easy homecoming hairstyles for straight hair

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    easy homecoming hairstyles for straight hair

    greetings everyone! today, i'm going to beshowing you some really cute and easy hairstyles because there are a couple days left of holidaysession which makes me really sad. but you can make the most of them by having cute hair.i also think these are great if you are looking for new hairstyles to try for the new yearbecause i know that we all kind of get stuck in a rut with our hairstyles, and sometimesyou just want to try something new. these are so fun. they're different, and they'resuper quick to do. i have three looks to show you, so let's do this. so in the shower, i started out by using thedove pure care dry oil shampoo and conditioner, and these are infused with macadamia oil tohelp nourish and replenish your hair. but

    don't you worry- because it's not going toleave your hair feeling greasy. after that, i used the tresemme split remedy leave-insplit end conditioning treatment. and this is just a light weight conditioning spraythat helps to detangle your hair and also preps it for styling. then i'm just goingto take a three-quarter inch curling wand and create some messy waves, and this is prettymuch what i do almost every single day. to start off this look, i'm going to separateoff a section of hair and wrap it around two of my fingers. and basically, you're justgoing to tie a regular knot as you normally would. and it's going to create this reallycute, knotted look that you can just pin back with a bobby pin and then place any remaininghair over the top to hide the pin. i mean,

    so freaking easy, right? you can literallydo this every single day if you want too. okay, moving on into the next look. i am goingto start off by braiding the section of hair right above my ear. and i'm just doing a regularbraid all the way down and then securing it with a bobby pin to just hold it in place,and i'm going to do the same thing on the other side as well. and you'll see that ileft the front two sections of my hair out just because i like that piece-y look. but youcan also pull these back if you want to. and once i have my two braids ready to go,i'm just going to pull them around to the back and then tie them into a knot. and itreally helps to have little ties or bobby pins around the end so you don't lose yourbraids. and to finish up this look. i'm

    using the nexus comb thru finishing mist.this is awesome for locking the style in place with a flexible hold. for the final look, i'm going to start offmy pulling back the front sections of my hair, just leaving a little tiny piece on one side.and you're basically going to pull up your hair so it's half up, half down. from here,the idea is super simple. we're going to tie a knot again. and it can be a little bit trickythe first time you do this because your hair might be slippery so that's why it's goodto put some hairspray in it so you have a little bit more grip. and then to hold theknot in place, i'm just going to put in some b obby pins, and that is pretty much it. you'regoing to be left with a super cool, knotted,

    half up, half down look. all right, so that is going to be it for myvideo today. i hope you guys enjoyed these three looks. and if you tried them out yourself,make sure you send them to me on twitter and instagram because i love seeing your hairstyles.and the last video i did with the holiday updo ideas- it was so awesome seeingall of your photos because i got so many and it's just really, really cool to see.i love it. so make sure you do that if you try out one of these hairstyles especiallythe little knot one because that one is personal fave. and don't forget to subscribeto the all things hair us youtube channel for more videos and hair tips from me andsome other awesome youtubers.

    until next time, i will see you guys lateror over on my second channel for the last couple days of vlogmas. it's almost over.i'm sad. t-rex hands are necessary. bye guys.

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