homecoming hairstyles 2016 down

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    homecoming hairstyles 2016 down

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    hello, everybody! my name is markiplier! and welcome back to homecoming starring markiplier. now we just got chased by a horrible monstrosity, or someone that turned into a horrible monstrosity. we're not sure which. "i dont need to go back to my room. it's easier to stay here, okay?" alright! you stay around the bloody toilets. i am sure they are fun and free and fancy. okay. hello! "i used to be a painter. i mean i guess istill am but.. i haven't made anything in so long."

    aww.. that's kinda sad. being robbed of your skill. i mean, isn't the whole situation that these people are kinda in limbo, they're stuck between life, and death and that's no good? *chuckles* chica, why are you chasing your tail over there? i'm sorry, chica- chica just caught my eye because, she just started chasing her tail randomly, she never really does that. oh. "why get out of bed if there's nothing you care to do? i should just go back to sleep." oh! and roll over she did.

    man, that sounds like depression symptoms. and that's no good. i mean, that would be odd if the people that were stuck in this limbo.... "it doesn't make any difference. nothing will change anyway. whats the point?" that really sounds like depression is that why these people are stuck here? because they can't... i don't know. they can't... find the motivation to move forward? the reason? "i watched the sun rise this morning. i think i'm almost ready... to move up to floor five. it seems better there."

    (surprised) oh! okay! so some sort of... like... manual choice they have to do? like, they have to choose to ascend in this world? *chuckles* it does seem better up here! oh this is lovely! <3 it's very warm.. and golden! "i don't hate it here, to be honest."

    well, don't you have a funky smile? "there are a lot of things i miss. but then there are a lot i don't." thanks for being nice and vague! i really wanted a lot of description here, and you didn't deliver at all. okay. hello! who are you? "he looked so determined when he came through. do you think he'll succeed? it's possible, right?" i...i don't know! you're all speaking so vaguely! i have no idea whats going on. "i'm not here because i'm okay. i'm not okay, and i won't be. i'm just okay with never being okay now."

    that's a cryptic way of looking at life, and existence, or non-existence or what ever else you want to call your time here. chica's going nuts over there. well someone wasn't very hungry. hello teddy bear! again... huh. "probably lightens the mood." i don't know! i seem to like all the mbblll-blood downstairs. "things could have gone another way, but they didn't. there are no alternate endings in life." huh. well that's fancy!

    well there might be alternate endings in this game! i mean, honestly, who knows? oh, are you the gate keeper? "i've totally accepted what i am. i have nothing deluding me, or holding me back anymore. its that great?" oh is it people accepting their- dddddd- oh! "why don't you become a monster too? you can stay here with us" uh oh! sorry! "don't bother trying to escape"

    i will bother immediately! *scared laugh* hi, okay. ðÿžµgoooooooooooooooood byyyyyyyee-eeeeeðÿžµ ha! aww! i didn't... aw god damnit i didn't... awww you bet. i'll try again. is that the first time it's given me a try again? (no)

    what am i supposed to do? help me! *talks to girl* help me! ohhh... *bleep* *laughing* jeeez! nah, it's giving me a try again before but this one happens, happens to be very immediate. oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. what do i do? it's not very clear! not very clear! oh man that was quite the wicked hay maker. cause i gotta get around to get back in to the upstairs in the next area but..

    whoa mark! i sense that you're struggling.. let me help the best way i can. uh tha... that... that be great i'll show you the best path to take. you'll still have to travel it just right, to not be caught. i know you can do it! ...iiing to escape! what? fucking to escape? ducking to escape? plucking to es- okay oh... oooooh that is awfully handy thank you! wait in here? what?! oooh... *smack* ooooooooh i didn't know that was a thing you could do.

    i mean i was gonna figure it it out but thanks for the conclusion... *mumbles everything else he was gonna say in english*. what ever... take your help and shove it up your butt. *makes karate sounds* k.o.!!!!!! oh haha god damnit well that didn't help at all *its tea time!* wait no

    ahhhhh yeeeee ahhh yeee ahhh yeee yeeeeeaaaah!!! good thing i'm so fast. been getting a lot of training in my liiiiiiiiiiife that was too close no thank you. okay did i finally make it? let me make a savey soov alright i got my save juice all over here. lets see whats going on over here. helloooooo

    ahh good. i know she's around here somewhere. *creep mode engaged come out, come out, where ever you are, marki- hello? "uh oh..." uhhh... "uh oh?" "are you a lingering spirit?" "me? no i'm alive... like you." "am i?" ye... yeah.

