homecoming down hairstyles pinterest

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    homecoming down hairstyles pinterest

    hi everyone! so i've just got a really quickand easy hairstyle tutorial for you today, and that is how to do a really simple half-up,half-down braid hairstyle! so the bits and pieces i'm going to use tohelp me get my half-up, half-down braid hairstyle are a hair brush, a teeny weeny hair elastic,and some bobby pins - and i'm also wearing my full head hk hair extensions as well,just for some extra thickness! okay, so first of all, i'm just going to brushmy hair through to make sure that it's nice and smooth, and then when i've finished i'mjust going to take up a section of hair on the left side of my face, so just about here,sort of right above my ear, and then i'm just going to gather it back and braid it in anormal three-strand braid, just all the way

    round to the back. so, i'm going to angleit back so it faces in the right direction, and i'm just going to separate it into threesections, and braid as normal. okay, so now i've got my plait sorted on theleft side of my head, i'm just going to take up another section on the right hand side,so just the same size, sort of just above my ear, and i'm going to flip it back andjust braid, angling it towards the back of my head. so just before i get started on my half-up,half-down braid, i'm just going to squeeze the plaits a little bit, just to make thema little bit thicker, so i'm going to pull them apart, just make the elastic a bit furtherdown my hair. just pull them about, so they look nice and chunky.

    okay, so now i'm going to take the braid onthe left hand side of my head, and i'm just going to cross it over the back of my hair,and i'm going to pin it into place with a couple of bobby pins. so now i'm just goingto take the braid on the right side of my head and, in the same way, i'm just goingto cross it over so it lines up nicely with the other braid, and i'm just going to pinit into place. so with this end, i'm just going to tuck it in underneath the first braidto hide my elastic. i really love this half-up, half-down braidhairstyle because it's just so simple yet

    it's so effective - and it's a really greathairstyle choice for, like, weddings, proms, and other elegant summer occasions! so i hope you guys loved this half-up, half-downbraid hairstyle as much as i do! if you do love it, don't forget to give it a thumbsup - and also don't forget to subscribe to the dirty looks channel for more hair tutorialsas well! bye!

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