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    homecoming hairstyles for medium hair down

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    ♪ ♪ maya: welcome back to anotherepisode of the slumber party! amy has an auditionthat she's preparing for and i want her toslay the audition. she's out in the worldbeing great and being big, and what's evengreater than that is it just so happenedthat the week that amy was busy a special friendof ours is in town and so she's going tocome by, but her ass is late.

    and when you seeher then you guys can probably put twoand two together because she has a profession where they'retraditionally very late. fashionably late. shannon: oh, i like that one! yes! so i asked you guys onsnapchat and on youtube here to leave us yourcomments and i have some here. here you...

    shannon: all right. male: okay, but myquestion really is: can we please get a behindthe scenes of slumber party? that set looks phe-nom-e-nal. and i just kindof want to see... [laughter] shannon: do it maya, okay do it. behind the scenes! thebackdrop, there's the lighting, oh there's rudy.

    this is a good one. thisis not a video, read that. all right. how can i stop depending onmen to boost my confidence? well sister mary kay, this brings us to ourtopic of the week which is... together: confidence. so, how can you stop dependingon men to boost your confidence? you have to find other sources. at the end of the dayyou've got to replace that

    with an activity,with better friendships, with god; as mayadid, with spirituality. there has to besomething else that's greater and there's a lot of thingsgreater out there than a man, trust and believe me,that replace that for you. agreed. [door bell rings] shannon: yay! i'm soexcited! yay! [♪ ♪] maya: team pink! welcome. winnie: my favorite color.

    maya: this is the slumber party. winnie: thanks for having me. maya: thanks for being here. for those of you guyswho do not know who this wonder woman is, thisis ms. winnie harlow. she's a supermodel, youmay have seen her in campaigns for desigual, i'msaying it wrong, aren't i? maya: oh you know what you said.[crosstalk] winnie: desigual.

    shannon: and for sprite -- maya: i saw thesprite one just yesterday. shannon: you saw the commercialon tv? maya: yes. no because itwas about confidence and today is allabout confidence. maya: how do youguys know each other? you tried to hiton me on facebook. winnie: accurate. shannon: and theni slid in your dms.

    shannon: so it waskind of like a joint -- maya: what do you mean? shannon: she friended mebecause she thought i was hot and then i wrote her like, "you are stunning. wehave to work together." is you bi or nah? winnie: nah, i'mstrictly-dickly. maya: okay, so thisis just a girl crush. winnie: yeah, a girl crush.

    shannon: yeah, and shehad a girl crush on you! maya: oh yeah! youwere at my meet and greets. shannon: yeah wetalked about it. she's aprofessional thirst trapper. and what i loveabout you is that like to me you're such a greatinspiration in confidence which is whattoday's episode is about. do you know what's crazy though? i was the firstperson to shoot you,

    but you knew how tomodel. how did that work? maya: confidence! shannon: yeah. winnie: oh, that's a good point. maya: on that note. let mejust give these quizzes out. i want to know how yougot all this confidence. winnie: ooo. maya: i like to be a geek. and we loved that last episode you guys actually answeredthe questions of the quiz. so if you go on thecomments section right now

    you can answer thesequestions along with us, step by step. maya: okay, ready? go. [clock ticking][speaking in fast forward] shannon: all right time's up! maya: pens down! shannon: pens down!pens down, papers down! maya: what doesconfidence mean to you? shannon: guest. maya: guest first. winnie: oh, why thank you.

    confidence to me means doingwhat the fuck you want to do. shannon: do you want toelaborate or just let that sit? winnie: no that one can just sit. do what the fuckyou want to do, boo! shannon: mine is thinkingyou're the hottest, smartest, coolest in the room, but being smart enoughto never say that out loud. like i think i'm hotterthan these two bitches, but i'm going to be all like,

