homecoming hairstyles easy

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homecoming hairstyles easy

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the march of fools producer park chong-chan planninglee eun-bong kim jae-woong screenplay & adaptation choi in-hoever heard of a toothbrush? cinematography jung il-sung you need a bath! lighting son yeong-cheol music kang keun-shiksingers song chang-sik kim sang-bae why so much grime?

assistant cinematographer joo hong-shikchoi chan-kyu ha jae-young lee tae-sul - what's wrong with you?- syphilis, sir! - what type?- foreign, sir! - rejected!- rejected! assistant gaffer park joo-il heo myung-heejeon young-cheol yoon jung-hee art director kim yu-junediting hyeon dong-chun - that's one handsome dick.-thanks. - 63!- 63! photograph kim byung-oakscript han tae-suk prop kim ho-kill

stand still! 48! recording lee jae-woong effect choi hyeong-raedeveloping hankook natural color developing studio production manager lee cheol-gumanagement choi se-young production supervisor yang chun kang young-cheol! new faces byung- tae: yun mun-seop(sungkyunkwan univ.)young-cheol: ha jae-young(chungang univ.) young- ja: lee young-ok(seoul institute of the arts)soon-ja: kim young-suk(sookmyung women's univ.)

kim sang- bae(yonsei univ.)jeong se-geun(hankuk univ. of foreign studies)park gyu-hyeon(hongik univ.) kim il-yeong(hongik univ.) look here. - now can you see?- yes, sir. read it! jo byeong-geun(yonsei univ.) park no-rang(korea univ.)yu min-ju(sogang univ.) lee hye-jun(ewha woman's univ.) o... special appearanceyou scamp! next! hah myung-joong - anything wrong with you?- yes!

kim hee-rayes, sir lee gi-dongwhat? mun oh-jangpoor eyesight. lee ill-woongi can see that. grade c, rejected! pardon? yoon il-bongyou're grade c. park amrejected! yes, sir. choi nam-hyunrejected...

lee cheolgrade c! lee seung-hyunnext! assistant directorpark tae-yeong kim song-won kim byung-tae! - anything wrong with you? anything to say?- no, sir. - pass!- pardon? grade a. you passed! director ha gil-jongi see. grade a pass! plato argued that art is uselessin the construction of an ideal state.

it's the very antithesisof aristotle's argument. plato described art's role in utopiawith the extreme term 'useless.' and he had his reasons. to attain the inherent objective of art,fiction is a necessity. but fiction can render utopia useless. that's it for today. - so my beloved philosophy freshmen...- there he goes again! - a year of loneliness and alcohol and credits...- get to the point! we're all worn out from the battle...

now that we're nearingthe end of the year... - we must live it up as college students.- think you're a professor? - beloved college comrades!- you're not our professor! did you brush your teeth this morning? the co-eds of the french departmentnext door... - now you're talking!- agreed to a blind date with us! - hey, cycle!- you're the best, cycle! even you brutes know thatthe french co-eds of hansung give brigitte bardot a run for her money.

they're known for lookingall sweet and delicious. so i expect full attendance. - you hear me?- we hear you! truants are traitors! - how much do we pay?- two bucks. that's too much!that's 20 bowls of noodles. but we're talking aboutfrench department beauties! - pay up if you want a ticket.- here! - b, byung- tae!- what?

- you going?- why not? truants are traitors, right? - but i'm broke.- so am i. - lend me 2 bucks.- i said i'm broke! come on!i'll pay you back in a month. how? by winning the housing lottery? - move!- you think you run the housing lottery? hey, i'll pay 10% interest. - you serious?- yeah! 10%!

- alright then. that'll be...- you call yourself a friend? fine! here you go. - thanks.- you must pay me back. - hey! cycle! cycle!- what? we want tickets. - tickets.- m, me, too. - number?- 7! - no.- why not? - number 7's mine.- why you little...

- wait!- but you're the host! there's only 13 and 4 left.you buying or not? lucky 13 and cleanup hitter 4? fine! it's either do or die! - i'll take 13!- number 4 for me! you're 13 and i'm 4. who's my beloved?where could she be? - listen.- yeah? - get squeaky clean.- yeah!

- we may meet our future wives.- that feels good! finally getting rid of the grime... - i'm 4.- i'm 13. number 13. this suit looks like my grandfather's!you know how to tie this? - do it for me.- you have so much to learn. - how do i look?- exactly like byung-tae. - looking good!- just like movie stars! hey! you with the long hair!

