homecoming hairstyles 2016 for medium hair

Judul : homecoming hairstyles 2016 for medium hair
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    homecoming hairstyles 2016 for medium hair

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    gabbar singh oh! hey, open the gate fast come, brother how many men were they? 'how many men were they?' 'boss, they were two men.' swines! 'swines!' 'they were two.'

    and you three. 'and you three.' have you seen this movie before? i have watched it 30 times.now i have come for you. 'what did you think and come?' 'did you think thatboss wiii be very happy?' 'he wiii give accoiades. yes?' 'you!' are you watching themovie by bunking schooi?

    father, i said no butbrother has brought me. i don't.. you are aiready spoiied.are you spoiiing him too? get up! come. go. you come. sit down. why did you marry him? he is beating me aii the time. peopie iook at widowswith bad intentions. you were a three year oid boywhen your father passed away.

    he was a three month oid boywhen his mother died. we were worried aswhat wiii happen to you because.. ..you didn't have a fatherand he didn't have a mother. that's why we both decidedto get married because.. ..of the advice givenby our reiatives. we got married to giveboth of you parents and.. ..not for becoming wifeand husband. you wiii not understandaii this even if i teii you. first stop thinking aboutirreievant things..

    ..and concentrate on studies. how iong wiii you take? hey, teii your brother to join us. he too must be having money. heii with him!he doesn't have any money. we both are treateddifferentiy in the house. 'whatever he does in the house is right.' 'whatever i do is wrong.' 'he is hero and i am viiiain.'

    'that's why i iike viiiain.' 'i iiked gabbar singh very much.' 'in fact i am gabbar singh.' your younger son is very iucky. he wiii become a great person.watch it. heii with him!it is not him who wiii become great. - it is gabbar singh.- hey, what rubbish are you taiking? astroioger is teiiing about brother.wiii you taik iike that? - is he an astroioger?. is he a brother?- hey.. hey.. i wiii..

    don't you have respect towards eiders? whoever is afraid, they are dead. you have committed the mistake. - wiii you frame me for that?- who were piaying cards? - catch him!- hey! catch him! - ciose the gate.- come! don't ieave me! catch him! where is he? have you found him? what if he is not found?

    he is not a servant toiet him go away so easiiy. he is a young boy. teii me, what had happened? he is found in the neighbouring viiiage. i beat him andput him in a hostei. if he stays here thenhe wiii get spoiied and.. ..he wiii spoii the other one too. do you knowwhat he said whiie going? 'hey! today i am youngand you are grown up.'

    'that's why i am running away.' 'i wiii not escape iike thisin future when i am grown up.' 'i wiii chase each and every person.' 'i wiii chase..' 'i wiii chase..' 'i wiii chase..' boy becomes pawan kaiyan[few years iater...] hey! who are you?what do you want? locker is over there.wiii you go there or what? it is the money that i savedfor my daughter's marriage. are you drinking tea in ieisurewhen the bank gets iooted?

    one person has aiready ieftfor bringing back your stoien money. i had never seen you anytimebefore in this area. which station do you beiong to? did i come to a tempie forteiiing my name and iineage? there is nothing ieft to know.oniy settiement! heiio! mike testing!mike testing! peopie of kondaveedu andpeopie from market! your money is safe. show your passbookand settied the amount.

    don't fear anyone. sir, you have become our godby giving us our money back. i am not god to appearif you do penance. one wiii automaticaiiy get tosee me if they commit a mistake. we thought the moneydeposited in bank is iost. you brought it back iike a hero. hey! i am not a hero.i am a viiiain. what is it, sir? whenever a personcommits a mistake and..

    ..considers himseif as a herothen i wiii consider myseif.. ..a viiiain for teaching him a iesson.that's why i am a viiiain. so wiii you save us fromfiies and insects too, sir?. if a fiy bites you thenyou take care of it. if something eise bites youthen i wiii take care. hey! he is neither aviiiain nor a hero. he is the same skinny boywho roamed the market when he was young. he is our venkatratnam naidu. - hey, boy. how are you?- siience!

    my name is not venkatratnam naidu. then what is your name? hey, look at gabbar singh hyper singh of entire lndia on hearing his name, all the muscular men begin to fear his body is covered in steel his nerves are made of nylon strings his character adds a new colourto the kaki uniform

    he defines power his trashing results in swelling his eyes spit fire any villain will find itas death warning he got these traits since birth he is the brand for power his style is high-end his following is mind blowing gabbar singh! gabbar singh!

    he is on the way to do something lt is a brand new song to sing lf anybody interferes with me, the weather will turn hot, whoever gets thrashed by mewill never walk again you can interfere with good people you can pinch a bad person who will meddle with a person like me, ..who knows nothing?

    he will not worship others he is rough! he is tough! he is bit eccentriche is born like this, what to do? whoever is afraid, they are dead my face is looks classy my punch carries lot of weight let it be any danger,my guts are ready to face it the dress on my bodyis like a wind to the fire l will break the jaw bonesand teach a lesson

    ride as if you are flying l will come like a storm l will strike like a bullet his policing breaks all rules hey, brother-in-iaw i am the producer of the moviethat you are going to make by the way, you go urgentiy andbook two tickets for bangkok sir, what is this? mud bath. very good for heaith.you too take it.

    what, mr. siddhappa?what is this mud and mud bath? come to bangkok.get it done there. what a wonderfui pian? if a bank gets ciosed thenone has to face poiice inquiry.. ..and iot of questions. we cannot do anything. if thieves burgie it theniots of money as weii as sympathy. brother! brother! pian has faiied

    some guy beat us andtook the money lost money? how did you iose so much of money? hey, siddhappa.i am teiiing you right now. if there is a poiice inquiryagainst me then.. ..i wiii teii your name first yes, brother-in-iaw he fooied us and nowhe is offering prayers. you wait. heiio, mister. offer prayers iater.first settie the matter.

    hey, bank. you don't worry.i am there. i wiii take care. i wiii take care. i want customerswho fear me in the business i don't want partnerswho are frightened mr. bank, did youcommit suicide fearing.. ..that the bank heist wiii get reveaied? so what about you. brother, the stoien moneywiii not be recovered if i am kiiied. if you spare me theni wiii kiii him and come to you.

    everyone is making sacrifices.we are unabie to toierate it. go underground for sometime. go! nephew, poiicemen arethe enemies of rowdies.. ..but not of poiiticians. since we are entering thepoiitics now so we shouid taik first. if they iift their head thenwe shouid iower it. if they meddie with usthen we shouid finish them. - hey, sooridu.- brother!

    find out who is it. find out where he iives. good morning, sirdid you eat breakfast? i had. you go and have. oh! again dosa (south indian food) today? okay. make it fast, mother.i am getting iate. is it necessary to go on timefor doing hooiiganism too? how many times didn't i teiiyou to heip father in rice miii? hey, where is your ring?

    - mother, it is in my pocket.- show it. since it is heavy inside thepocket so i have pawned it. pawned? hey! i didn't seii the pump setfrom mr. rayudu's fieid. his father has soid it. leave me! hey, fooi. why wiii youseii the pump set.. ..when you are servedeverything on a piatter? is this your deed? - first teii them to remove the guns.- what shouid i do, mother?.

    i have got more enemies in thehouse than from the entire viiiage. drop the guns. first of aii you don't taik to me. wherever you worked, you wouidcome home once in every month. it has been three monthssince this time. i came to this houseto take you to my house. mother, i got transferred to this viiiage.i am given quarters too. pack your iuggagelet us go to our house. you may not need usbut he needs me at this age.

    i wiii not come.if you want thenyou stay here. come. me? over here? what if someone throwsa heavy stone on me.. ..when i am sieeping and kiii me? what if they throw meinto a weii? i shouid be heiping others. mother, biess me to iive a iong iife. i am going to the stationfor the first time. - hey!- sir!

    i am bending for seeking biessings. - keep an eye on the targets.- yes, sir! okay. take father's biessings. mother, teii me to consume poison.i wiii do that. hey, wiii you taikwhatever comes in your mind? you are not worried about theweii-being of famiiy members. - what is this?- inhaier, mother. it wiii heip you wheneveryou find difficuity in breathing. enough. is this what youmean by taking care?

    - hey, shah rukh khan.bring the giasses. - ok sir. hey, horoscope.what are the pianets saying? i shouid have your biessing.what is it with pianets? there is a good change in you.keep it up. i have got a commandover horoscope. but i am not findingany grip over his pianets. l have written a love letterinside my heart long back, l have sent it to youlong back in my dreams, what, brother? why are you so iate?

    good morning sir. if you are the newiy arrived c.i. then.. ..i am the constabie who arrived iate. - by the way, my name is..- samba. no. no. no. whatever it might be,it is samba from now. sir, that is not the namegiven to me by my parents. so did my parents give methe name gabbar singh? - didn't i keep it?- i see. samba. interesting.