    "you guys aregorgeous. you're so beautiful." in my head though -- winnie: uh, you failed.you failed at your own mantra. shannon: oh i said it out loud? winnie: because you said it out loud. shannon: yeah you're right. maya: fail. maya:i have confidence is unwaveringfaith and belief in "it." knowing your ish and owning it. you have that on your thing --

    what are youmost confident with? winnie: my facialappearance without makeup, although i do love a good beat. mine is my sexuality, obviously. maya: mine is myfaith and relationship with g-o double d. that's not -- winnie:that's not how you spell it. shannon: that's gaaawd! maya: i was trying to be cool. shannon: you weredoing snoop doggy dogg.

    winnie: right! g-o double d. maya: i was. shannon: question 3. maya: what are youleast confident about? winnie: being completelynaked in front of a camera, which you got me to do. shannon: yeah. but are you leastconfident about that or do you wantcontrol over that?

    winnie: well i thinkit's the same thing. shannon: i guess confidence isbecause you look great naked, do you feelotherwise about yourself? winnie: i mean, iknow all my flaws, right? so when i look at myself naked, when you look at menaked you're like, "oh shit." shannon: daaaaamn! winnie: damn, exactly. and i'm like, "mm, that couldbe fixed, that could be fixed,

    and that could be fixed." so you still haveissues with body -- - i mean we all do. - yeah we all do. shannon: okay. mineis my speech, for sure, and this is something that maya used to make fun ofme about years ago. maya: i'm so sorry, i'mso sorry. i didn't know. shannon: i stillstruggle to this day -- maya: i didn't make fun of you!

    shannon: [speaking with lisp]yes you did! you told me thisis who i sounded. you said i sounded like this. maya: i said on the phone you -- shannon: [normal voice] you're only laughing because you thinkit's accurate, okay? so just sit back there. maya: i just --ugh! anyways i'm sorry. i'm least confidentabout dating randoms.

    and i made a video about it,y'all already know this. winnie: i should watchthat. it sounds like me. maya: how did yougain your confidence? winnie: i think i wasborn with it, lost it, and gained it back by deciding myoriginal idea of myself was more importantand more relevant. shannon: oh my god,that was awesome. and you actuallytalked about this,

    those differenttypes of confident. maya: oh yes, yes. confidence can be genetic,your dna, your upbringing, so what your parents said toyou, and words are powerful. the way you react to situations and the choicesthat you make in life. winnie: for sure. shannon: so you feellike you were born with it? winnie: yep, no, ifeel like all of those

    were actually relevant to me, but i feel likeobviously i started with, i was born with it. what made youlose your confidence and how did you get it back? winnie: i lost my confidencewhen i got into school and -- maya: school? winnie: yeah. maya: school is tricky. winnie: yeah. they were like, "whatthe fuck is wrong with her?"

    i wasn't born with myskin condition too, right? so, um, my natural confidencewas just me being me. and then when myskin condition came i don't evenremember not having it, so it was just normal to me. when people reacted to my skin it made meself-conscious about myself. and then i was like maybe i'mnot as hot as i think i am -- well not hot, butlike cute, you know?

    shannon: yeah becauseno one is hot at five. winnie: yeah, exactly. as i got older i was like, nah, fuck that shit, i'mhot, i'm hot shit, the fuck? maya: what about you? shannon: mine is work. i gain my confidenceby putting the work in. i think that insecurity isactually a phase of confidence because it's not until youcan actually say out loud,

    "i'm shit at this."or, "i have a weakness." and that's the wholebusiness model which is you buy your weaknessesand you sell your strengths. i remember when youwere so awkward physically. you even wrote stories about it. shannon: yeah. and mayataught me how to do makeup. and so i went to the experts. i'm like, okay,who's dope at what they do and how can theyhelp me to be better?

    you transformed yourself because i remember youbeing like really awkward, especially physically, like you had this storyabout you dancing for a guy and just a totalfail, complete fail! now she's twerkingeverywhere she's going. shannon: i pulled my hamstringin like a serious way -- maya: she tried to do the splits. shannon: -- i had to limpfor the rest of the trip.