- what's wrong?- come here! come here! - i'm calling you!- it's a cop. run! - run! run!- right. we don't want to end upwith half-shaven heads. thought you could run from me, eh? why call me? why call me? long hair! why call when i've turned away?

you were cold when i was poutingso why? why? why? stop there! long hair! hurry! sir! it's an emergency! - this way!- good day, sir! why call me? why call me?why call when i've turned away? you keep setting my heart aflutter no, no, i shouldn't listen to you no, no, i shouldn't look back

you're just calling me for fun so i mustn't fall for you again i can't hear your voicewhen your heart's not in it i can't hear youno matter how loud your shout - the date starts at six?- yeah, in 30 minutes. - why the fuss over our hair?- they say long hair's unsightly. we can't turn up for a datewith shaved heads. let's see... - look, sir.- what? we have a blind date tonight.

and our dates are real hot. so what? been there, done that. college students are a dime a dozen. you need to be taught a lesson.you're a plague! aw... c, come on, sir! what's wrong with you?why are you stuttering like an idiot? come on, you were young once, too. - shut up and sit down.- aw...

sit! born in 1953. name, kim byung- tae. hansung university freshman. department of philosophy. same age... kang young-cheol... a student's duty is to study hard... what the... hey! you! why call me? why call mewhy call when i've turned away? - what's the time?- we're late!

our very first date and it's ruined already. - number?- what's my number? - you're 13 and i'm 4.- 13's over there. number 4, this way. your table. huh? but... - you're number 4?- yes. - sorry for being late.- your drops. - th, thanks.- your croquette.

hey! where's the large tray? what a jerk! you know the statue of admiral lee downtown? hey! cycle!come here, you little shit. what? can't you see i'm busy? where's my date? i paid my two bucks.so where's my date? how would i know? - spit it out!- what?

- my two bucks!- you kidding? the gum you're chewingplus those drops and croquette... and a bottle of coke.you got what you paid for. you take me for a fool? - are you number 13?- yeah. someone's asking for you.at the cafe across the street. me? huh? it's raining? - are you 13?- that's me.

is that so? you're cute. you must be my date.why are you out here? me? something cropped up. i thought of standing you up,but i felt sorry for you. - so is it fun in there?- not at all. it's a bore. why don't we go in? there's going to bea lucky draw for a guitar. who knows? we might win the guitar.

no thanks.i need to go somewhere. - where?- none of your business. i need to run. so long. but... er... hey! hey! lady!you can't run off like this! at least tell me your name. - it's oh young-ja.- i'm kim byung-tae. - sorry, but i must run.- huh? wait! - i'll go with you.- where?

wherever you're going.can't i go with you? - it's fine with me, but...- let's go then. i brought your share of drops and croquette. - oh my!- here. where are we going? a close friend fell sick.i'm paying her a visit. is that so? i'm sorry. - hey! look!- what? - what a bore.- but wait! su, soon-ja!

- what's wrong with your friend?- liver cancer. - is it critical?- very. is that so? how sad... - wait here. i won't take long.- alright. - one glass, please.- sure. didn't expect rain. hrumph! - why this late night visit?- just for fun. just for fun? - why? can't i drop by?- you can.

- coffee?- no thanks. why are you here?i'm sure it's not just for fun. - to be honest, it's about my grades.- grades? that's not good. you should've brought it upin school, not at my place. - but you haven't finished grading.- yes, i have. - i've submitted your grades.- you're lying! - what's that then?- huh? - darn...- how did i do? oh young-ja, oh young-ja...

here it is. - you're in trouble.- why? what's wrong? look at your grade. oh no! why did i get only 30 points? look at your answer! discuss meursault's psyche in part 1of camus' the stranger and you give me this? 'only camus himself would know, and for us readersto analyze meursault's mind is

an insult to this great book.' you call that an answer? - even 30 points was generous.- but 30's an f! - i can't get an f.- but look at your answer! even 30's a lot.i can't give you more. - off with you.- no, no, no... if that's what you came for, just go. don't be cruel.all i ask for is a c. please? - no.- then a d.

- i said no!- then an e. there's no e. it's f after d. oh no... i can't get an f. i had no time to studybecause of drama practice. and the play premieres tomorrow. - i'm ruined!- oh bother... - then how about this?- i'm done for! i'll give you another chance.hand in an essay by tomorrow.