    - hey, samba- yes. if you agree then i wish tobring tremendous changes.. ..to this poiice station. what is there with my consent?we wiii do it. first iight that cigarette. i have quit smoking. quit? then you are hoiding.. quitting doesn't meanto throw it away. - to keep it by my sideand put it off. - oh! i see.

    poiice stationkondaveedu gabbar singh stationkondveedu you have iot of ego. what is it? why did you saysuch a thing suddeniy? it is understood. it is ciear. - okay. then do something, samba.- teii me. caii me everyday after one goongets caught. i wiii then come. what is that? how is it possibie? you know everything before.right? is it ciear?

    he is not an ordinary guy, item raja. oh! horse. jeep. bike. wiii he use themaccording to the route? he uses them depending on his mood. sir, you thrashed thebank goons very weii. sir, everyone is taikingabout you in the market. inky.. pinky.. ponky.. daddy had a donkey..donkey died..daddy cried! what is he? it was good that it fired that side.had it been this side then..

    why are you sieeping at work? i feit bit sieepy andsiipped into sieep. i feit bit sieepy andtherefore siipped into sieep? what is that ianguage iiketeiugu subtities to hindi cinema? after being transferredto different piaces.. ..my ianguage has turned into a mess. if you sieep again at work.. ..then i wiii put a gariandon your photo. rascai! rascai! i wiii kiii you.

    you don't iook asif you are inside the ceii. watching from your side,it iooks as if i am in jaii. listen, kids. no iock and iockup. happiiy waik insidethis poiice station with.. ..your innocent smiiesand kid iike antics. you have to keep thispoiice station neat.. ..iike how we keep this viiiage. sir, we cannot stop themif we do iike this. what if someone escapes?

    not if someone escapes.they are aiready escaping. how beautifui they iook whiie fieeing? young boy! hey, no need of tiny toddiergive me goddess laxmi. - hey!- what? - stop there.- why? the range of this gun can coveroniy this much distance. i am bit eccentric.but there is a meaning to it. escaping from thisgabbar singh's poiice station..

    ..is simiiar to getting kiiied. - hey, gabbar singh's army!- yes, sir! - lift the gun and shoot the target- yes, sir! sir, if the botties shakethen we cannot shoot them. target shouid remainstiff and steady. targets don't moveduring training. but after entering the fieid,criminais don't move. they run. shoot! - i want to meet you sir.- sir is busy.

    teii him that siddhappa naidu has come. our sir doesn't meet anyone so easiiywithout any appointment. who are you to say that? he is my fan! whether i say it or my fans sayboth are one and the same. understand? weicome to kondaveedu. i beiong to the ruiing party. youth ieader of kondaveedu.

    i am iike a sun that givessunshine to this viiiage. it is good if you remainiike this sunfiower. i am this. i heard that you recoveredthe bank money and.. ..then settied everyone's account. - i have come to congratuiate you- oh! i too have an account in it. so when wiii you settie my account. your address proof is missing.

    i wiii do it. once i find it, i wiii settie it very soon. are you having so much of confidence, i have got confidence. guts. dare. i too have them. so i am your competitor. not just you, nobody wiii compete me. nobody can compete with me. siddhappa, it is becausei am my own competitor.

    i compete with myseif. you don't know my history. that's why you are taiking iike this. i don't want to knowthe history and trash. i didn't come to fight.i have come to introduce myseif. but i introduce myseifoniy after getting into fight. you don't know aboutmy popuiarity in this area. what is it with popuiarity?it is iike passing cioud. if the atmosphere turns hot,it meits down.

    i am iike sky.let there be iightening, thunderstorm.. ..or heavy winds,i wiii remain the same aii the time. the passing ciouds that crosses me..i care a damn for them. - hey! how come i am a passing cioud?- taik with respect. you fooi! sir.. sir.. sorry, sir. don't attend the caii. let it continue. what is your work here? this is my worldmy house and palace, this is my worldwhat is your work here?

    it has been ten years sincethe song was reieased. but stiii the power is intact. hey, buiii naidu. i wiii not agree if you askfor credit even today. you cannot piay cardsif you don't have cash. we wiii introduce cash.why do you worry? i didn't understandwhy the price of siiver was increased. it is for you. - hey, atm- yes.

    how much wiii you pay for this? hey! venkatesh! your grandmother has passed away. her dead body is being carried away. - fooi, go and see her for the iast time.- grandmother! - throw the card.- what is that? wiii you not go? the funerai precession wiii pass this wayi can see her then. - enjoy, brother- wow! i got a iife. no. one iife is iost there.one iife is found here.

    god baiances the worid. - poiice is coming!- hey, reiatives attend functions. and poiice conduct raidswherever cards are piayed. we have to give everyone their gifts. - hey, gabbar singh's army.- yes, sir! - strong ones go that side- sir. - short ones go this side.- sir. -and those who are fit may foiiow me- so we wiii not come. you go. oh, god. it is okay if my men don't fight.

    at ieast make sure they do dieting. by the way, whom are we going to fight? peopie who are piaying cards. shoot the peopie who piay cards. shoot them withoutshowing any mercy. finaiiy get rid of thisbad habit forever. my goodness! how come thewords are coming out in such fiow? - hey, samba!- sir. - write down.- write down?

    - what shouid i write?- sometimes diamonds and extraordinary.. ..words come out of my mouth. you have to write down them.. wow! this one too is wonderfui.shouid i write down this too? it is not sufficientif you find it extraordinary. if i find it extraordinarythen you shouid write them. okay. fine. by the way,we have to raid the gambiers. - we shouidn't fire at them.- we have been conducting raids since ages. did anyone change? no.

    that's why we shouid fire. - they wiii not iearn any iessonuntii they get shot by a buiiet. - oh! - gabbar singh has come! run, guys!- hey! stop! one shouid iose money in gambiing. but it seems iives wiii be iost instead. - what, sister? isn't brother-in-iaw at home?- scoundrei! piaying cards since 30 years. went to jaii for 50 times.

    it shouid be either gabbar singh or me.it shouid be decided. what is this injustice? we wiii piay cards. you have to conduct raids and arrest. i am asking what this firing is. oh! a great encounterspeciaiist has come. i am piaying cards since 30 years. so wiii you take the iawin your hands for that? what is the need to take iaw in handsfor such a siiiy matter? if i take out this gun and fire..

    hey, what is that? it wiii fire. - don't we know that?- it seems he is going to kiii me - hey, thirty years. - hey, you mightforget to give my 30 rupees. i wiii come to your house and coiiect. my goodness! it seems the entirepoiicemen of the state have come. this is injustice! - hey!- sir. - whoever is found, trash them badiy.- okay, sir. - where were you aii these years?- what?

    -are you married?- no. - then i wiii not ieave you at any cost- what? i mean criminais. wiii you piease ieave me?i am feeiing uncomfortabie. - i am very comfortabie.-are you crazy? how did you find out?do you too feei the same? leave me. i might faii down. definiteiy. i have aiready faiien. hey, hope you are fine.anything.. anywhere.,

    - it seems you are feeiing shy. teii me.- i am fine. - sir, did you find someone?- yes. i found. - so did you catch them?- tightiy. - then i wiii take them andthrow them in the jeep. - i wiii kiii you. oh! these rose fiowersare piercing a iot. hey, if you iisten to me thenyou wiii get away with instaiments. otherwise if my bank officercomes then you wiii iose your shop. they are dancing wheni am asking them to pay emi's. hey, bank. didn't you go to duty?

    i have come on duty.my mind is becoming hot. there is something eisethat is hotter than it. shouid i read? is it happy iife? read. to brother-in-iaw samaram. i went to rajahmundry duringsummer vacation.. ..to meet my eider sister. but my brother-in-iaw isgiving me strange iooks. i am afraid that my sister'siife wiii get ruined. wiii you piease give mea soiution for this?

    because my brother-in-iaw's iooksare making me mad. she is addressingdr. samaram as brother-in-iaw. it means the giri is very fast. oh! bhagyaiaxmi. - what are you doing?what are you doing? - oh! she has come. i toid you to open the shopbefore me and start the business. but what are you doing. have you soid something? i am waiting since iong time.nothing is soid yet.

    laxmi! the newiy arrivedgabbar singh is iooking at me. he is staring at me continuousiy. - maybe he has faiien in iove.- hey, koti. one more tea. she wiii not faii for you. my goodness! are you trying her?.teii me. i wiii drop out. no, sir. if you want thentry the giri next to her. she wiii faii easiiy.this giri is very strict.

    is she a schooi head masterso that she has to remain strict? she is a giri. - brother.- yes. some giris faii in a week. some giris faii in a month. some giris faii in a year. finaiiy any giri has to faii for a boy.they wiii faii. that is nature's iaw. now watch. why did you come?

    bhagyaiaxmi fancy storecum iadies emporium.. ..cum handicrafts cum gift shop. do we not come if you saycome so many times? we wiii come. - what do you want?- oh! what wiii you give? - ask and see- shouid i ask? curvaceous waist.. smooth neck.. i want a giri with these features.

    i want a doii of bride. - wiii you accept credit cards?- if you.. - we wiii accept even ration card.- oh! what is your name? rati. harati. you may caii me as basanti. is it? why did you give thisfaciiity oniy to me? you are gabbar singh, isn't it? hey, what is your discussionwith customers? we don't accept credit cardspay in cash. here is your bride.

    is it okay if there is oniy bride?bridegroom too shouid be there. nice pair.they matched in quick time. matching peopie and their mindsis not as easy as you do with doiis. my goodness!you said it very weii, giri. - hey, sambu.- sir. write down. no. no. not there.i wiii write down this one here. then what shouid i write. - what is your name?- harati.

    if you teii your name iike thisthen someone or the other.. write down this. be carefui. how beautiful she looks, you are the goddess of beauty you seem to be a goldmine you will turn me mad this is a sweet sight your beauty is a feast to the eyes look at her gait

    now this will begin a new love story hey, if the sky turns into a girlthen it will be like you lt will be like you hey, if happiness turns naughtythen it will be like me lt will be like me lf you flow like rain, lf l become like earth, we both will merge into a stream lt will result in floodand will flow into the sea

    hola, holaa, hola, holaa, l got struck in your eyes, dear many more thingshave happened because of you you trapped meyou teased me and then you laughedto your heart's content, ..my sweet devil you are like a beloved enemy you caught meyou made me helpless you have caused restlessness inside me,

    ..my dear merciless angel you look like a goddess the entire love of the worldwill find a place inside you lt will put me to sleep the entire beauty of the worldwill reside inside you lt wakes me up the meaning of happiness, happiness, l have a learnt a new word today happiness, happinesslt is because of you

    a chariot of flower is runninginside my heart you cameyou tickled my heart you ruined my entire lifestyle you have changed my taste altogether you felt shy,you have cast your spell you left me only after turning me crazy you did all this to me 'his name is recovery ranjit kumar.' 'manager of ruraico-operative bank manager.'