    you did the splits forhim trying to be sexy. shannon: i really did that. maya: and she wroteabout it and i read it. shannon: but you know confidenceis one of those things where like you saidthere's a spectrum to it, and it's going through themotions and being authentic. and being insecure is, ithink, not always a bad thing. it's part of it. maya: confidence for me camefrom questioning my beliefs

    and discovering myanswer through hard-ass work. so i questioned everything. i didn't blindly followanything that came at me. and then in that discoveryof like doubting myself and being insecure i didthe work, i did the research, and i discoveredmy truth, my beliefs, and i'm confident in it. what is something that terrifiedyou, but you did anyways? winnie: living.

    together: oooo. maya: so deep! shannon: you can't justdrop these bombs and then -- [laughter] "living." maya: mic drop. [laughter] winnie: yeah, no, it gotto a point where i was really self-conscious and ifelt like nobody loved me, and also at thatpoint my mom had gotten into a new relationshipand married a man who like --

    my dad has alwaysbeen a part of my life, so my mom was like, "oh this is like -- you're going tocall him 'daddy d." because of respect andlike in jamaican culture like you got to call aman in your life uncle or like dad, or whatever, butmy dad was always around. so i was like, yeah mom, it'syou and i to the death, right? i don't feel it anymore

    because this new guyhas come into your life and at this point ifelt like i had no support and i was like, it was likeis life worth living for me? that was when i waslike semi-suicidal. it just got to apoint where i was like, you know this is not somethingthat god would want for me and he gave melife for a reason, so i might as well live it andsee how this shit turns out. shannon: now you're living!

    what is something that terrifiedme, but i did anyways? ask you to be here today,ask you to do anything, i think asking my friends, or people i haverelationships with, like favors was so uncomfortable for me. maya: really?shannon: it really, really is. winnie: i can tell. shannon: yeah. winnie: yeah. maya: really? ihave zero problems --

    winnie: because theway that you slide in like you're like, "so, uhh, i'm doing this thing,can you come?" shannon: here's the thing is i knew aboutasking you to come weeks ago or like basically assoon as you told me, but i'm like, allright, like double-dutch, i'm like not yet. [laughter] not yet. i don't know, it'sjust very uncomfortable for me.

    maybe i'm just notconfident that like i have something to giveback to you guys and so -- winnie: but you don'thave something to offer? shannon: i know, right? winnie: you'relike my whole life. maya: cue the music. [laughter] [♪ dramatic music ♪] swimming with sharks,going to fashion week at new york fashion week

    with a parade ofballoons and security guards, like what thehell was i thinking? even starting a youtube channel, that terrifiedthe crap out of me, just because youexpose yourself out there and it's open to youguys who could, you know, destroy me. winnie: why did youhave security guards? did you think someonewas going to attack you?

    maya: i was justtrying to be fierce. i was just trying topull a stunt and i did it. winnie: oh, okay, okay, i get it. maya: and i was like,the morning of i'm like, "what am i doing?!what am i doing?!" i did it and i was like, "oh i should dothis more often." we loved that last episode you can answer these questionsalong with us step by step.

    so we're going to getthe papers right now. maya: lightning round! yes or no. [cheering & music]shannon: oooo, okay. maya: are youconfident in bedroom? once i get there yes. winnie: uh, it dependson the person i'm with. shannon: no, yes or no,yes or no. there's no depends. winnie: well the last time. [laughs] maya: public speaking?

    i'm getting there. winnie: hell... no. maya: i want semi. okay, your body. okay, i don't likemy -- my muffin top. shannon: really? the photos we took in miami?you're ungrateful, put yes up. [laughter] winnie: highly ungrateful. maya: okay, faith.