    "i guess it makes sense that you are. the nice lady on the fifth floor said it's hard for lingering spirits to ascend in the hospital." "i thought you might have been on of the bad ones and you'd figured out how to get up here." "nah. i'm a friend. i was sent by your nurse actually. nurse hale. my name is mark." "oh! new friends are nice, but i've known her for a long time. she's my best friend!" "i think you're right about that. she saved your life by calling me here." "how come?" "well.. what you're- what we're doing right now dangerous. we can only out of our for a while, and than we can never go back." *lovely silence* oh...

    "i know it must be boring in your body, but nurse hale says they should be able to wake you up soon." "she says that a lot.." "i know she's trying as hard as she can, though. it just gets so boring. maybe staying her as a spirit forever wouldn't be bad.." "you don't want that. i've just met a lot of people in that situation, and trust me- they're not happy." "hmmm" *more silence* "will you stay and talk to me then? just for a little while?" "of course! let's go ahead and move to your room though, okay?" "okay!"

    *says creepily* and than get back into your bed and shove back into your fricken body! so tell me about yourself, sophie. uh.. well before the coma, it was just me and my dad. he was the nicest guy you'd ever meet! he was a brilliant doctor. he was so good, he inspired people around him to get into the health field too! he was a good cook, too. he would make me delicious dinners, and every morning he'd make me a different kind of sandwich. he didnt run out of ideas? oh, no. he would find recipes and sometimes just make something up. he'd always make an extra for jenna, too. he was very nice. sounds like he took very good care of you.

    yep! and he will again... when he gets back. where is he? it's kind of a long story. well, not like i'm in a hurry to save tim. so, how long will i be asleep? i don't know for sure, bluebird. i'll be as diligent and quick as i can. will i have dreams? hmm.. i think you will. so i'll have nightmares too?

    let's hope not. why can't i just go with you? your condition is going to get much worse very soon. the only way i can prevent it is to put you to sleep for the time being. and than you'll wake me up when you can make me all better? that's right. i'm very close to being able to cure you. i just have to make a trip to a far away place to use a special machine. okay.. don't worry. it'll all be over before you even realize it. promise? it'll be like it never happened.

    something tells that promise was not kept. (no kidding mark) are you ready? yes sir. i'm ready. very good. screw being in a hospital! right now our time is done.. but i will be the sun. aww. i promise. *markiplier thinks of all of the good times he had with his friends in horror games* *remembers tiny box time and how adorable he was*

    did- did he put her to sleep right then and there? that's something we'd say whenever daddy had to leave. the sun sets everyday, but no matter what happens, it always comes back. i see. and so you're still waiting on him to come back, huh? yeah. i know it's been a long time, but it's not his fault. he must have just ended up needing more time to find the cure. well i hope he finds his way back to you soon. if he's not quick enough, nurse hale might just have you better before he gets here... hmm.. maybe. she's the nicest lady i know, but i don't think the regular doctors can cure me. daddy said it was something really advanced. one way or another, they're gonna make you better. until then, you need to stay put, okay? even when it's kinda boring. okay. i will. mark?

    yeah? will you come back and see me sometime? like this again, so we can talk? to be honest.. i don't have much time left to spend as a spirit. a couple hours, maybe. but i'll tell you what.. as soon as i take care of little issue back home, i'll spend as much of that time as i can with you. okay? okay! you have to be the sun! heh. i will. it was nice to meet you. you too! well how will i know exactly how much time i have left? i mean, i'm all for visiting you, but.. i don't know if i have that much time to go

    welcome back. hiiiiiiiiiii! must've been a little crazy, huh? yeah. it was a lot.. sadder than i expected. scary or dangerous i'm used to by now, but i feel bad for all the lingering spirits... don't worry too much about them. they've only recently passed. time is the best- and only- medicine for them. they'll pull out of it. also, you may have found yourself to be a little moody as you ascended. the overall atmosphere of an area is determined by its residents ezzzz this can affect how things look, as well as alter the mood of others who pass through. did you notice a theme as you made your way? yeah. it got brighter as i went up!