    'he sucks the bioodof businessmen in the name.. ..of emi's and instaiiments.' 'interest paid to bankand him are different.' hey! aii of you fiii thejeep with your goods.. ..before he gets down from the jeep. if he comes out of the jeep.. i aiready got down.hey, i am teiiing everyone. i wiii not kiii you with weapons. i wiii kiii you with instaiments.

    what, dear?what did you do about my interest? didn't we pay it on first? not bank interest, dear. my interest. - your interest?- greetings, sir. bhagyaiaxmi, whenever i see youi feei iike seeing you aii the time. then what do you feeiwhen you see me. do the work forwhich you have come. okay. okay. mother, you don't know howmy heart is beating since morning.

    that is naturai, son. heart beats iike thatwhen we show something we iike.. ..the most to the peopiewhom we iike very much. mother.. mother..look inside that shop. bhagyaiaxmi is the giriin maroon coiour dress. right? mother, you are genius. you have aii my traits.come. let us go. you wait. i want to seemy daughter-in-iaw aione. carry on.

    what do you want, madam? - you..- nothing. there is a function in the house very soon. - i want a box for storingvermiiiion - sure. look at this. this is made of sandaiwood.this is made of rosewood. - sorry, sir.- no. don't say sorry. if you are standing after running into.. ..recovery ranjit kumarthen you have it in you. it is there. keep it iike that.

    are you recovery ranjit kumar?. have you seen it? i don't know you. but you know who i am. that is ranjit kumar. can i ciick a photo with you? come. i wiii put my hand on your shouider. - no. no. i wiii ciick a soio one.- oh! crazy. come on. take it. what a styie, man?hey! you. give a short smiie.

    sir, gazab whom we missedwhen we caught kasab is found. - gazab?- sir, he has changed his iooks. his beiiy has come out.his baid head iooks the same. sir, instead of giving dangerous iookshe is giving comedy iooks. i have sent you the photos through mms.confirm them and teii me. reaiiy? oh! have they matched?good! good! good! good! matched? so what wiii you do now? what is there in it?first we wiii shoot you.

    later we conduct dna tests. if it matches thenwe wiii throw the body into the sea. - if it doesn't match?- we wiii throw it in a gutter. why don't you conductthe test before shooting? sorry, naughty boy.ruies don't permit. i beg you. if you trythen the ruies wiii permit. - no. ruies don't permit- i beg you, sir. - don't beg me. - instead don't harassanybody from the market. okay. 1 . 2. 3.

    - greetings, mr. siddhappa naidu.- greetings. greetings. greetings. greetings. greetings to aii the businessmen. by the way, why did you caii us for? it is nothing.nephew is fed up of his business. henceforth he wishes to serve you. that's why i am wiiiing tocontest for mla seat.. ..from our constituency. poiitics has become a costiy affair.

    so do we remain biind if theoperation for eyes becomes expensive? that's why your share on the basis ofvotes and notes is three crores. - three crores?- our business is duii. because of the advent of supermarketsour business is not doing weii. you piease show pity. hey! wiii you give the money or die? - decide fast!- what is it? are you threatening? if you behave iike thisfor asking money then.. ..what shouid be our behaviour.

    we wiii not give.we wiii not give. what wiii you do? i can do anything.i can do anything. how dare you raiseyour voice after coming.. ..to siddhappa naidu's house? - hey!- okay, sir. - hey, sooridu!- brother! nobody shouid open theirshops in the market.. ..from tomorrow untiithey give the money. if they do it then i wiii kiii you.

    market is ciosed from tomorrow. this is siddhappa naidu's decree. drink water. what is this atrocity, sir? we are no carrying out any atrocity. we are ciosing the marketin a peacefui manner. if you open the shopsin spite of our saying no then.. ..we wiii thrash you badiythat is atrocity. there is more time ieft for that.

    hoirabba! hoirabba! hoirabba! l am the guardian of this area, l am the saviour of the poor, l am the villain for thatfor the people, ,who are indifferentto hard work and labour, - l am the,- saviour, if a person is afraid of someone then.. ..they shouid be afraid of gabbar singh. how come you cioseyour shops by fearing him?

    - what?- yes. what is happening here? hey! wiii you shut thembecause of his fear? or wiii you open thembecause of my fear? weii! weii! weii! - hey, sambu- yes. i wiii write. but why are youmaking me write aii this. you have asked a very good question. let us compiie aii these pointsand pubiish a good book.

    me and my eccentricity. yes. that is that titieme and my eccentricity. wow! soiid! superb! weii, why are you ciosing the shops? dissatisfaction. if you are dissatisfiedthen you shouid visit a doctor. why did you enter the market? it is our dissatisfactionover high command! is it?

    weii, we wiii carry out kiiiingsif we get bored and.. ..commit murders for passing time. wiii you stop us?or wiii you do something. - hey, samba! write down this too- you! hey, open the doorsit is gabbar singh here. hey! if you are gabbar singhthen i am seenu. so what? hey, it is not sufficientif you mereiy utter diaiogues. you have to stand by themand prove it.

    i wiii show youi wiii piay kabaddi with you. i wiii piay kabaddi with you. i iiked it. i iiked yourssportsmanship very much. let us piaylet us piay oniy kabaddi. i wiii be on sideand aii of you on other side. if you score even one pointthen the entire shops.. ..wiii be ciosed. if you don't score anythen you wiii have it today.. my goodness.. are you ready?

    ready! let us piay, brother. i was the district championin my schooi days. i have the habit of givingboons before thrashing. three guys can come this time. you are a district champion. you go. i wiii not go. he is not piaying kabaddihe is piaying something eise. he doesn't know the ruies at aiithat is not kabaddi at aii hey! you go!

    brother, i am deaf. sir, spare me. brother, beat me iightiy. hey! is this kabaddi?do they caii it kabaddi? i am out! sir, i am out. you piayyou oniy piay. you are acting smartbecause of the poiice uniform, isn't it? that's why we are sparing you. otherwise we wiii thrash you badiy.

    this poiice uniform is there to controi me if i remove it then it wiii be different. now teii meshouid i beat you by wearing uniform? or by removing it? what? he beat us iike this with uniform. how wiii he beat if he removes it? hey, if you come to my courtthen it means attacking. if i come there then it is your defence. brother, our men are getting caughtby going for attack.

    teii him to come here. sweet boy! hey!if you have guts then come to this court. come for the attack. sir! gabbar sir, i beg you. gabbar, sir.. seenu. siddhappa seenu. - don't remember those words- seenu. siddhappa seenu. oh! gabbar, sir.

    oh! gabbar, sir. i beg you. seenu? siddhappa seenu? why did you scratchyour neck eariier? is it itching so badiy? useiess imitations. that day he deprived usfrom the bank money. today he deprived usfrom the market money. untii i hack him into pieces,i cannot sieep in peace. siddhu, take either medicine or aicohoi..

    ..if you are unabie to sieep. what is the needto commit murder? this gabbar singh has cometo his native viiiage. his backdrop has becomehis pius point and.. ..thereby his strength has increased. that's why the timeto show my strength has come. - no, siddhappa.- why? minister is coming next weekfor the inauguration of.. ..tribai handicrafts exhibitionto our viiiage.

    we wiii have a word with him and get this.. ..gabbar singh transferredto a different piace. what is the need to use weapons.. ..when things can beworked out on paper? what is the need to create an issue when the probiemcan be soived through discussion? - haii!- the minister! new modei? light weight. if you want then you keep it.

    you keep quiet, nephew. why do you use the oid one?we wiii send a new one. no. i just said it casuaiiyi have got a good coiiection. what, siddhappa? how is everything? sir, we are facing iot of probiems.. ..because of the newiy arrived ci. nephew is keeping quietbecause if he takes.. ..any serious actionthen the party wiii get a bad name.. ..before the eiections.

    if you can get him transferred then.. venkatratnam naidu. i mean gabbar singh.i heard about him. siddhappa, some peopieare born in affiuent famiiies. some peopie are bornin reputed famiiies. but he is bornwith a great foiiowing. you wiii go madif you see his foiiowing in the market it is not good to transfersuch a person during this time. what eise? it is.. the matter of mynephew's mla ticket..

    ..for the upcoming eiection.. it is difficuit. high command stiii considersyour nephew as rowdy. by the way,you became a youth ieader recentiy if you wish to become mlaor minister so eariy then.. ..it is something iike asking for more. isn't it? if you can bring down your hooiiganismthen you wiii not.. ..face any probiemwith either high command or..

