hanging like a half of an inch over her ear i might clean that up with the razor laterbut i do want to leave the length so that i can have more room to play with the texture i'm going to pull this over and blend the two sections together

    that takes care of thatreally long tail that we had but we still have this little chunk right here thats long i like that so we're gonna leave that for now alright so that's the ear we're gonna going to go over here and stick the scissors in like this the shears and walk out some chunks when i say walk with the scissorsi mean barely opening and closing like that that gives you a really fun textureyou can see it

    it's all around that is really fun i'm going to take the razor and texture this piece out a little bit moreit's a little bit thick still alright if you drop your comb get a new one because you're not supposed to put dirty combson peoples heads of course get a new clean combalright so that shape right around there it kind of comes to a point here and now we're gonna take down the restof this hair

    so go ahead and take one last parting we're going to follow around this guide that we have right here i'll bring this up to it and point cut it out so i can see this short part right here that's where i want it to meet up withi want it to go around her head okay let's chop it off to get some of the length off alright so now i'm going to go in and do some round layering around the edge so what we're going to do is take off this point i'm going to start just behind the ear

    i'm going to take this up and blend it into this the weight line that we have from theother section from pulling it straight-out so we're going to just go ahead andround it up with the head i'm going to point cut there we godo that all the way across to the front end alright so there is the short sidewe're going to go to the other side now

    and to the a line in the front if you remember we have this angle established already none of this hair should meet back here because i've already had her hair in a haircutbut in an a line haircut since you guys might not have that with your clients i'm gonna show you what you should do:so you already have this section all cutso you'll take the next section up from this oneand bring it back

    to the same guide that you established before that's at this angle you'll be able to see itand you will point cut and go all the way down and point cut all of this hair will eventually go backand be over directed to that back section and cut it and then that should take care ofyour front section alright so now for the fringewe are going to let this down and all this is going to be coming sonow all this will be coming forward and over let's do it like this there we gookay so we already have this

    area that we've already cutwe will take it and we will blend in that short piece to the long piece there's a couple ways to do thisyou can come on the opposite side and pull it back over and this isthe way i'm going to do it. so this section is just up here this little triangle that we took you're gonna find the shortest pieceand go a little bit longer than that you don't want to cut it quite that short and you're just gonna take the scissors and slide it down to cut the longer piece and then that should just blend it on overnow the basic haircut is done

    there is a lot of texturing i want to do with this i want to give her a little bit of spiky texture over here i'm gonna takethis section up here and curve it over and you can see the guide so this is stretched over from where itwould be the a line i'm taking this top section over here and stretching it over this way and point cutting into it to match it up to the shorter piece so you are going to take pie shaped sections on the top it's like a triangleyou bring it over here

    make sure that it matches that do another one there we go last one right here k so that should give you some layersfrom this short piece over on top i'm gonna go ahead and take thinning shears since it's still wetand thin this out because i can tell right now it's way bulkytheres tons of weight in itwe want it to be really soft and there's another combthat's two combs! there we gonumber 3. i have a pile of fresh combs

    back therebecause i really do drop my combs a lot i'm going to take the thinning shears and try to remove some of this heaviness right around her facewe want this to lay down and be soft and around her ear this is that section i was talking aboutthat was left over from the a line i think i am going to take some of it out to shape it in a little bitjust take the razor in and knock it out and the thinning shearsi'm going to take the thinning shears to this little section right here too

    she have tons of hair and then along this weight line in the back here too just to take some of that heaviness out i'm going to dry this now and flat iron itand i'll do some more cutting this is just some root pumpthe big sexy hair makes it oh my goshspray it across the room just a little bit in the crown area i'm blowdrying this forwardall of this will be coming forward

    this will be round brushed out this side i'm blowing up in the mohawk sectionjust to get the body in the crown loving this fun texture we have around her face i am going to chip away at this some more just to blend it in a little bit more so it's not hanging there and maybe just a little bit of texturethrough this you can see in the back it has this really fun shapeit swoops over and it has a hollow area here and then lots of thickness around here

    it's a really fun shape back there i'm going to flat iron it and we'll see how much texture we need to do she has a little bit of curl in her hair that's why i'm flat ironing it if you have somebody with really straight hair you don't need to flat iron it to do the texturei want to make sure i know where i'm getting the texture outand she will be styling it with a flat iron i need it to be straightthis is a disconnect here because we have this short section here that came in and then the bangs

    are blending it in i want to see a little bit more texture right here so i"m going to take the razor and put some more texture so i she can get some more height so it blends in a little bit moreit still is a good disconnect just from what i'm looking at i think that's what it needs also in the bangsand we can do this with the shears too i'll show you a couple techniquesthis is channel cutting where you cut out a channel

    stick them right in thereyou are slowly opening and closing the shears like this you're keeping that one blade stationary so it's not cutting the rest of the hair underneath it doesn't poke them in the head if you do it that way i'm gonna lift up this crown area andjust it's really dense i'm just gonna deep point cut in you can fan it out with your knuckleif you just shove your knuckle in like that i'll take this section and

    so some of that really deep point cutting also now i'm going to do some twist cuttingthis is really run take the little pieces right here you twist them up and take the shears and walk up that gives you some really fun texture and i will thin that because it's still too dense there we gosee how much softer that is you can see through it i want this to be a little bit more tight around her ear

    i will take the thinning shears up just texturize it and then if it's still too thick you can take the razorand cut out a little bit more that's better that gives it more of an anglein towards her face this waya better shape shear over combtexturizing a little bit more this way lots and lots of hairit's really thick in here too i'll take my shears

    do a little bit more channel cutting right in here so just to get some of the loose hair out i'm going to blow dry it again then to style this we're going to use a pomade maybe we'll use redkin todaythis is the rewind from redkin fun stuff it's a really soft pomadeit's moveable but it does give you some piece keeps the texture really soft and pliable let seei like working it around the face with this stuff

    there's that really long piecei like it i'm not going to cut it offbecause i think it's fun to have some personality in there there is a little bit right here in the back but it's cuteso i'm going to leave it i put it on my hands and work it through the hair alright you guysthat is our asymmetric haircut-/ one side pixie one side a line it's really fun and popular right nowkind of looks like the girl on wreck it ralph she's not blondif she was blond she'd totally be rocking the wreck it ralph hair and she smokin hot so watch out guys and i'm going to shoot it withsome big sexy hair spray

    to hold it in place because that rewind is not super stickylike i said it's softer so once you get your hair where you do like it you probably do need to shoot it with some hairspray this is one of the 3 series haircuts we are going to do on her the next one is going to be a really fun mohawk we are going to grow for like 6 weeks then we'll be back to show you that haircut i'm really excited because in a couple days i'm going to be shooting a video with a shear guy and he's going to tell us all the things we need to know about shearsand how to take care of them

    i've been getting a lot of questions about my thinning shears and all that stuffand we will take care of all those questions in the next video so make sure you tunein for that subscribe to my videos and make sure you give us a thumbs up and share this with your friends and we will see you guys next time thanks bye

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