- by tomorrow?- tomorrow. so stop crying, alright? and don't tell anyone about this. - i won't.- and please stop crying. - good night.- you, too. stop crying, girl. please! - by tomorrow?- yes, yes... stop crying, for god's sake! - good night.- stop crying and go home.

good night. - sorry i took so long.- that's alright. - how's your friend?- she's recovering. - shall we go then?- i'm hungry. let's eat something. - a bowl of noodles, please.- sure. uhm... - ever read camus' the stranger?- yeah... ooh, you must be smart!that's good! i know we just met,but can you do me a favor?

- what favor?- be a man! when a lady asks for a favor,a man says yes first. alright. yes. write an essay for meand i'll give you tickets to a play. huh? - a play?- i'll be in a play next week. you're an actress?are you the lead? no, but it's a memorable supporting role. i don't have time for the essaybecause of practice.

so i'm asking you.i'll buy you a drink. - one more shot.- sure. you're a philosophy major,so you must read a lot. - a fair bit.- good. you'll do it? alright. i'll bring it to you. so we meet tomorrow? - hey! it stopped raining.- let's go, then. i'll say goodbye here. - there's a bus that takes you home?- yes.

don't forget my essay.it's 20 manuscript pages. alright, but... - do me a favor.- what is it? - drop the honorifics.- honorifics? right. we're the same age,so the formal talk feels awkward. so we talk like friends from now? - al...right.- right. - bye bye!- see you tomorrow.

thanks for today. don't forget my essay! the stranger, please. so this is the stranger. yes, my lady. - my fiery youth...- oh, you're hurting me... it's unthinkable thatmy passion could cause you pain. - then i shall...- what are you doing? i'm touching your dress instead.

- such softness...- stop, i beg you. - hush, my lady.- you're tickling me! calm down, my lady. - they're really funny!- don't you know how i feel? this smell, this scent... i've never seen such beautiful weaving. such superb quality! craftsmanship has truly improved. to be honest,that's not the happiness i desire.

the happiness i long forshines brightly elsewhere. that's because your loveis not for anything of this world. hey, byung-tae!those gals are hilarious! my heart is not made of stone. here's what i think. your prayers are all towards heaven. nothing on this earthcould kindle your desire. but not even our lovethat will last for eternity could ever snuff out earthly love.

that's true, but... so who's young- ja?why hasn't she appeared? quiet! their makeup's so thicki can't tell who's who. isn't she the lead?the play's almost over! what a bore.i'm taking a nap. hey! there she is! - there...- where? - wh, where?- that butler. a letter came for you.

have a nice day.off i go! well done!bravo, butler! - give her the bouquet!- she's missing. - give her the... what?- i don't see young-ja. no butler. i brought flowers. - you came! did you see me?- yes! you were a superb butler. - ooh, really?- of course! supporting roles with such characterare harder than the lead.

hey! you were great! - here.- you saw me? let's go! drinks are on me. i'm a person... who's never done a thingon his own before. i failed the entrance exam for middle school. and failed again for high school. there's absolutely nothingi can achieve on my own. can't even hammer a nail.

it's true. we're all idiots.half-wits! fools! you know how i got into college? my rich family bought me a placein the philosophy department. the only thing i can do... is this. that's cool. not everyone can do a trick like that. i'm going to make a lot of money. just watch. i'm going to be rich.

i'll roll my tobacco in banknotes. but how will you get rich?your major's philosophy! how can a philosopher make money? i'm going to sell pipes. you know the kind witha hole to stick in your cigarette? you can't smoke when it's raining. so my idea is tostick an umbrella here like this. watch. it rains.your cigarette gets wet.

so you open the umbrellato keep your cigarette dry. i'm going to make a fortune. pipe factory owner kang young-cheol.how's that? what will you do with your money? i'll build a red-roofed modern house. i'll plant roses in the gardenand buy a car too. i'll make money on my own. and then i'll go whale hunting. there's a whale in the east sea.a pretty whale.

i'm going to catch it. you and your drunken whale talk.let's go. it's late. bill, please! - let's go.- hey! let's go whale hunting!let's catch that whale! what are you up to now? click! click, click, click, click! - what brings you here?- will you buy me lunch?

i don't have time.surgery duty. never mind then.see you around. - bye bye!- goodbye! lecture hall 6 lecture canceled due to soccer finalwe're up against korean lit.come cheer our team! - take it!- pass! pass! faster! move! this way!

my ball! korean lit. : philosophy2:0 korean lit. well done! go, byung-tae, go! byung-tae!stop dribbling and shoot! take the ball! byung-tae! go for it!go! go! go! byung-tae!