    ..gabbar singh. what do you say? what is high command?what is high command? - what?- nephew! my hooiiganism has heipedthe party secure four seats.. ..in iast eiections. opposition is very strong is our area. it is my hooiiganism that is heiping youto move around freeiy over here. i worked iike a dog for the party.

    don't you know what aii i can do? can't you do one transferupon my asking? siddhappa, any personwouid keep dogs as pets.. ..so that they wouid bark at othersnot on the owners. any person who wishesto make progress in poiitics.. ..shouid get aiong with everyone. he shouidn't createtroubie for others. party needs rowdiesfor contesting eiections. not to sit with us in assembiy.

    come. time to inauguratethe exhibition. hey! he taiks aboutgabbar singh's foiiowing. i need to show him my foiiowing. throw footwear on himwhen he begins his speech on stage. nephew! he is a minister. then you don't do. hey, come! come! hey, samba. you wiii find many peopiewho show their taient..

    ..with hands in handicrafts exhibition.. i mean purse thieves. they.. gabbar singh! why did you run into me iike that? there are peopie aii aroundcontroi yourseif. how? how, dear? i am unabie to do it. but i wiii try to the maximum. hey.. what are you doing? - oh! ceii phone.- i took it for you.

    henceforth my mobiieshouid ring continuousiy.. ..with your caiis. my inbox shouid be fiiiedwith your messages. write down the number, 9988444333. what? fancy number.. - oh! fancy number?- i am going. - okay. you have to- is it necessary? it is necessary.

    - bye- bye. - our manager is bit mad- yes, sir. why do we need staiis in exhibition? whoever wants to take ioanwiii come to the bank? heiio. who is it? gabbar singh. oh! oh! what, dear? what do you want?

    piease give the phoneto your friend, dear. hey, gabbar singh. to me. dear, you are the first giriwhom i iiked after my mother. i caiied you to teii the same matterone more thing. you are iooking very attractivein the midst of so many peopie. it is very difficuit to do my duty. hey, he wants to teii you something. whatever it is, you are iikedvery much by gabbar singh.

    - keep it up.- i know it iong back. - hey. - sir- caii for you. - okay, sir- enjoy. - you iook superb!- superb? when you waik in the market.. why did you stop? speak. come on. you teii me, dariing. you teii me something, dariing. hey, bankuse your own ceii.

    - haii!- minister pradeep kumar! now i request our dear ieadermr. pradeep kumar to speak. our country indiais a treasure fiiied with arts. i iike the cuitureand rituais of kondaveedu.. ..that has three states on its border. i feei very happy for being invited. this kondaaveedu.. now our youth ieadermr. siddhappa naidu wiii speak. greetings to aii.

    market peopie.. go ahead. as said by minister pradeep kumar.. hey.. hey.. stop this. what is it? hey, gabbar singh's army. turn back! - yes, sir!- now waik. - sit properiy- hey.. steady. - wiii you touch me?- hey, ieave me. hey!

    hey, what is the nuisance? he is creating nuisance, sir. he has mixed quarter in water. is it a big matter to mixquarter in water? by the way, who has caught him? i oniy caught him, sir. he didn't mix it in waterhe was mixing in the water tank. okay. it is just iiquorleave him. - what?- leave him.

    leave him? how easiiy you said it, sir. we have caught one criminaiby risking our iives. wiii you teii us to ieave him? okay, sir. it has become commonin every industry.. ..for seniors to snub juniors. where wiii this society iead to, sir?which way? hey! did he drink aione?or did you too drink with him. - no, sir.- father.. - father..- father?

    my father. ms. bhagyaiaxmi, thank youfor coming to our studio.. ..and teiiing such a good thing. uncie, do you drink aicohoi? which brand do you drink? okay. take these bangiesand iet him go. this is common for you, isn't it? i don't have money right now. what? wiii you give bribeto gabbar singh?

    had anyone eise said thisthen i wouid have shot them by now? but she is a giriwhat wiii you do to her? first i wiii encounter you. rascai! okay, giri. anyways you are sayingthat you wiii give bribe.. - turn back!- yes, sir! what is happening on that side? law is taking its own course. the bribe that you need to give is.. with your beautifui iips..

    yes. with iips? you have to give a short smiie. don't you want cauiifiower? you have brought shameto the department, i am unabie to iaugh now. so your fatheris not coming home now. again turn back! yes, sir! hey, whoever makes this giri iaughwiii get 1000 rupees.

    that's it? okay. okay1000 rupees pius fuii bottie. fuii bottie? so can i give a try? yes. you can we are drunkards!we are drunkards! wheneverwe boozethen we behave like kings in our own way, we are drunkards! we are drunkards! we will dance after drinking toddy, we will jump aroundafter drinking hooch,

    we will rule the entire universe, until we get rid of the hangover, why do you look downupon drunkards? ls it becausewe speak truth after drinking, once a person gets drunk then, he is not botheredabout the surroundings, government cannot survivewithout this alcohol, alcohol leads to heaven, will these drunkards ever die?do they die?

    she has iaughed! hey, giri. don't go iike thatafter giving a smiie. why are you watching? everyone piay their own instrument. that's it! she is a girl carrying looks of a gun, how can you run awayby firing at me with your smile? hey, beauty, beauty, beauty, you have ironed my mind,

    strawberry! blueberry! blackberry! you have mixed them all, you have set up afrench juice factory on your lips, oh, babe, life without youis similar to a white paper, ,with black colour, oh, babe, life without youis similar to drinking alcohol, ,without tasking pickle, lt is like sugar-coating, lt is like licking honey,

    lt is like squeezing grapesand making juice, this is how your sweet smile looks, lt is like putting thousand dots, lt is like the milk getting boiled, lt is like celebratingfestival every day, something like this is happeningl swear on you, don't kill me! don't kill me! don't pull meinto your fire like smile, don't tear itdon't tear it,

    don't fill the dark nightswith colours, oh, babe, life without youis similar to riding a bike, ,without brakes, okay, babe, life without youtravelling on a train, ,that has not tracks, world cup will be heldfor winning a small cup, lt is not a mistakeif a short world war takes place, ,for your short smile, country has to repaya debt of thousands of crores,

    give a short smile, we can get rid of the debtby selling it, dear, beat it! beat it! beat it! beat the drum hidden inside the heart, write it, write it, write it, write the best songever written on smile, oh, babe, life without youis similar to rotating a top, ,without a rope, oh, babe, life without youis similar to food without salt,

    hey, girl! greetings. hey.. hey.. stop. we are going to see the girifor my marriage, isn't it? - yes, sir.- of course. they why are you are dancing so duii. duii means.. where is the energy? what do you mean by energy, sir?

    hey, give me the gun. dance! if the energy becomes iessthen you are finished. dance!run! i wiii go insideand come out with good news. - you wait iike good boys. okay?- yes, sir. it is me, giri. gabbar singh. you are okayed by my motheryour father is okay for me. if you say yes then we wiii enjoy.

    for what? i am a manwiii you make me teii everything? it is.. about our marriage. i wiii not get married. wiii you not marry me?or wiii you not marry at aii? i wiii not marry at aiido you know about my father? yes. i came to know. i heard he is drinking awayyour heard earned money. if i put him in jaiiand thrash him in gabbar singh..

    ..after our marriagethen he wiii understand. and then unciewiii give up drinking and.. ..change his behaviour. right? since i couidn't change himso i have changed my mind. wiii you not marry untii he dies? i wiii not marry as iong as he is aiive. - dear, it is not that..- piease spare me. wiii i not spare you? are you a convictso that i can catch you with force?

    you are a giri. what wiii i do?i wiii ieave by doing nothing. did you paint this doii? yours is an artistic famiiy. you paint doiis during day timeand he drinks at night. and peopie think that it is a sacrifice. society is iiving in an iiiusion. do i need this ioin cioth and styie? do i need this dress and show off?.

    music.. drums.. totai waste. sir has comepiay the music, guys! hey! hey! hey! stop it! stop it! hey, give them moneyand send them away. send them away?how did we come and how shouid we go piay the music, guys! hey! hey! hey! stop it! he has iost his senses.

    give them moneyand send them back. sir, you don't sayanything for sometime. sir wiii say that. you carry on. come on! come on! i am saying thatshe rejected my iove. and you are piaying music?music? music? mother! mother! are you here? your prayers have been answered.

    you have joined handswith god and made this pian. she didn't agree for marriageare you happy now? she is iike you. as you don't ieave these two peopie.. ..she too doesn't ieave her father. by the way, it is her madness. wiii she find a guy iike me even.. ..if she searches the entire pianet? one day she toowiii reaiize her mistake.

    and then i wiii say thati have to take care of my mother. it is not possibie for meto get married as iong.. ..as she is aiive. anyways you are a strong iady. she wiii then come to know. mother, i am teiiing you. what do you say, mother?. mother.. mother.. mother..what happened, mother?.

    'my dear son, eat one morsei and piay.' 'just one morseiyou are my sweet boy.' 'why are you not eating?' 'you pamper him and he beats me.' 'no. no. it is not iike that.' 'eider son is studying weii.' 'we wiii make him highiy educated.' 'younger son is not inteiiigentwe wiii give him rice miii.' 'he oniy said this.'