    anyways, there's good news! oh yeah? it worked! sophie's vitals looked so much better right away! i came down here, knowing you'd talked to her. that's great! she's such a sweet kid. we're gonna get her better. i won't rest a second until we do. thank you so much for your help. i'm just happy that i was able to. honestly, i'm a little jealous. i'm so fasinated with all this spiritual stuff... screw modern medicine, get me into spirituality! ...but i don't really like, i don't really get to experience it like you do.

    oh well. say uhh... what's the deal with sophie's dad? she says he's away to research or something. yeah, that was the last she heard before she fell into a coma. he's been missing for as long as she's been in the coma. unfortunately, he is assumed to have passed. it's ashame too. he was a kind, brilliant man. he'd have her cured i bet... do you know what caused the coma? we're not exactly sure, no. we figure it was most likely a side effect fo the stress caused by her condition. hmm... alright yeah because it's not! it's done did by her dad... well, i guess i should head home and take care of matters there, but i'll be back. i actually promised to spend more time with sophie.

    heh, you're very kind. even though you're gonna get trapped in the spirit world, and your body's gonna wither away and die. *looks smugly at the camera* oh well. if you don't mind my asking.. what is it that you have to take care of back home? i feel that i owe you. well i've got a living weird creature of a box! it's cute and adorable but uh- it talks and moves on its own! very strange.. uh- it's being chased by a.. body morphing, shapeshifting demon. *laughing* no! not at all!

    you don't owe me a thing, and i don't want you to get involved with thi- i would! if someone's offering help to defeat a shape-shifting demon to rescue my little biscuit, i would sure as hell recruit them! it's the demon- the same one that kicked me out of my body the first time. he's got a fake body, and is in my house. oh, this is great! it doesn't sound great! say what? that's not the way i would describe it. i mean, not the demon. but i can help you out after all!

    believe it or not, we can banish the demons from the safety of this creepy basement! aw! ogosh! i'm gonna uh- raise up my uh, questioning finger. i'm gonna press x to doubt on that one. in the time it would take you to drive home, i could teach you to project your spirit to a remote location. you could summon your helpers again. you know- the monsters you used to get your body back the first time. a living spirit can do a lot of great things ifits wielder knows how. so it won't actually be here- be there? i don't want to spend my remaining timeto be a wandering spirit

    mmm, your body would be here, but your spirit there. it would cost some of your remaining time, yes. but i can make it so you can speak with sophiefrom your body so that won't be an issue other than people thinking you'retalking yours- how many superpowers do you have, lady? this kinda sucks you know. what's that? you're basically turning me into a superhero but i can only use all these powers for a couple hours. ha i guess you're riiight. yeaah... so you ready? okay

    lets do it. yeah okay i- i'm waggling the finger ofdoubt pretty hard over here but let's do it. alright. and so once again, nurse hail taughtmarkiplier how to tame his natural talent for supernatural techniques. itwould attack the demon from afar using his dreamt up allies. okay! alright! save game? suuure! me lovie to save game. oooh! hellooo. who is you? troops! we meet again. did you let your body get snatched again?

    ha! what an idiot. buttstabber, you son-of-a-bitch i don't want to hear it right now. tim maybe in trouble, so it's our mission to corner that demon to destroy it once and for all. wait what? it's the third game dinkus damnit! we have to finish this. wait so why are you guys trying to fight the dem-what? blood monster you're kinda slow but you're all icky and bloody, that's gottabe worth something right? butt stabber i'm not sure i can trust you but i don'thave a choice. you're fast and deadly, but you're thewild card i'll have to use you carefully

    these words i'm saying straight to yourface so you understand how much of a threat i think you is. blind wolf you'rea wolf. and you're blind. you can see for crap but your have decent hearing and agreat sense of smell i'll have to make use of that outside of the power i used to summonyou guys i can probably seal a door shut and and warp myself oh this is me oh i didn't know that was me, ohhhhhh *sudden realization

    ok i will scare the demon away from myroom i will station you throughout the house strategically todrive the demon tothe basement where i'll be waiting any questions yeah what if... good questionunfortunately we don't have time for an answer. okay!!! and away we go first of all which room should i blockoff i should choose the one that is potentially the most problematic well i don't know block off i think thekitchen would 'cus the kitchen... the bathroom

    might also be a bad one the library youcan loop around (markimoo's face though xd) imma go with the bathroom yeah i should probablis off now where should have the blind wolf hide markimoo's head: i should do this but than i can't portect that and this go into ruins. i should have put the butt stabber inthe bathroom shit umm (also this is a good time to soak in all of markimoo's super powers) (more of dat face)