byung-tae! go for it! young-ja! watch! oh darn... your whistling's good. - later...- what? come again? - later, when our time has come...- our time? what will you be doing?what will i be doing? - we'll be married.- of course. - but to who?- to each other.

why you smart mouth!take it back! why should i?i'm not taking it back. - i'm not marrying you.- why not? we're the same age. you'll be in the army soon, and3 years later you have to graduate. by the time you get a job,i'll be an old maid! mother says a girl should be soldwhen her price is at its peak. i don't want to be a bargain sale.besides, you're a philosophy major. what use is a philosophy degreein supporting a wife?

- but i have a dream.- what dream? a seagull's dream? - no, byung-tae's dream.- byung-tae's dream? yeah, byung-tae's dream. - young-ja.- yes? - you're real pretty.- what? pretty? you must be blind. - pretty girls are a dime a dozen.- no, you're pretty. - young-ja, shall we kiss?- why you little... how dare you talk like that? get your hands off me!

- young-ja, please, just once!- what's gotten into you? - are you mad?- young-ja... - what?- just one kiss, please? - have you lost your mind?- just once... go away! shoo! the important thing you hadto talk about was this? i can see right through you. we learnt self-defense in gym classto deal with lechers like you. how was that?

i'm dying, young-ja! byung-tae! byung-tae! what now? let me pop the pimples on your forehead. i've been itching to do something about them. why carry pimples around? are you mad?why are you laughing? that's disgusting!leave my face alone. - byung-tae!- yoo-hoo! yoo-hoo!

are you mad?you think we're on a mountain? yoo-hoo!anyone kissing right now, drop dead! anyone drinking right now, drop dead!anyone sleeping, drop dead! - what's up?- hello! what's up? haven't heard from you for so long. i missed you.want to meet up? you serious? have i ever lied to you?let's have fun tonight. - shall we call chungja and okja?- yes.

here i am! he's finally here. - why are you just standing there?- why should i meet them? - why not?- i'm leaving. i hate being around a bunch of girls. - your friends?- yes. come and say hello. no. i'm going back home.why did you call me anyway? - they want to meet you.- who? - my friends.- what a joke!

what do they want?is this some boyfriend audition? oh my! you smart mouth! they want to meet youbecause you're my friend. if they're going to fleece me,they can forget about it. i have less than a dollar on me. come here for a second. take this and buy them some beer. - where did you get this?- shut up and do as i say. you're paying me to impress your friends?

pretend i'm your rich boyfriend to make your friends envy you? smart mouth! come on. - hello, nice to meet you.- sit here. - we heard so much about you.- we meet again. this is chungja, okja, and you've metsoon-ja. we're all classmates. i'm kim byung-tae. - you look like an actor.- like charles bronson! - really, you're handsome.- like a gunman with water pistols!

don't be selfish.fix us up with your single friends. - someone like you.- why you... i'm starving.what about you, young-ja? i'm not hungry, but beer would be nice. - right! that'll be a treat.- it'll be my treat then. let's go. - wow!- really? - you're the best!- just like charles bronson! are you good drinkers? - not too bad.- just so- so.

- it's my biggest regret.- what is? - being born a girl.- why? what's wrong with being a girl? a woman's lot is patheticin this time and age. you get married, have babies,live off a man, wait on your in-laws... i'm sick of such talk. i envy you, young-ja.maybe i'll steal byung-tae from you. i just might date him behind your back. - how about it, byung-tae?- you sassy thing! it'll be an honor.

- i need more beer.- let's order more then. - can we?- of course. oh my, you're so nice! - here! we'll have another round!- and some munchies! - what would you like?- dried filefish. here! we'll have some dried cod. - here, finish this.- alright. we should get going. - yeah.- right.

- thanks for the treat.- thanks. - sorry for bingeing.- that's alright. - we had a good time.- goodbye. - excuse us...- bye bye! - bye, byung-tae.- i'll leave this with you. - aren't my friends cool?- cool, my foot! - why?- they're bad news. - you made me lose my watch!- you pawned it? yeah! your money only covereda fraction of what your friends guzzled!

oh no! what should we do?i'm so sorry. i took five months to buy it back,only to lose it again in one day! and it was water-proof! don't be such a sissy!it's just a watch! you're worse than a girl. attention! at ease! right! left!

forward, march! one! about turn!count your steps! - 1, 2!- 1, 2! - 1, 2, 3, 4!- 3, 1, 2! - 1, 2, 3, 4!- 1, 2, 3, 4! - fly, birds, fly...- hey, kid! yes? - you live here?- yes. you have an older sister, right?a college girl?

