homecoming hairstyles curly hair medium length

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homecoming hairstyles curly hair medium length

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welcome to step number 2 of the goddess braidshairstyle and in this that i will show you in detail step-by-step how to do goddess braidson your very own hair so to begin you want to make sure that you use your rat tail combto part off a big section of hair for your braid the nature of the style is to have verylarge braids across your head but as always you can part as small or as big as you likesomeone to part your hair and the table your hair with your detangling: you will then applyhair gel to the roots of your hair to further prep your hair for the style applying hairgel to the roots of your hair is optional but this is what gives your goddess braidsthat finished sleek look so once you've gelled the roots of your hair you will then sectionoff a large amount of extension hair and i

will show you the goddess braiding techniquesstep-by-step so first you start off by parting a section of your hair as a rule to followuse the 4 of your fingers to serve as a guide of how thick your braids will be you couldof course part them small or as big as you like so i will take the end of my rat tailcomb and part my first section when parting your hair make sure to part more narrow asyou near the back of your head so that all of your braids can be braided to the backof your so now you going to gel both sides of the roots of your part and then use yourduck bill clips to keep your hair sectioned so that you can braid your goddess braidsstep-by-step so now that your section has been prepped i will show you how to prep yourextension hair and then begin braiding so

now we are going to begin braiding at firstam going to show you how to prep your extension hair to you gonna grab one of your packagesof extension hair and you can locate the very bottom of your hair once you locate the bottomyou going to pull on some of the strands to give the ends more of a tapered look justlike this you want the ends to gradually get thinner so that when you braid your braidit doesn't end at a straight blunt cut but instead it tapers off to a more thin appearancefor a more natural looking braid so just pull your ends so they can become thin so there'sno blunt sharp edges to your extension hair and then you going to locate the middle ofyour extension hair and you are going to take off of the very big chunk so i am going totake off about half of this actual package

of hair because you want a lot of hair goddessbraids are very big braids so you need a lot of hair and now you are going to wrap thehair around your hands i am going to add a little bit more hair so now what you want to do is pinch this hairinto 2 parts but you want to pitch it into a 3rd so it's about this much separated goingto wrap this 3rd piece around two thirds piece so that you can form 3 equal legs to yourbraid so now as you begin you gonna bring this piece here that wrapped around that smallpiece of this was your one 3rd piece and this was your 2 thirds piece you are going to grabthis one 3rd piece and you going to place this piece right where it meets together behinda small section of your hair so i am going

to go up to my scalp and i am going to pinchof a small section here at the beginning of my part it doesn't have to be precise youjust need to pinch off a small section to begin so once you've done that you grab yourhair and you want to place this portion of your hair behind the parts even openings tolegs up and put it a round apart like that just like that so you are going to locateyour section of hair and you are going put it with this piece that was behind the partmake sure is very smooth at the beginning and you going to grab this hair with yourright hand now once you have grabbed the hair you going to pull this piece up here is onthe right side and you going to hook your index finger just like that just to hold itwith your index finger ad your thumb now with

this lose hair is now the point where yougoing to begin interweaving it so you can use your pincher finger to locate the middlesection of your hair here and you want to pinch going outward towards the left so becausethis strand of hair is loose towards the left side of your head you pinch from the middleof your hair and then you pinch a small piece out towards the left you ae going to grabthe weave with the hair once you grab it you then are going to twistyour right hand upwards so once you twist upwards to use the index finger of your lefthand you going to grab this piece of hair that is on the outer edge with your indexfinger and your thumb helping you make sure the hairs are separate you wantto move this hair up towards the other side

of so head so sometimes make some stray hairscaught in just one is separate it out then move this piece over now you have a new piecetowards the right side of your head see the index finger and your thumb and you are goingto locate the middle of your section of hair here and then you going to pinch towards theright side and use your thumbs up some your when she's done that you going to grab a sectionof the weave with your hand your entire hand you rotate your left hand upwards to turnonce you turn use your thumb and your index finger to grab this portion of hair here now pull this piece towards the left sideand repeat so you can use your index in your pincher finger to grab some hair here youstart at the middle of the section like this and then you going to pinch a little bit ofhair to put towards that loose section you

have right here going to grab that with yourentire hand turn your left hand upward and grab the outer edge of the hair with yourpincher and your thumb to loosen the section here you are going to repeated again thistime in the right side of your pincher finger pinch the middle section and then pinch asmall piece here that's going to go towards the outer strand and what i mean by pinchthrough the middle section is that you are to pinch to the middle this area and thenyou want to pitch to the middle and then scoop this piece of hair onto your section so thatway you're not grabbing too much hair over here from the other side in your braid looksa little funky so now you are going to make sure you separate the hair out grab with yourentire hand and take your other hand and turn

it upwards and grab the section up here whichis your thumb and index and is going to continue to repeat the process so far i've taught youhow to do your goddess braids step by step and i first showed you how to braid braidingthe right side of my head here and then i went ahead and assayed a portion of hair andupbraided the rest of my braids that you see here on the left side so now i saved thislast portion to show you once again at a different angle how to do goddess braids so my hairhas been already sectioned it's been detangled and i'm going to apply hair gel here at thebeginning of my part on my roots on this and for my roots on the other side of my partas well so now what you're going to do is pinch off a small section at the beginningof your area this will determine exactly how

far back or close to your roots your braidwill begin my braid will begin somewhere right here so that's what i'm going to section withmy fingers so that's how far back my braid will be and now i am going to reach to mytable and i am going to grab my section of hair so what you want to do is pinch off avery large chunk of hair the amount of hair you pinch off will determine how to thickyour actual braids will be so this is a package of hair and i am grabbing about half of itssize you want to just give it a good feel to see if this the thickness you will wantyour braids to be separate it from the bundle that when you separate your hair you wantto make sure to locate the bottom section and slightly pull on different pieces to giveit a tapered look at by making sure the hair