    the studio??? the library. blood orc station him in the... tudio (this that an actual thing mark?) i don't know how i'm not ahundred percent sure how this is gonna work

    ah hello hey it me you again yep hit me (o shit waddup) it dat boi. it me. ghost boy. are you back in that form i've learned a lot including out todestroy you once and for all you may as well give up now ok alrightbye then good job giving up (deep hallway) ha ha ha ha ha (amnesia maybe?) oh

    kooky haha hahayou've been butt stabbed oh you got stabbed in the butt somehow i did thiscorrectly haha ok so you done did been stabbed in but alright so whoa-oh awww unfortunately his lack of thumbs provedto be a bigger problem than his lack of sight unable to climb the bookshelf thatthe demon even if it could the initial excitement smelling blood dissolve onedidn't notice the skinwalker stink in the air by the time the oversizedfigured that was enough time left

    advanced demon sure ok so that was wrong ok so ah ok so let's do something else i'mgonna block off the library because that seems that seems to be a problem the blind wolves should hide in thebathroom like right away blood or should be in the studio andthen bought stabbed her in the kitchen because the kitchen butt stabbed andworked quite well i actually really like this by the way i didn't mention thatbefore this is a really cool mechanic that i've never seen in an rpg makergame that's really awesome

    ok let's see how this works come on gethim arf ohh it's blind course it is alright fine wait and see how this playsout we don't know how it's gonna complete itself gotcha ok stabbed in the butt first sothat's an important thing to be stabbed in the butt first then maybe if i havethe butt stabber yeah but the butt stabber wouldn't be hidingwould it maybe it would be the butt stabber the bathroom seems like thegood thing there and too slow on a lark notice the blood remind himself hedecided that the demon must have been his long-lost brother

    oh it's a fwiend hahahahaha surely there's a better method okay ithink i got it i think i got it i think i got in this time in the first game thebut stabber was in the bathroom and i'm pretty sure that's where i'dwant me to put them unless it's throwing me for a loop here which one want toclose (everyone type in the comments now on what he should do.) probably the library it seems that the library's problembecause then he would just be able to run around all the time so the libraryis closed off

    blind wolf in the kitchen the blood orc in thestudio and the butt stabber in the bathroom and that should give me thebest opportunity to kill him dead if that is in fact to my goal so i'm gonnaget him good watch this alright so ah oh it's sosecret huh it's subsea oh wait where you didn'tstab them in the by he didn't stab them in the but oh well so what is key forward ok so injured first which is good ? i'mnot a percent sure but i'm going to

    assume and then back to the studio to bechased down to the basement here we go our blood no it's blood it'sbeen a long lost brother no no okay i know what the method is nowi know the method is now i know what it is now i know what it must be because myassumption was wrong i'm not trying to kill him i'm just trying to chase some into thebasement so that doggie go in the studio the bloodorchid in the kitchen and then the butt stabber in the bathroom and that meansthat no one will actually be able to hurt him the blood orc will not bestupid get a friend and then we'll be

    able to go down to basement becauseapparently that's where we want to change them do about stabbing do yourthing very good alright so he's there then theblood or should do something different in the kitchen then the wolf did tooslow that's the thing okay yeah i'll notbefore being smeared with blood first is that good at me all that means that thewolf is going to be able to smell the blood oh ok that's good that's a good thingthat means that we're gonna it's gonna smell the blood

    notice the scent of blood near god it igot it that's good that's good that's goodright there that's good ok yes beautiful demon was led thebasement with nowhere else to turn mark was waiting to finish the encounter you bet it hello it's over oh well then this again really don'tknow how he knew that was there i guess he was going for the switch or do i needto chase you why couldn't you just give up becausei'm mark about wow i'm not i'm not fast and come back here

    wait hang on yeah i am i did i need please come back oh i've got you cornered now deja vu huhsaid last time descended with you giving up of your own volition this time youdon't have a choice where's tim on the other side of thiswall my guess he jumped down maybe should go save him up or not just yetnot until i'm finished with you so you really learned how to get rid of me thenthat's right it's been a fun ride but this is where you get off and not in thegood way well who haha do it then i don't haveany tricks up my sleeve