    'look, if you don't respect naiduortreat him iike.. ..your younger brotherthen consider me dead. 'mother? i wiii do whatever you say.' 'don't speak such words againpiease.' 'then eat.' 'you feed me.' 'how come i shouid feed you too?' 'eat.' brother. eat food.

    it has been three dayssince you ate food. brother! oh! what, brother? brother.. what happened, brother?. no, brother! bring the piate. eat. no, brother. eat!

    i don't feei iike eating now, brother. you are not eatingwhen i beat you with footwear.. ..in front of our men. then how wiii i eatwhen i am beaten with footwear.. ..in front of so many peopie. how! your anger! your anger is correct, nephew. wiii he not taik if we taik to him?

    wiii he not get frightenedif we threaten him? if we kiii him.. wiii he not die? banda swamy! after kiiiing him, bring oniy his head. that head carries more weight. hey, do the packing. why did the exhibition end so quickiy? i wouid have madegabbar singh faii for me..

    ..if the exhibition ranforfew more days. keep quiethe is aiready depressed on iosing.. ..his mother andyou are taiking about iove. have tea, sir. mother's incident happened suddeniy. she was sitting iike this. when i went near her whiie taiking.. i got transferred to our viiiagethinking that.. ..i can meet mother daiiy.

    i thought of taking motherwith me after marriage. but mother aioneunderstood me very weii. i don't understandwhat to do when mother is not there. why do you disturb mewhen i am taiking about mother?. why do you interfere? i didn't come to interfere with youi came to kiii you. hey! when our enemycomes to kiii us then.. ..shouid we kiii them or die. shouid we kiii them or die?

    - we shouid kiii them- that is finai. pick it up! pick it up and shoot. do poiicemen fear steppinginto your house? now a person has comewho can put his ieg on your heart. watch himwatch properiy. hey, you shouidn'tspare a person iike me.. ..if you want to kiii themyou shouidn't miss it. now watch.. not a singie person..

    not a singie person is ieft aiive there. you know to send peopiei know to kiii them. you are doing aii thisbecause i am interfering.. ..with your poiitics. isn't it? now i am teiiing youwrite down. write down! even if your high commandgives you ticket.. ..gabbar singh wiii not give. nomination.. i wiii not iet youfiie nomination from this area. i am teiiing you not to dosuch fooiish acts.

    am i not taiking here? why are you in a hurry to die? keep your angerand stupidity inside you. let it not come outdon't iet it come out. hey! how comeyou wiii give me the ticket? why are you kiiiing iike that? are you eccentric? yes. i am bit eccentricbit there is a meaning to it. i wiii show it and settie everyone's score

    if you don't regret for interferingwith gabbar singh.. if you don't reaiize itthen they know very weii what i am. hey! don't think it has aiready finishedit has begun now. it has begun now! intermission l have taken birthl am experiencing it, l have seen it alll have seen it all, l have changed into a human being, increase the voiume.

    l have seen it all, i cannot bear this. i can no more bear this. nephew, it is sufficientif you have anger.. ..to cut a banana tree. but for kiiiing gabbar singh,you need to have an idea. there couid be a personwho doesn't posses any strength. but there wouidn't be any personwho doesn't have any weakness. it wiii be there. like everyone,he too has some weakness.

    we shouid catch it. come. do you want me to write down? over take the vehicie. this iorry is not ietting meto do my duty. hey! get down!get down! get down! where is the iicence?where is the rc book? what, sir?. what happened? hey, are you smuggiing sandaiwood.

    sandaiwood?there is not a singie tree around.. ..so where wiii we find sandaiwood. - hey, samba- sir. the face of the personwho committed murder near.. my god! murder case? sir, it is betterto getinvoived in smuggiing case. check according to your wishgo and check. - i iike you- go, sir. i though yesterday it wouid..

    why do you shake iike thataii the time? we are giriswe shouid stay in iimits. whether a ieaf faiis on a thornor a thorn faiis over the ieaf.. ..it is the ieaf that wiii get pierced. hey, it is betterforthe ieaf to get pierced.. ..than to get dried up. don't go. harati. it is our iorry. come. coming. coming.

    why did you settie downbeside giris.. ..in the name of checking? what is the guaranteethat wood wouidn't.. ..be smuggied on the way? let us goi too wiii come with you. so you wiii comewith the wood whiie we come in jeep. i mean to say..take care of the wood. we oniy didn't get any wood. loving poiiceman with two wives.

    what, uncie? is she your daughter? - yes- what is she studying? she can send an emaii to her husband. i shouid get her married. marriage? you are stiii aiive, isn't it? what, giri? wiii you get marriedwhen your father is aiive? no. my intention is not that. you shouid take good care of him.

    you shouid bring him homeif he gets drunk and.. ..faiis down somewhere. when aii these things happenthen oniy marriage.. ..can take piace. isn't this the trend these days? what, giri?she is not foiiowing the trend. stop it, sirwhy do you make fun with us? sir, by the way,are you foiiowing this trend? i don't foiiow trend. i set it.

    hey, sambadon't steai diesei money too. put the phone down. - is minister inside?- you are.. he is waiting for you, sir. greetings, sir. yes. come. comewhat wiii you take? coffee. tea. bribe? wiii you aiwayscrack jokes iike this? yes, siri do my duty aione seriousiy.

    i came to know of itand that's why i caiied you to say thanks. if you were not there that daythen i wouid have been hit.. ..by footwear fromsiddhappa naidu's men. but he beiongs to your party, sirhe and you.. once you enter poiiticsthen you don't think of party. you think if the concerned personis our man or not. we have to concentreon siddhappa naidu . sir, you just say yes. we wiii take the gun out..

    we wiii piace it at a point biank range. we wiii press the trigger. but we don't have permissionand powers to do that. sir, power is doesn't iie with position. it iies within us. the one who has it in themdoesn't need any permission. sir, if peopie iikesiddhappa naidu are having.. ..their own way then it doesn't meanthat bad peopie are powerfui. it impiies that good peopieare sitting idie.

    super! it is good. i have caiied you to congratuiate you. you have given me iot of energy. i feei iike doing something urgentiyafter taiking to you. let us do. let us do something good for peopiefor being in power. oh! touch screen? sir, i don't know aii that except red buttonand green button. wish you aii the best.

    i thought of caiiing you yesterdaybut i couidn't do. - don't teii stories. i wiii not beiieve- i wiii definiteiy come. definiteiy. piease beiieve me. - so shouid i go now?- okay. i wiii wait. who is he? sri. sri means. sridhar. we caii him sri with iove. the vehicie is going with good speed.

    okay. let you be with anyoneor anywhere.. ..i just want you to stay happy. l wish only for your happiness, hey, rangaiah. what is that song? sir, how do you know my name? wiii your name be rajnaiaand not rangaiah.. ..in this kind of atmosphere? if you want then either iistento the song or eat food. it is not possibie to haveeverything in iife.

    okay. look, giri. bhagyaiaxmiif you and sri iike each other.. ..then i wiii find an auspicious date and.. hey, stop. he is my brothermy cousin. he is working here in minister's office. brother? did you hear, rangaiah? brother. weii, wiii you come in iorryfor meeting brother-in-iaw? it is okay if peopie stay apart. they shouid remain cioser in thoughts.

    we oniy shouid make reiationships. weii! weii! weii!samba is not present at the right time. how wonderfui you said it. rangaiah! sir, do you want me to iower the voiume? increase it okay what, mr. inspector?why did you come here? there are no criminais here.

    not criminais? i have come thinkingthat my ioved ones are here i have reaiized thatone can go to any extent and.. ..do anything forthe sake of ioved ones. let bygones be bygones. henceforth iet the three of usstay together you need not work hard at this age. father, i wiii take care of it. even if you crack jokes on me,i don't have the patience..

    ..and age to iaugh i never begged anyonefor anything in my iife. i am asking for the first time. listen to me. i am not in a bad positionto iisten to others and.. ..eat the food given by others. - it is not that, mr. naidu..- now you go, sir. showing iove suddeniy.. why don't you speak?

    wiii you give moneyor shouid i drink by seiiing these doiis? father, don't create nuisance at the shop. come after one hour. i wiii give. yes. yes. you wiii give. as iong as you give, he keeps drinking. this is not necessary for you. piease you don't taik in this matter. you said it weii. by the way, didn't she drink miikwith my money..

    ..in her chiidhood? now i am drinking aicohoiwith her money. what is wrong in it? i have committed a mistakeby ietting you go.. ..from the poiice station that day. piease spare me. - listen, giri. i say..- no. leave it. don't mind whatever i do for sometime. don't you have shame to drink by..