- her name's soon-ja?- yes. - who are you?- a friend of soon-ja's. has she left? - not yet.- good. thanks, kid. 1, 2, 3, 4! 1, 2... 3, 4!1, 2, 3, 4! 1, 2, 3, 4!1, 2... hello there!if it isn't miss soon-ja! - what are you doing here?- i'm on my way to school.

- you cycle to school?- yes. my very own car. i never thought i'd run into youwhile driving to school! why don't you get on?i'll give you a ride to school. no thanks.i don't have life insurance. i plan to take out insurancebefore i get on a bicycle. this isn't a bicycle.it's my car! come on!we were fated to meet this morning. so get on. come on. grab on to me.like this!

off we go! thanks. you saved me bus fare. you're welcome. i'll give you a ride everyday if you wish. i have to run or i'll be late for class. - thanks again.- er... uhm... wait... - well...- what is it? - are you free tonight?- why? - i'd like to take you out.- for beer? on you?

- gladly!- then meet me at six at the goldfish. - alright.- bye bye! th, thank you. - seen byung-tae?- why are you all smiles? he was heading for the infirmary.he's probably there now. - thanks.- see you. - take your card.- oh, i almost forgot. - and take this too.- what's this for? - it's a token.- a token?

the price of our blood, huh? remember the girl from the blind date?kang soon-ja? she promised to go out with me tonight. but you know me.i've never dated a girl before. so i need you to play coach. - what coach?- date coach. you're kidding! but you're the dating guru! i've never chatted up a womanother than my mother!

- and i want my money back.- what money? the money i lent you for the blind date.two bucks. frisk me all dayand you still won't get a cent. forget the interest.just pay me back now. i need it for tonight's date! all i have on me are my two balls. - you think i won't frisk you?- be my guest! - stand on your hands.- fine! - leave me 20 cents for bus fare!- jackpot!

let me keep 20 cents! - let's go.- i can't tag along! a date is a one-on-one thing. a man who bringshis sidekick to a date is a loser. besides, i'm giving private tution tonight. can't you call it off?it's just one day! i can, but you still should go alone. at this rate, you'll drag me alongon your honeymoon! rubbish!

this is the place, right?in you go. have fun! - bye!- hey! - where's your loyalty?- see you! you asked me outto watch you stack matchsticks? what? er... no... - what's your favorite song?- why? i'll request it for you. excuse me, can i write a memo? what would you like to hear?

i don't like music so don't bother. oh? then i'll... - more coffee please...- we just had coffee. you don't want more? let's go.you promised to buy beer. i'm going to make a fortunewith my pipe invention. when i'm rich, i'll travel to the east sea. i'll take the slow train thereand catch a whale. how boring.

there's a pretty whale living inside my heart. to the east sea to catchthe mythical whale roaming the blue waters! i heard that story the last time. i'm a stupid fool. a dim-wit, idiot, dumbheadborn one month too early. would you like another pint? - sure.- yes, sir. you should stop.you're drunk. and it's time for me to go home.

i'm drunk? me? not at all!and i can prove it. she sells seashells on the seashore. peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. i need to make a phone call. hey! mister!we're closing. - closing? closing what?- we're closing shop. but i'm waiting for my girlfriend.she's making a phone call. - who?- the girl i was drinking with.

she's gone.she left two hours ago. you'll break the curfewif you don't go now. - i'm not going!- come on, get up! it's already half past eleven. - she'll be back.- you can't even pay your bill! - she's coming back!- come on... - i'm not...- there, there... - who goes there? stop!- who is it? who are you?what are you up to?

i'm korean. - what?- what? - huh?- what the...? - name!- kang young-cheol. - occupation?- student. - elementary, high school or college?- college. a college student shouldn't be out drinking. - where do you live?- don't know. - you don't know?- i'm homeless.

oh bother... look, you're drunk, right?say 'ah...' phew... definitely drunk.where were you going? - to the east sea.- what? where? the east sea. what a rascal...you're hopelessly drunk. - see here!- yes, sir. - lock him up.- yes, sir. thank you, sir.

can i take a drag? - hey!- whoa! just one drag. someone's smoking!can i take a drag, please? - can i take a drag?- let me take a drag! those who wish to go will be excused. you don't have to go if you wish to stay. i know there's cheering practice,so you're free to go. - what about attendance?- no roll call today.