    i don't have anything oh i don't haveanything to fight back with (mark your scaring me) haha putting on that sad voice reallyyou're gonna try sympathy after everything we've been through i'm sorry sophie did you say sophie notnow okay come on now don't know come on come on doesn't matter do whatyou have to do now because i met a sophie not an hour ago what are the notthe same one you didn't mean this sophie today she's in a coma oh how do you know sophie know how doyou know sophie kind of a weird story

    but if i had met her i wouldn't know howto send you away for good that right makes sense she probablyhates me for what i did what did you do to her do you go around this town harassingeveryone so this is her father no i broke my promise i failed are you your sophie's dad i don't knowwhat that i deserve that title but yes i am her father is crazy what are the oddsthat it was you pursuing me all this time did she not send you to banish mewhat know she's waiting for you she said you put her into a coma she's just notmad at me

    what was your plan tell me yeah i'd liketo hear this one ok i'm a gifted doctor from nicaragua iam i was a single father a good father i believe as fate would have it so he wasdiagnosed with an incurable illness but i wasn't gonna take incurable as ananswer so yes i induced coma to suspend the illness left to use a friends lab inanother country with the tech and resources that i needed i had a systemin place to where the authorities would be notified of sophie's whereabouts ifsomething were to happen to me was way something happened yes you can infer ibecame a lingering spirit i refuse the next world because i wasn't finished inthis one i went through with my research

    but it took much longer without a bodyat the time i had learned how to commandeer one i had to get the things ineeded because i couldn't order them it took me years but i did accomplish mygoal i found the cure i came back to this town the town where sophia washospitalized i visited her i don't think she is awarethat i was there since then though her spirit has been more active i couldsense it i awakened something in her and thatdrove me even more to save her unfortunately also draw me closer tobecoming a malevolent spirit every setback whittled away a bit of myhumanity if i even have that i don't

    think any other spirit in the hospitalhad reached the top level where she'd stays since you've been admitted while i was there one of the spiritstaught me how to take a living body and use it as my own taught me what would happen to my host youask what the odds were that's it's been me following you well it's really not that far-fetchednotion i watched big houses in town and waitedfor a perfect subject to move in before long there you were you had the money ineeded didn't order the supplies you had

    excellent hand-eye coordination for thesurgery so i took your body while you were weak. you know the rest i supposeso all those boxes out there are the supplies you need to save her. that's whatthe stuff was for yes but it doesn't matter now his body is too twitchy i wouldn't gonear with it you almost ran me outside my bodyforever you know what's not proud to have i been seeing myself in seven yearsolder just became careless i'm sorry i am sorry the funny thing is you've been studyingme all this time you've learned my voice

    and mannerisms in history but you didn'tsee my kindness i guess you just explain the situation to be from the start iwould have helped you i just got reckless i shouldn't havewasn't thinking clearly and i still don't trust you i want to put that onrecord for all you i don't trust this!! (you tell him markimoo!!!) son-of-a-bitch as far as i can throw him i could probably throw not far she's agreat kid isn't she she seems very nice do you think how much time do you haveleft to be outside your body not enough maybe 20 minutes i see

    but i know a girl who i believe would behappy to participate in saving sophie really ah mark help the spirit out thewhole as well as tiny box tim spirit collected the supplies they needed andheaded to the hospital mark return to his body and connor'shell up she informed him that giving your body to the spirit voluntarilymeans that she cannot take it back without permission if he chose to he cankeep her body but she trusted him i do not i do not she said if he was the same doctor sheknew all those years ago then she would she knew he'd do the right thing

    the surgery was prepped and nurse hailmade sure there were no interruptions as per the doctor's request she alsolearned sophie spirit into a state of sleep he knew had become too emotionalto focus if sophie were awake and he didn't want her to remember this wayanyway exhale gave her body to him and theprocedure began. (mark your not ruining the mood anymore :d) sophie's father worked diligently and meticulously this was thefruition of a plan he dreamt up seven years ago all of his research paid offevery step of the way he knew exactly what to do he had planned for everycontingency

    he was ready there was one thing hedidn't know how to handle however none of his tests for sacramental preparation couldhave read him for what happened as he finished up the procedure his daughterspirit being an especially strong one pulled itself back from unconsciousnesswhat's what are you doing sophie you can hear me i've been talkingto you for so long sophie i i know this is strange but thisis daddy i'm borrowing this body daddy?! you're going to be all better now youfixed me i knew you would and in that moment sophie's father hadfinally resolve the situation that had

    cursed him to be a lingering spirit inthe first place he had achieved true closure you never gave up all this time ofcourse not you said you would be the sun so i knewyou'd be back in doing so he received an opportunity that few lingering spiritsachieve he was given a second chance to move on but he had to make up his mindright away i'm sorry that it took me so longbluebird i'm so sorry don't be sorry it doesn't matter all that matters is thatwere together and again now i can't stay with you i have to give this body backand i don't have one anymore so i can't stay.