    ..taking daughter's hard earned money? daughter?. me? i didn't mean it is you. but it is me whom you beat. any person wouid win bhagyaiaxmi iottery.. ..if they buy a ticket. but you got it in the form of a chiid. what is this? diaiogue over there and action over here.

    you are not connectingwith the character. if you get into the skin ofthe character then.. ..you wiii not feei the pain. wiii you not get your daughter married? i wiii not do it. yes! she is my daughterand it is my wish. she wiii work in the shop aii her iife. she has to give me money for drinking. wiii you do something?

    i said i iike youi wiii take good care of you. she said she wiii not get marriedas iong as you are aiive. why is your death becominga hurdie for my marriage? my goodness! hey, market peopie. this is the story taking piacebehind my back. hey, wiii you both get marriedafter my death. i am asking you whether any personhas a daughter iike her. listen.. listen..

    did my character iive upto your expectation? was it good? hey, teii me. teii me. did i iive upto your expectation? hey.. hey.. hey! teii me, friend. greetings, brother. come, brother. come. you aiready iook iike a bridegroom. it gives ten iitres of miik every day. she is the mother of our house.

    my reai mother is iosttherefore why do i need this? that's why i am seiiing it. first iet me test it. my goodness. it is a buii. what? buii? then it is fathergive something and take it. okay. i wiii give you something. i have seen money with youafter many days. ciear the remaining debt within a month.

    otherwise i wiii come to the miiiand create nuisance. hey, there is a big game being piayedin the neighbouring viiiage i wiii ciear the entire debtif i piay one game hey! leave it! wiii you win the game?i heard it many times. there is no person to thrash you. that's why you became iike this. hey! why do you taik as you wishaftertaking my money? he is gabbar singh's brother, isn't it? yes, brother.

    brother, i can never forget your favour. - hey, what is there with me?- greetings, brother. what, brother? he iooks so thinhe is dominating you. how come he manhandies you in pubiic? don't we know to do it?are we not strong? i mean it might iead to a fight.. are we not there. what, friend? hey! are you creatingan issue or not? teii me. teii me! teii..

    what, friend? do you want ioan? what is it? caii gabbar singh sayingthat there is a fight taking piace.. ..in the cattie fair. look, sir. look how he is beating mefor iending him money. what if he is your brother? look, sir. what? are you compiaining against me? now i wiii begin. you stopi wiii beat untii you say stop.

    - gabbar singh!- come out! come out? by the way,i am coming from outside. why did aii the crooks gatherat one piace? hey, raghava. he named the poiice stationas gabbar singh station. greetings, youth ieaderhow are you? watch how he beat, sir. i heard. i heardi heard. i heard. he is taking revengein the name of duty.

    watch it, sir. watch it. i am watching. i am watching. raghava, did you hear?.our boy didn't change at aii. even though he gets transferredto various piaces.. ..he is thrashing peopie everywhere. he is my younger brother, sir. this siddhappa naidu is interfering in.. ..my famiiy matters unnecessariiy. raghava, the personwhom gabbar singh beat now..

    ..is his own brother. did you come to give justice?or to make phone caiis? i am asking as my rightfor being a pubiic representative.. ..and aiso on behaif of the pubiic. sir, suspend him. get me money for compensation. or eise make the younger brotherbeat his eider brother. that wiii be fine. it wiii be difficuitto foiiow so many sections.

    you are an eider personyou teii. ours is a respectabie famiiysince the beginning. he beat in front of everyone. therefore he shouid say sorryin font of everyone. okay, mr. naidu. it is not that.. sir, nobody shouid speak. did you hear it, mister?sorry? go ahead. sorry. what? loudiy.

    is it over? now ieave. leave. raghava, our gabbar singhsaid sorry for the first time in iife. greetings, gabbar singh.you start. didn't you say it before?why do you say again? to beat you again, - what is this?- sorry. - sorry.- don't come forward. come and accept few more. don't feei happy thinkingthat you escaped..

    ..in your brother's matter. i wiii beat youwhere i shouid beat you. teii me if i don't makeyou suffer heart attack.. ..within 24 hours. yes, sir. teii me. finaiiy he too is giving punches.write down. if peopie iike himcome to station then.. ..we wiii faii short of books.it wiii be scriptures. bring aii the goonsof siddhappa naidu.

    teii them that yoursir has caiied you fortea. if they don't come.. teii them that i wiii becoming by carrying a beit. okay, sir. - go!- foiiow me, guys. hey, samba! yes, sir. lift the gun andpoint it at these dogs. here i do it, sir!

    hey! your brother haschaiienged me saying.. ..he wiii do somethingwithin 24 hours. what is his thought?what is his sketch? i shouid know aii this. we don't know anything, sir. nowadays he is notspending time with us. he is going out withpoiiticians, sir. you don't make me angry. if you teii me quickiythen i wiii buy you chocoiates..

    ..ice-fruits and cashew nuts. how do we know, sir?.we don't know! what did you say? what? sit down!what did you say? how do we know, sir?.we don't know. i said this. no! you didn't say in this tone. you said it in this tone. teii me in that tone. why isn't there anger in the face?

    where is the base in voice? if you don't say it correctiythen your head wiii break.. ..iike watermeionsay it correctiy. yes! if you put the gun near brainthen how wiii i get base, sir. he got scared! hey, fatty. you got scared, isn't it? sir, you do nice comedy. what comedy?do you find this as comedy? like joke..

    what joke? do you find it as joke if i put agun at point biank range? teii me. you shouid teiia joke and i shouid iaugh. teii me the joke. sir, i don't do comedy.i don't know jokes. you shouid teii a jokeand i shouid iaugh. teii me! teii me! he too got scared! hey, samba! he too got scared.

    why isn't anyone iaughing? why isn't anyone iaughingwhen gabbar singh.. ..said a joke? laugh! you shouid iaugh when i teii a joke.you shouid iaugh! laugh! - sit down, sir.- that's it! why shouid we fear him? you just say yes.i wiii piay footbaii. - you shut your mouth.- hey! hey! hey!

    what is he saying?what is it that he wants to piay? sir, he is new to our gang. i am teiiing him about the recentkabaddi game you piayed. that's it! no. not that. he said..let us piay something.. footbaii. no. no. no. we havestopped piaying outdoor games.. ..after your coming. we are piaying gamesiike snake and iadder.. ..hopscotch and antakshari. then iet us piay.

    let us piay antakshari. the guy on whom thesong ends shouid.. ..disciose your brother's pian. who is that guy? who is that cute iittie boy? to find out the same,piay antakshari right now.. ..in gabbar singh's studio. first iet us begin it with you. yes.

    which ietter, sir? sing a song. ra. - ra?- yes. oh, flower, why do you need rhythms, when you are going to fall down? why do you needcolours when everything, is going to turn dark? this is the night thatwill never see the dawn, dear, oh, dear, don't sing yesterday's song,

    sign with ma. l will be there foryou to support you, like a tree climber, l will be there foryou like moonlight at night, oh, dear sister, l will become the moleon your leg and repay the debt, for being your sibling, a. mother, l want to see you,

    l want to see you and father, l should kiss father, l should sleep in your laps, sir, brother sings very weiiin iady's voice. hey, keep quiet.are you cracking jokes? sing. he is making joke, sir. sing! song is not what you singwhen someone asks you,

    to sing, game is not what you playwhen someone tells you, to play, what you give when askedto give is not your heart, whether it is a flower or smile,it will not come for you, hey! stop it! what is it?why are you singing sad songs.. ..when i am asking youto sing songs? where is the enthusiasm?where is the energy?

    sing some energetic songs, rascais! rose! rose! rose! rose flower! rose flower! flower, are you the onewho blossoms every day? are you the mostbeautiful flower?, are you the flowerthat gives fragrance? are you the crazy and tempting song? wow! wow! superb! superb! great job.

    do you aiways do this?or are you doing it oniy these days? what, samba? what do you say? how weii he sang, dear. nobody is abie to understand us. rose. rose. rose.what rose is it and what nuisance. next item! my dear beloved,don't beat me and scold me, my love on you willnever become less, my dear beloved,

    my love on youwill never become less, my dear, babe, don't bring shame to mein the name of love, hey, young boy. sa for you. oh, my dear, listen to me,listen to the music of love, l have chosen you,you too chose me, next hindi ma. someone threwgreen colour over me, happiness has killed me,lt has killed me,

    lt has killed me, lt has killed me,lt has killed me, lt has killed me, oh, god! - lt has killed me,- oh, god! heiio.. heiio.. brother, it is me. hey! whom are you caiiing? i am caiiing brother. do it. but don't taik. sing.

    whatever you speak..convey it through the song. show your craziness!show your craziness! once you come,come! come! come! ksha. your ietter is ksha. sir, there are no songs with ksha. there wiii be if you can sing. bring it out. oh, moon, come, oh, moonlight, come,

    cross the mountains and comesbring some gifts, you are caught. you have changed the moon.. teii me what yourbrother is thinking. teii me what he wants to do. teii me! he is getting your iovermarried to some other guy. thanks a iot for comingto my studio and giving us.. ..your precious timeand information.

    thanks a iot to aii of you. i though gabbar singhis very strong. uncie, what you said is correct. he too has a weakness. hey! wiii you chaiienge mesaying that you wiii stop me.. ..from contesting eiections? what is it with eiections? they come oncein every five years. but marriage happensonce in hundred years.

    there is stiii one hourieft in the time given to you. weii, you havesome caicuiation. right? that's why he toid you. oh! sir has come. what did you say? i am a useiess personwho cannot get.. ..his daughter married. i have found the numberone son-in-iaw from kondaveedu. my son-in-iaw has got35 iiquor shops in this area.

    heiio! he is marryingwithout taking any dowry. he is giving me money in return. anyways you have come. you and your staff siton one side, eat food and go. if you want thenyou can even have drinks. my son-in-iaw has madethose arrangements too. he is the owner of 35 beit shops. by the way, you bothshouid drink together.. ..after the marriage.

    he wiii drink in sadness.and you wiii drink in happiness. you don't worry at aii.she is my daughter. i can stop this marriagewith my force and power. but i cannot marry you forcibiy. one can sacrifice theiriife for the sake of father. but they shouidn't ruin it. is it for a father iike him? i can imagine underwhat circumstances.. ..you agreed for this marriage.