i won't mark you absent. - let's get out of here.- let's go. come on, let's go! - coming, byung-tae?- i'm staying. - let's go, man.- i said i'm staying. your choice. i'm going. cheering practice day in day out. byung-tae! erase the board. ideal state

deal state deal tate al tate al take you know what this country needs most? - money.- oil, of course. - it's not money.- why not? so what do you thinkthis country needs most? i think what this country needs most today

is trust among fellow men. what? trust? what's there to trust in this world? everything in this world is fake. and yet i trust.in fellow man i trust. - i trust.- you mean it? yes, i do. alright then. let's test that. we'll put your trust theory to the test.

here's 50 cents. we'll buy the paper with this.the paperboy won't have change. so we'll tell him to goand bring back change. good idea. but if he doesn't come back,your 50 cents will be gone! 50 cents isn't small change, you know. then young-cheol will pay you back. - how about it?- fine. i'm in. - good.- all set?

- paper...- where's the paperboy? where is he? - boy!- yes? come here. - bring back the change.- i don't have change. so go and bring back change. then i'll leave my bundle with you. - what for?- no reason. - just come back with the change.- run along.

alright. - he's crazy if he comes back.- i wouldn't if i were him. it's not that boy, but we who're crazy. we're the crazy foolswho just lost 50 cents' worth of booze. 50 cents down the drain. he'll be back.i'm sure of it. waiting for godot?godot didn't come in the end either! he'll be back. - he will?- whatever...

trusting our love to stay true who said it first? let me think my youth, so burdened with thought missing you when we're apart it's been half an hour.he's not coming. - we've been abandoned.- there goes 50 cents. - oh, our poor 50 cents.- let's go. i'm starving. - yeah, let's go.- yeah.

- come on. i'm starving.- i'm waiting. i'm waiting right here until he comes. hey, are you out of your mind? just admit you lost.a real man cuts his losses fast. - let's go.- i said i'm waiting. fine. we'll wait 10 more minutes. - come on.- yeah. we're going with or without you. - bye.- later, young-cheol!

see you, young-cheol! - huh?- hey? sorry i took so long. i got caught for jaywalkingon my way back with your change. the cop made me stand there for an hour. thank you, boy.you saved my life. what? selling the paper makes you happy? of course.

- you're our big brother. you're the better man.- thanks. newspaper! newspaper! how cooped up those deer must feel. yeah. - have you ever liked somebody?- yes. - my high school teacher.- not like that. - yes again.- who? i could love someonewho's just like my father. - how about me?- you're out.

don't you shave? young men who don't shave put me off. i might be getting married. - what are you talking about?- why? think i can't? - lucky you.- yeah. you must be real happy. but of course. i wish i were a boy.it's such a pity i was born a girl. if i were a man, i'd be a real casanova.

women in this countryare definitely being shortchanged. - don't get married.- i will. i'll ask for your hand in good time. what? oh my!how dare you say that? take it back now! - i wonder whose grave that is.- who knows? - let's stay for a while.- what for? thinking of the dead always makes me sad. who do you think is buried here?

someone who was once aliveand went to school like us. but why is he here now?poor thing. he can't be with loved onesor eat stuff he used to like. all he can do is lie here. but the dead get to dream forever. - what dreams? a seagull's dream?- no, a dead man's dream. - let's sit here.- what for? what are you doing? i'm saying goodbye and sweet dreams.

goodbye. - what are you doing?- - standing here.- i can see that. - what are you up to these days?- st, studying, sir. if you're up to no good,i'll take you out of school. and get a haircut.you're a mess. - what are you doing, father?- here talking to you. i need money. that's the only thing you saywhenever you see me.

- you ran out of boarding fees already?- yes. i have to go now. i'm telling you again,you better not be up to no good. - here.- thank you. - how's it going, boys?- anything exciting happening? actually, yes. there's a drinking contestat the baldhead tonight. - what? a drinking contest?- a what contest? - tonight?- yeah.

- free booze?- of course. and the winner gets free drinks for a month. so who'll be the contestantfrom the philosophy department? - byung-tae of course.- who else? i'm the philosophy contestant? - no thanks.- come on! you're our best bet. it's a chance to show off your talent. - go for it!- why turn down free booze? - yeah!- shall i?