    what you can stay you have to. i cagedmy bluebird once and left her for far too long i won't have you spending your timetrying to reach me waiting on me again i have to go now or stay forever i don't know what's ahead but i knowit's not here this is the perfect ending to my story here no it's not fair you have to take careof me you have to make a new sandwich for meyou only a lot of them. i've kept my final promise i have to go now bluebird.fine

    our time is for now is done but... tell jenand mark i will never forget them i know they'll make sure you're caredfor. daddy i said our time now is done you have to i love you sophie i love youmore than anything i have every second since i first heldyou for every second i've been gone. i love you to please our time for now is. iwill always love you. aww (markimoo didn't ruin the mood) in case you didn't get that that waslike he wouldn't say the other half of that thing where he will always be theson

    sophie recovered from a coma and hercondition was completely cured she began physical therapy and improve faster thanexpected there was no denying that she was strongspirited her father having found solace and finally being able to keep hispromise was unbounded the physical world his spirit was able to move on towhatever might come next there's hale woke up from her firstspiritual adventure became the first person to hear sophie's voice truly hearit in seven long years mark plan a party that would trump is original not onlybecause it would be bigger but because it was a true celebration of closure thedemon was at peace

    well damn that was much different than iexpected it to be i mean obviously it was you know kind ofsimilar in the other games but it was just the story took a different turnthan i thought it would i mean when i first heard that like allthe demon was the father.the whole time the the the father that you introducedin this game and only this game ok as you but know that really did thatconnected that did that landed pretty well i mean it seemed like it could havecould have gone a few different ways but that landed pretty darn well i'm i'mpleasantly surprised by that excited for five nights at freddies 19? this timeit's super mega personal top of the

    morn- evening to ya laddie i'm having a good time are ya? are ya? oh yeah are you sure about that i brought zoo race for the after party... its jan tron. jan tron i'm the real wade i swear okay well he's got it that is when all together and maybe itwas for the better how cool is that gotta toprovide some foreshadowing in the second game long before this whole plot wasstarting to unravel i'm important i don't remember that at all

    i trust this weight more yeah i seenthat video where you played captain falcon that's how come you was able tofalcon punch me in the canopy up but for real you got anything ok thatgoodbye awooooooooooooooooo thanks puppy awoooooo appreciate it didn't i hear you couldyou did real good i don't know why you even invited me ifi'm not allowed to stab butts wat eve is life without stab butting. i promisenot to kidnapp anyone at your little

    party you're the only person whoactually paid me for my work even to this day happen wow you're not really intimidating inthe proper lighting. you think i'm cute oh god alright yeah those are thedevelopers of there hi mark i guess now would be a loteasier for us to visit each other with me being a real body jenna says i can live with her from nowand stay as long as i want she says you made this possible so thankyou so much that's up the kind nurse i'll have you know many of the lingeringspirits in the hospital were inspired by

    sophie's father it won't happen overnight but in timethey will find peace your actions were a catalyst for that i can never thank youenough and this tiny about him you did markyou're my hero ok thanks that's it then medium box mikestill done that much to have a conversation nice thanks again for playing our gameit really means a lot to us you can just ignore john whoring himself out to youbut don't really because you know the starving artist saying anyone going toget the werecat now okay

    hello john here the guy who typed thewords you're reading right now she's jerilyn in case you forgot if you likethe sound rac i wrote for this game search for unicorn whole on bandcamp andyou can download it i even did some real instrument remixes of some songs theysound pretty ratified to say so and i totally just did doesn't sound too commercial it i meanit's free anyway thanks for playing maybe one day we'll come up with a freshidea for you this idea was fantastic thank you somuch for making this game thank you so much for making the musicand thank you so much for at putting an

    interesting story in and i have to goback and check to see what the reference in the second game was to this onebecause i want to know how wayne could have possibly done something that coolso thank you everybody so much for watching i really hope you enjoyed thisadventure if you got another fan game you want me to play let me know down inthe comments below and thanks again for watching and as always i will see you inthe next video bye bye

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