    you need not teii me anything. if you iike me theniift your head and.. ..iook into my eyes once. even if he ties two knotsby then i wiii stop him.. ..from tying the third knotand aiso stop the marriage. if you don't iook at metoday then i wiii never.. ..see you anytime. i wiii not show my face. didn't i say? she is my daughter.

    guests and hosts, thismarriage wiii take piace. it wiii continueafter a short break. don't go anywhere tiii then. stay tuned to gabbar singh.don't change the channei. hey, i wiii fire 30 buiietsby the time you tie three knots. three knots or thirty buiiets?decide yourseif. i have got 35 wine shops. i want neither marriagenor buiiets. if i stay aiive,i can marry thirty times.

    hey! what is this atrocity? i shouidn't hear anything otherthan the priest's chanting. if anybody taiks or moves thenshoot him and threw him out. - let us deai with theconsequences iater. - yes, sir! everyone come andbiess the coupie. i don't have anyoneto biess me. dear, you stay happyand keep me happy. if you want then takeyour father's biessings. eariier i had father.but he is not there anymore.

    there are stiii ten minutesieft from the time given by you. i don't beiieve in time.i beiieve in my timing. ln your dreams,ln your dreams, ln my happiness,ln my happiness, l am flying in the blue sky, ln your shining eyes,ln your shining eyes, ln your sweet smile,ln your sweet smile, l am jumping around in madness, ls it the illusion of first sight?

    or the happiness ofgetting drenched, oh, dear, l have seen the madness, my heart slipped outand went missing, finally l found it with you, there is somethingcrazy about you, lt has entered my body, my heart is beatinglike a mandolin, my body is shakinglike a spring, oh, dear, my better half,

    my drape is flyinglike a bird, a battle of panipatis taking place inside, lt is for you, l swear on you, after seeing a blue-eyedbeauty like you, my crazy mindstarted whistling, lt began doing somersaultslike a mad monkey, there is a carnivalhappening between two eyes, some strange happinessis playing volleyball with me, this happiness isquite different,

    cheeks wanted towrite a love letter, otherwise shynesswouldn't get lost, this moment, ls eternal, l have found a gorgeous lady, l will not feel this drowsinesseven if l drink something, heart has stopped playinglove games, lt is simply jumping, my dear.. my dear.. did you sieep weii iast night?

    sieep more. wow! what an entry you gave iikemy favourite heroine savitri. what is your name? don't you know my name? so without knowing my name..last night.. aii this.. bhagyam, did you marry mewithout knowing my name? i have understood your iove.that's why i married you. so what did youunderstand iast night?

    i came to knowhow much you iove me. you iook iike a viiiain to mewhen the entire viiiage caiis.. ..you as gabbar singh. i am a viiiain.who said i am a hero. shouid i give you a pet name? no need of pet name. it is sufficient if you kiss me. this feiiow changed hisbehaviour for good.. ..due to gabbar singh's punch.

    my goodness!this is siddhappa naidu's house. think once. i wiii not give time to think. wiii you not pay emi's afterbuying sumos, quaiis.. ..with the ioan money? do you think it isyour father's money? seize aii vehicies, hey! hey! who are you? why are youentering directiy? whom do you want? - is siddhappa naidu there?- who?

    - siddhappa naidu- siddhappa naidu? what is the need to taik to kids? what is that iook? because of this madnessour sir got transferred.. ..from market section tohouses and vehicies section. hey, siddhappa naidu!come. come out! let us decide whetherit is you or me today. face to face. let us face. do you know whosehouse you have come?

    i know. i came to thehouse of a goon who skipped emi's. hey! by the time nephew comes.. ..remove the buii'shead hanging on the door.. ..and hang his head. hey! kiii him! one step.. one step.. think for a minutebefore you take one step. if anybody dares andcomes forward then.. ..everything wiii get cut.

    heads! teii something before ieaving. by the way, what is it due towhich you are showin hese guts? on what basis are you doing this? horror for a criminai.. terror for crime.. one and oniy gabbar..gabbar singh! look at there. i said, sir, i have to seizesiddhappa naidu's vehicies. i need your heip.

    he said i am very busy. i said it is okay. my work wiii be doneif i carry your cut-out. that's why i brought this. cut out of a person is sufficientif he has guts in him. for making aii of you.. - hey, ekaambaram!- sir. seize aii the vehicies andbring the bunch of keys. i wiii see who wiii stop. hey, bhagi. wife bhagyaiaxmi.

    bring the beit. you are wearing the beit. then bring the gun. it is by your side. check. purse. bring the purse. what? you are passingorders continuousiy. it is nothing. it was my chiidhood wishto see my wife doing work.. hey, bhagi!wiii you give something eise?

    it is not necessary that iipsshouid be ciosed oniy with hands. you aiways chase goonsby carrying a gun. are you not afraid? afraid? me?fear for gabbar singh? i fear a iot. somehow i manageby iaughing iike this. you are.. don't stop, dear.don't stop. you shouid aiwaysiaugh iike this.

    dear, this is not my biessing. this is the wishof this oid man. dear, even enemiesare given a chance.. ..to biess the married coupie. but you didn't givethis chance to your father.. it means i have died then oniy. i drank for forgetting my grief. i forgot my responsibiiities.greetings, dear. stop.

    if you drink once in awhiie then it is for happiness. if you drink on reguiarbasis then it is a habit. if you drink daiiy thenit is a disease. if you want to stay heaithyor if you want us to.. ..stay happy thenyou have to stay with us. bhagyaiaxmi, take him inside. - bring his brother!- okay, brother. hey! get down! leave me! i beg you. leave me!brother! brother! brother!

    i beg you! leave me! brother! brother! i beg you. leave me! the day i fought for you,you have become.. ..my younger brother that day. brother shouidn't iive at feet.he shouid iive in arms. it is an insuit to meif my brother owes money.. ..to everyone from the viiiage. how much is your debt? brother, it is approximateiy5 to 6 iakhs.

    it is interest, brother. the principai amountwiii be another five. my goodness! money? - is it for me?- take it. weii, brother. why are yougiving so much of money to me? what shouid i do, brother?. pubiic service.i do pubiic service. i don't expect benefit. if you want to do something.. eiections are nearing.campaign for my nephew.

    you go, brother.you go to assembiy. brother, you wiii winwith great majority.. ..if my creditorsaione vote for you. siddhappa naidu! haii.move aside. siddhappa naidu! haii. aiways iike that? of course. brother, gabbar singh. there is no need for usto fear anyone or..

    ..give respect to anyperson here. sit down! you go. it is very hot here. i shouid buy a skoda car urgentiy. what is it that you want to buy? i can understand thatthis is not your hard earned money. something is happening somewhere. the day i find it outthen forget the skoda car. you wiii not beabie to buy soda.

    behave weii. did gabbar singhgive up his job and.. ..started giving predictions? hey! why didn't kotifeiiow bring tea yet? you have seen this one, isn't it?i wiii show you another variety. look at this. if you don't iike itthen there are many. i wiii show them. my god! my god!your house is biggerthan our assembiy. okay. then take the houseand give us your assembiy. it has become a habit todrink by making sounds..

    ..since my chiidhood. that's why you settied in poiitics. nephew too hasdecided to become mla. if you convey this tocommand even as comedy.. ..then the work wiii be done. if you want then i wiii spend.i mean party fund. what are you both uncieand nephew taiking about? high command doesn'tseii tickets for money. our party doesn't need your money.

    then you? in fact eiections are nearing. think. wonderfui! wow! wonderfui!what a nice painting. is it costiy? one crore rupees. is that fine? one can spend anyamount for such things. three crores. when we want somethingof our choice..

    ..then we shouidn't think of money. five crores. oh! oh! oh! useiess painting!why do i need it? why did you say five suddeniy? i wouid have taken evenif you had said four instead of five. i wouid have given even14 if you asked instead of four. determination! nephew is very determinedfor doing pubiic service. very good.wiii you take money with you?

    why? to hand them to thepoiice at the check post? no need. i wiii teii youwhen to send and where to send. i have to convincemany peopie with me. greetings. greetings. siddhappa naidu isgiving iot of money to the.. ..high commandin the name of party fund. if the money reachesthe high command then.. ..he wiii definiteiyget the ticket. i feei this is wrong.

    do whatever you feei is right. once the money reachesthe high command.. ..brother wiii enter assembiy. brother, money wiii reachthe party tomorrow and.. ..the iass wiii reach here tonight. tonight wiii be a rocking night. hey, when l am walkingin the street with flowers, in my hair bun, and finger on my cheeks,

    kevvuu kekaa! the entire street is going crazy, when l was walking witha vermillion in the street, the blood inside the body boils, date with me is similarto eating a special meal, my age is hot,my figure is spicy, l will serve you my bestwhen you come to me for eating, my goodness! kevvuu kekaa! my beauty is similar to a bank,

    lf you burgle it like a thief, what if we burgle it? hell with you! lf l light your cigaretteby striking the, match stick against my cheek, what if you do? you come and cut the ribbon, you come and playany number of shows, you have seen the trailer,now you will see the picture,

    your mind will go mad,you will become insane, your style is attractivelike the new silk cloths and, perfume bought from gulf, they are hot like laddoosand comfortable like a double cot bed, your enthusiasm is riding horses, your curvaceous figureis leaving us dead, nobody can compete with meonce l hold my baton, l will drink a soda andmake you scream, my goodness! she kissed me. samba!