starts to thin down at the ends it will makeyour braids look very natural you can do this your entire package when remove it out ofits package for you can do this section at the time so now you going to divide this hairto 2 pieces going to pinch off the 3rd from its amount so that you have a 3rd and twothirds separate it then you can wrap this 3rd section around the two thirds sectionand now this 3rd section is one of the legs of your braid this and this is your otherleg make sure you have a hair separate really nice clean so that way hairs will randomlyget caught different sections that you take this 3rd piece that was your one third needa place this piece behind your part when go to scalp make sure my hair is divided outof the way like that bring the hair around

this is the two thirds section we had youopen it up so you can place the hair right behind the part there and grab your real hairhere make sure it's very flat and smooth and you are going to add it to that leg that youput behind your part just like this so making sure you have all of your hair gathered youare going to take your right hand and you going to make sure to just grab that sectionhere with your fingers grab the section on the right side of your head here pull it upand you can wrap your fingers around just a hold of their temporarily so once you moveyour piece back you can better adjust your hands so what i'm going to do is grab my entirehand around that section of this piece around my index finger and my thumb just like thatand now i have a free leg so make sure all

the hair is gathered all together and nowyou are going to separate a section of your real hair so that you can add it to this legso use your next finger to pinch or to start here at the middle of your section and thenpart outwards that way towards the section of hair here so grab a small amount and addto this new section make sure you are grabbing with your entire hand makes sure to turn yourright hand upward so you turn in upward and what you're going to do is use your indexfinger to grab this hair here that is at the top here and its super important that youuse the same amount of tension on all of the legs of your braid so now this piece hereis free because you rotated your hand and you are going to move this is out-of-the-wayso that doesn't get caught and now you are

going to pinch off your new section of yourhair here so locate the middle here of your real hair and you are going to pinch off towardsthis side where this loose piece of extension is separate your real hair add your real hairto that leg grab with your entire hand grab your entire hand you are going to rotate yourleft hand now upwards so that way you can turn the fist towards your face directionso you just turn this way to reveal this piece you hook it with your next finger and yourthumb to add it to that hand now this piece is free you are going to do the same thingagain you always want to locate your real hair the middle section here and divide withyour finger going outward the reason why you do this is because if you grab too much hairfrom the left side or the right side when

you are braiding this will make its way yourbraid will start to look lopsided and funny because you grabbed too much hair so by goingtowards the middle and then moving your index finger outward toward loose piece of hairthis great more of a seamless braid so now gather all of the hair in your hand and thenturn your right hand upward so that the backside of your fist is facing toward direction yourindex finger and your thumb to grab that top piece and you are going to continue to repeatso i will remove these hairs out of the way locate your hair pinch that middle sectionand grab the hair outward just like that separate with your fingers add that to your leg thatstands alone grab it all together pulling all the pieces very tightly turn your handupward you are going to use your index finger

your thumb to grab that piece of hairs uptop and move the hair that was behind to the side locate your real hair pinch from the middletake this with your fingers slide your fingers through were the middle is and then go outwardto the side where ever the loose extension leg is which is on the left side now gatherall of your real hair and the leg of the extension in one hand turn your right hand upward soyou can grab the new piece with your pincher finger and thumb so that you can let it goon this side now the same thing locate the middle section of your real hair and pinchoutward towards that direction where your extensions lie which is here grab with yourentire hand rotate your left hand upward to grab this piece here with your thumb and indexfinger you just want to braid that as you

are nearing the end of your braid if you everhave any legs of your braid that shorted another it is going to pinch off some of the hairfrom one of the legs and add it to your short leg of your braid and then just continue braidingalso as you can clearly see this braid is shorter than my braid i have here so it’sgoing to ends off somewhere down here and to show you exactly how to make it braidsso right at the moment where this braid that i am braiding is actually starting to thinwhich is happening about right here i am going to let go and grab another section of hairso you are just and grab your hair going to pinch off a small section about this big ifyou have the size braids that i have you have small braids in smaller section now that youhave that hair you going to cut it in half

and then you are going to pull some of thehair is to give it a tapered look towards the end just making sure you have any straightpieces so once there is no more blunt pieces in your section you going to begin addingit to braid so locate the middle area of the hair here bring it up and you can open upall of the legs of the brain and the braid legs you can add the hair on his you can addit onto this leg here and you can add on to that middle lake here so this outer leg inthe middle leg is where you are going to add the hair added to the middle lake in the areout of that and you going to presume braiding and when the leg is shorter than another pinchoff a little here added to the shortest leg just like that and then you continue braidingand this that in this step of the goddess

braids hairstyle i taught you how to do thegoddess braiding techniques step-by-step to review you want to make sure to part a largesection of your real hair and thoroughly detangle that section afterword’s you will applyhair gel to the roots of your hair applying hair gel to your hair will ensure were verybleak and polished look but apply hair gel is optional after you've applied your gelyou will then pinch a large section of extension braiding hair you will separate the hair totwo-parts and use the parts to form 3 legs for your braid when you start braiding doingyour technique you want to take your time to make sure that you apply the same amountof tension on your real hair and also on each leg of the braid that serves for your goddessbraid extension also a couple of tips that

i've shown you as well is how to add moreextension hair onto the ends of your braids to make your braid longer now that you knowthe braiding technique and now that you know how to make your extensions braids longeryou will continue the same techniques throughout your hair until your style is complete andthen in the next step, step number 3 i will show you how to style goddess braids

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