- yeah! you're our man!- yeah. philosophy some ground rules beforewe start the second round. college of humanities drinking contest for this round, contestantsmust down five mugs in a row then give the correct answersto the jury's questions. introducing the jury!the owner of this pub, mr. lee kidong! and choi inho from the graduate course!

you may take your seats.please sit down. alright.sit down, please. - please sit down.- right. let's begin. contestants, fill your mugs to the brim. - no breaks allowed.- go, byung-tae! - wait!- go! go! no spilling on purpose, and no tricks. you may begin.

first mug. - no spilling!- go! go! - pretend it's soju!- don't spill a drop! - drink or die!- gulp it down! don't come up for air!down it in one gulp! right on! to drink or not to drink,that is the question. second mug. third mug.

fourth mug. fifth mug. you passed the drinking part. now stand straight.you must stand straight. one of the contestants is swaying. and down he goes! it's the german lit. major.disqualified! now, time to thread the needle. thread your needles.

you have three minutes to thread the needle. one minute gone.two minutes to go. the psychology major has fallen! you must win, byung-tae! two minutes gone.one minute left. your time is almost up. how many will pass this test i wonder? the air's thick with tension. time's up.

only three survivors.korean lit., philosophy and english lit. are still in the race. let's move on. time to drink five more mugs. english lit. is down for the count. - too bad. disqualified!- get up! the last two standing arefrom english lit. and philosophy. now the jury will ask you some questions. first, to the english lit. major.

- what's your name?- kim sunchol. what's 36 times 6? 42 sing ding dong bell but skip the g's and l's. start singing. din don be... pussy's in the...we... who... put her... to the philosophy major.

- what's your name?- kim byung-tae. what's 42 times 6? - 48.- 52! 52! sing baa baa black sheepbut skip the b's and l's. aa aa lack sheep have you any woo... it's a tie. both got the math question wrong. - i'll keep going.- i'll keep going.

young-ja?it's young-cheol, byung-tae's buddy. we're in a bit of a fix. we had this drinking contestfor humanities majors. byung-tae's stone-drunk and won't budge. he keeps calling your name. he's glued himself to the table. he keeps asking for you. so? why is it my business? what's byung-tae getting drunkgot to do with me?

please. we're at the crow near city hall. he'll be fine once he sees you.so please... hello? hello? i'll get going now.young-ja will be here soon. - get lost!- i have to go now. - i'm sick of it all...- young-ja's coming. so have a good time. - going out? long time no see.- what's your problem?

- you've gotten prettier.- what a jerk. - what are you doing here?- get lost! hey! well, well! if it isn't young-ja! why are you moping around? a young man has no excuseto be moping around. - it's just that i'm so lonely.- lonely? why would you feel lonely?get up! up! go home and moan all you want.this is a pub!

men acting pathetic in public put me off. - get up! you can't even stand?- don't do this to me. fine. moan all you want then.here! soju, please! good. what the...?young-ja! are you mad? stop nagging. go easy.that's soju, not beer! why do you care?you stupid dumbhead idiot!

- it's been snowing since you went away...- young-ja! stop it! - it's been snowing...- we're in a pub, young-ja! - let go of me!- it's close to the curfew. let's go. - since you went away...- young-ja! i said let's go. let go!take your hands off me! young-ja! get a hold of yourself! - get up!- let go of me! - walk straight, young-ja!- nooo... - people will stare. sober up!- you pathetic...

- got you!- what the...? sober now?i know just how to deal with drunks like you. why would i drink a whole bottle of soju? i threw it out under the table. - i have to talk to you, soon-ja.- i'm busy. - are you free tonight?- oh bother... soon-ja! - can you hear me?- what? - can you hear me?- yeah.

- let's stop seeing each other.- what? - we'll stop seeing each other.- but why? just because. don't even call me. pass the soap. - here you go.- thanks. but didn't you sayyou and i are just friends? you said we're friends. not anymore.don't even call me. yo!

it's me! bye bye. you there! you can't go cycling on roadsnot meant for bicycles. what were you thinking, huh? this is a car. you actually think it's safe for bicycles? - but this is my car.- that's a bicycle, not a car! are you a student? answer me!and what's with your hair?

shouldn't you know betterif you're a student? - where were you going?- that way. - to catch that whale.- what? whale? - yes. that whale over there.- that's a bus, not a whale! that's a whale. stop playing the fool.i'm taking you in. - i'm off to catch my whale!- hey you! - that's a bus, not a whale!- whale! whale!

don't even call me.i might be getting married. - you said we're friends.- not anymore. don't even call me. you'll be in the army soon. and 3 years later you still have to graduate.by the time you get a job, i'll be an old maid!mother says a girl should be sold when her price is at its peak.i don't want to be a bargain sale. besides, you're a philosophy major. no, our dream.our dream. what do you mean our dream?it's byung-tae's dream.

anyway, don't call me.you were a good friend. goodbye. sweet dreams.goodbye. bye. - have you seen young-cheol?- i saw him near the main wing. - heard you were ditched.- well... - bye.- where to? i have a date. - can i borrow your lighter?- huh? thank you.