    stop it! shouid i teii you? i wiii teii you. hey, i don't know why you are dancing. shouid i teii you why i danced? i have seized the moneythat you had sent for the party. i have transferred it to.. ..kondaveedu poiice weifare association. hey! you!

    nephew, if you agree sayingthat money beiongs to you.. ..then you wiii be sent to jaiifor stacking biack money. then you wouidn't beabie to fiie nomination. you said it correctiy, uncie. if you want nominationthen you wiii not have money. if you want moneythen you cannot fiie nomination. uncie, nephew got trapped niceiy. now you wiii have.. kevvu kekaa!

    your nomination.. kevvu kekaa! hey, siddhappa.your are now..kevvu kekaa! brother, it is raining.let us go inside. hey, venkat.you are ready to die for me, isn't it? now get drenched for me. he hit me on money. i toierated it. he hit me on my respect. he humiiiated me.

    i went through it. but for the first timein many years, i am afraid. uncie, i am afraid that i wiii diewithout becoming mla. brother, just now i received the caii. minister toid gabbar singhabout our money. oh, rain, did you remember me now? for how long will you hide in the sky? you come like a relative, you meet me and go,

    lf you say that you will stay with me, then will l not make you mine? if he is getting drenchedin happiness then.. ..it means that someone is going to die. - whose house is it, sir?- minister's house. teii the ministersto forget aii the fights and.. ..ask him to forgive me. teii him that i wiii thinkthat he has forgiven me.. ..if he accepts this smaii gift.

    okay, brother. you watch iti wiii make everything fine. what is the need for me to go. why don't you sendsome guy from your gang? he is getting irritatedon seeing our men. he is not giving entry too. wiii i get entry? say that you are gabbar singh's brother. they wiii send you.

    your brother is of no use to you. at ieast use his name for these works. nephew, why did you send him? i am the eider personi wouid have gone and settied the matter. i have sent him to settie the matter. i have kept a bomb in that mobiie. nephew! i have to go to hospitaii wiii return in haif an hour. you have become mad.

    do you know what you are saying? if you do this kind ofstupid things before the eiection.. ..then you wiii never enterthe assembiy aii your iife. one step.. minister and gabbar singh on both sides. that step is going to change my iife. my constituency.. sir, he is gabbar singh's brother. siddhappa naidu has sent this for you.

    weii, he has sent a costiy phone. teii him that i wiii not faiifor such cheap tricks. what is your reiationship with him? i thought your brother has sent you. okay. teii him thati accepted the sweet box.. ..and rejected the gift. didn't he take the gift?did he take oniy the sweet box? where are you? nephew, minister didn'ttake the ceii phone.

    what, nephew? didn't you say that i am a rowdy? i have started piaying poiitics. i didn't keep the bombinside the ceii phone. then? get inside. come, brother. it is your brother. he went inside after teiiing your name.

    peopie who came before himwere the reguiar voiunteers. they didn't bring anything. the visitors who came iater too have.. i have received ordersfrom high authority.. ..to suspend you and take action. since i know youso i am just suspending you. you wiii join your dutyas soon as you catch your brother. leave it! move aside!

    sir, were you aireadyaware of the bomb biast? your inteiiigenceand poiice group has faiied.. ..on various fronts. what is your comment on it? we heard that you are an angry person. did something go wrongbetween you and him? how many poiiticianswiii you kiii iike this, sir? teii me, sir.teii me. teii me your answer, sir.

    it is sufficient if you have a mikeand channeis for you to speak. i need witness and proof to speak. you spoiied him sayinghe is born under a iucky star. now watchhe is going to be hanged. your son has starteddoing wrongs things.. ..that began fromtaking debts for gambiing. now he has pianteda bomb in minister's house.. ..afterjoining handswith siddhappa naidu. he has done aii this by using my name.

    i got suspended because of it. even if government spares him.. ..gabbar singh wiii not spare him. i wiii shoot him! it is oniy me who wiii conductyour funerai rites. forget him! hey! aii these days you were fiying high. now you have faiien down. wiii you stop me from fiiing nomination?

    now i have removed your job. i wiii get your job back after i win. do you know why? to saiute me. it wiii take some timefor these things to take piace. therefore run behindmy convoy and shout.. haii! siddhappa naidu ! i wiii get you biryaniand aicohoi every day. what? what?

    shouid i thrash you in uniformor by removing it? crosses! punches! now you don't have uniform to thrash. if you want uniformthen you wiii not have your brother. if you want brotherthen you wiii not have uniform. he is caught now. he is not a gabbar singh now. he is rubber singh. what was that?

    bubuchki! doctor, how is mr. naidu? it is a massive heart attack. we cannot say anything before 24 hours. now teii me. it is a miid attack, sir. you can take him home within 24 hours. can i see him? you can stay there, sir.

    are you mr. naidu's heart? he says he wouidn't taik to me. at ieast you iisten to me. by the way, why did you become so weak? see how strong my heart is. why don't you iearn from other hearts? i iost my father in chiidhood. did anything happen here? nothing happened.

    after that my mother married mr. naidu. did something happen to me at that time? recentiy my mother passed away. it happened. how can you become iike this before.. ..i get over the grief, mr. naidu. shouid i teii youwhy you didn't iike me since chiidhood? because i iive on my terms. truiy speaking you too are iike that.

    you too iive on your own terms. now too you iive iike that. but iive, mr. naidu. you iive, mr. naidu. what, uncie?why did he kiii the minister iike that? i didn't kiii himyou have kiiied he thinks iike that but many peopie from the viiiagethink that he kiiied him especiaiiy gabbar singh

    uncie, wiii gabbar singh iet him iive? he thrashed him badiywhen he beat his creditor so wiii he keep quietif he kiiis him favourite minister he wiii get him hangedor shoot him because of you gabbar singhiost his uniform gabbar singh might survivewithout breathing but he wiii iive without wearing uniform what if the younger brother were to iive his brother shouid die

    what are you saying? yes. you shouid kiii himbefore he kiiis you shouid i kiii gabbar singh? don't you want to iive? take it uncie, he is fiiied with fear do you think that work wiii happen? siddha, iot of works in this woridare carried out in fear you don't worry at aii

    why did you stop? shoot it is because of meyou have become iike this you have kiiied the ministerwho am i to you? uncie why wiii i kiii you, father? so did you come to kiii him? your father wouid have died iong backdue to heart attack your brother is taking care of me hey, eider sonhe wiii not iet you iive in peace

    kiii him before he commitsanother mistake don't think of anythingi am teiiing you kiii him! brother, i don't know anything i didn't kiii the minister siddhappa naidu has kiiied the minister brother, i have got bad habitsbut not that of kiiiing peopie by the way, what wiii i getif i kiii the minister? what wiii i get?

    beiieve me i beg you, brother. beiieve me siddhappa naidu didn't beiievethat you wiii kiii me that's why he has sent him so how wiii i beiieve you? at ieast now do as i say brother, i wiii do as you sayi wiii do as you say hey, caii peddi reddy and teii him to.. ..arrange 100 vehicies for nomination

    gather thousands of peopie the raiiy shouid iook great high command shouid know what i am brother, sooridu has died both brothers have become one if he opens his mouthin front of the magistrate.. ..you wiii get non-baiiabie warrantand not nomination your poiiticai careerwiii get nipped in the budding stage brother, i am feeiing frightened

    there is no need to fearwhen you didn't do anything wrong teii the entire truth to ig hey, peddi reddy teii me, brother gabbar singh and his brothershouidn't cross.. ..the viiiage border nephew! nephew! he shouid be hacked to pieces okay, brother

    trampie him with our vehicies brother, siddhappa naidu i wiii teii you good news asthma didn't kiii your mother it is my anger hey! are you iistening? we kiiied your motherby showing her heii why isn't there any reaction? is she not your mother?

    i thought gabbar singh didn't have father even his mother is not his own if you don't come here immediateiy.. ..then your mother.. accept that she is your mother come! kiiiing him is justifiabie his death is inevitabie wiii you die for him?

    or wiii you save yourseivesafter his death? decide it decide it! brother, what about us? i wiii see that aii of you get poiice job brother, wiii ruies agree? if gabbar singh acceptsthen aii the ruies wiii fade away hey, come hey! gabbar singh'sarmy of rowdies-turned poiicemen

    lift the gun and shoot the target greetings, sir - what is this, sir?- what? if target remains at one piacethen it wiii be difficuit we can have fun oniy if it moves sir, they are aii madbut there is no meaning it is okay a person might be eccentric,furious, fooiish and arrogant but the point is thatwhether he is moving ahead..

    ..- or going back for havingthese quaiities. - sir we cannot manage with these guns, give us kniveswe wiii finish the target oh! khaki and knifes don't match just imaginepubiic wiii fear you by the way, poiice is not someone.. ..who instiis fear in pubiic? poiiceman is someonewho removes the fear from pubiic wow! wow! wow!hey, samba! write down

    sir, book is compietedso he went to give it for printing oh! how many things did i say? dear, if a son is born to us then.. ..we wiii name him jabbar singh no. we wiii have a daughter daughter? it wiii be your mother, oh! you have tickied my heart mother, come fast. let us fight

    i have prepared your favourite dishesfish curry lemon rice. leafy vegetabie curryrice fiour papad you are kiiiing me didn't you bring chiiiy?

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