- young-cheol!- you! how can you smoke here? don't you know what this college stands for? it's founded on the christian spirit. so how dare a student smoke on campus? - what's your major? and your name?- kang young-cheol from philosophy. a student should behave like one.your school badge isn't for show! - but...- but what? christianity may be against smoking,but slapping someone in the face - isn't christian either.- just say sorry.

- i'm your professor and mentor.- young-cheol! it's my duty to lead wayward studentsback onto the right path. slap my other cheek then. what? are you making fun of me? no, i'm not. - you feel wronged?- i'm not sure. behave yourself next time. haven't you heard of him? he's famous!he thinks his word is the law.

it's your unlucky day today. - what are you doing?- streaking! - are you out of your mind?- streaking! - streaking!- why are we running? it's called streaking!streaking! it's not streaking if we have our clothes on! it's streaking korean style!streaking korean style! fading awayto the end of the sky you fade awayfar far away

your fleeting heartfades away too we're such mediocre college students, huh? don't worry.our dreams will soon come true. - you think so?- of course. i wish i could go to the army.but as usual, i was rejected. i passed.i want to go to the army, too. - i... i really must be a stupid fool.- why? look, byung-tae. you know i've never passeda single test in my life.

i failed middle school and high school,and got rejected by the army. on top of that, soon-ja dumped me. young-ja dumped me too. soon-ja was the only womanbesides mother whom i'd ever loved. but she hates me. the whale in the east sealives in my heart as well. i hadn't known it till now. from now, i'm going whale hunting. i'll show my courage.

there's no other wayof sustaining who i am today. there's something that gives us hope. we have the school thatour seniors fought to protect. as long as we have that, we'll be happy.i'm leaving. - where to?- to catch my whale. - i'll go with you.- you can't. - i must go alone.- i'll go with you. but you and i have always been a team. you go back to school.there's somewhere i need to go.

when autumn leaves scatterin the cold wind the grass on the campusturn into golden waves again the face i cannot forgetface, face, faces lulululu flowers are falling lulululu autumn is fading noticethe faculty has decidedto cancel classes indefinitely lulululu lulululu wispy clouds in the skytime can be so cruel just as flowers fallso will our youth all too soon

what is our calling as students? mike test, mike test.1, 2, 3, 4. can you all hear me? this is the campus p.a.1, 2, 3, 4. can you hear me? can you all hear me?can you hear? time that cannot stoptime, time, times lulululu time goes by lulululu youth is fading how will you get rich?your major's philosophy! you stutter, and the army rejected you.how can a philosopher make money?

- i'm going to sell pipes.- what will you do with your money? i'll make money on my own.and then i'll go whale hunting. i drink and make merrybut sadness fills my heart i look around for something to dobut everything in sight turns away come on, let's go to the east sea we'll take the c-class slow train to catch the mythical living whale you and i, we'll protect our country that's where our glory lies

from battle to battle our comradeship grows strong as the sun rises and setsover the mountain top our families sleep tightplacing their trust in us born to be a manthere is so much to do - byung-tae! get off!- i can't hear you. - get off the train!- i can't. you can't do that. - let me get on.- you can't.

- please!- i said you can't. - your crew cut is cute.- really? - why the army all of a sudden?- just because. - how long?- what? - how long?- oh. - 3 years.- 3 years? my, that's so long. spring, summer and autumnwill go by 3 times. - don't worry, young-ja.- what?

- don't worry!- who's worried? - see you in 3 years.- have you eaten? - what?- have you eaten? i packed you lunch. - byung-tae, stick out your head.- what? stick out your head! wispy clouds in the sky just a bit more. time can be so cruel

listen up, byung-tae. quit drinking, and don't skip your meals. always brush your teethand wash your face. got it? - don't cheat on me!- don't worry!

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Nous mettons à votre disposition 10 modèles et tutoriels de chignons

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