    oh really? okay. work? winnie: am i confident inthe actual work i put out? shannon: yes. maya: yes. okay, dating. let'sjust get to that real quick. relationships. once i have them i'm good to go. winnie: accurate. now, last but not least,

    would you consider yourselfa confident person, yes or no? maya: you know what? i wasn't even confidentin the word confident -- winnie: bam! i know myself andi'm good at what i do, but confident wasn't inmy vocabulary, still isn't. [door bell] [♪ upbeat music ♪] girls: yay! tim: what's up? hello, hello.

    maya: hey!! tim: hi, are we hugging? maya: we'll do group hugs. tim: oh yeah, oh bring it. maya: hold on, hold on, hold on.how do you guys know each other? shannon:you guys know each other? maya: they know each other. tim: i know all ofy'all. i know everybody. maya: he gets around. tim: i know the world. winnie: he gets around.

    i want to hear itthough, like individually how did you meet everybody? maya: no, because yourgirlfriend is also canadian. tim: yes she is. shannon: oooo! maya: [inaudible]in a weird [inaudible] shannon: now we know theanswer to that question. winnie: that is anotherone of my girl crushes. tim: mm-hmm. okay, so how didyou meet everybody?

    maya: maker. tim: maker, we're both on maker. and one day -- maya: i saw timand i'm like, "tim!" and you were with rick? tim: i was rick,yeah, yeah, yeah. maya: and i was like,"hey, i watch you guys." tim: and i was like,"oh cool, thank you. let's network and link." and we got somegrub at the grove.

    and then winnie -- oh you know what? maybei think you emailed me, that's what itwas, you emailed me. and you were like, "yo ireally like your booty shorts." because i used tosell booty shorts. winnie: it was too long ago,i really don't remember, but! [crosstalk] the point is, tim,where my booty shorts at though? tim: man... maya: where areour booty shorts at?

    tim: i got everybody onsome booty shorts. i got you! i still -- i'm slangin' booty -- winnie: don't buy his shorts!okay, until i'm wearing them. then i met you -- shannon: rick. maya: rick, yeah. tim: rick? shannon: yeah. ran into you randomly at a club,we knew who we were, right? shannon: i mean, i watched you, like everybody else in the worldwe all watched you on youtube.

    she watchedyou on youtube, we watch you onyoutube, so, delaghetto. winnie: back when iwas absolutely nobody and no one knew who i was. shannon: you'rethe tube in the you. i mean, you know what? like, i kind of -- i brag about how like -- because i feellike youtube is kind of

    segregated bycircles of what you do; like musicians, and beautybloggers, and stuff like that. i feel like i'm one of thefew dudes who kind of has like knows somebody in every circle, kind of rolls withall circles, you know? well i wanted tohave you on the show because, one, i knowyou're friends with shannon, you guys did a videotogether that i really enjoyed. tim: yeah.

    and you are like theepitome of confidence. tim: oh, thank you. maya: so i wanted to -- whatdoes confidence mean to you? tim: confidencejust means to me like just not caringwhat other people think because i feel like thatjust makes life so much easier, you know, whenyou are not worried about other people'sopinions of what you're doing and how you're looking,like that's just something that

    will keep you from livinglife to the fullest, you know? so it's like, i'mjust like, you know, forget what other people thinkand let me just do what i do and live life, you know? maya: would you sayyou were born with it? tim: yeah! yeah, actually, i was always kind of apretty confident kid, you know? i was always just tryingto make people laugh, i was always on stage,

    i was always like theclass clown, prom king, you know what i'm saying? shannon: for real, you were prom king? shannon: damn,that's the american dream. tim: in an 80%mexican high school. yeah. maya: so you are a guyand you're with three women. tim: uh-huh. maya: we've hadguys on this show and there'salways this awkwardness

    because it's three women, you seem veryconfident around women. how did you get tothat point in your life? you know what, i just ireally like women. [laughs] i just like girls, man. i never had that likethought girls were icky stage. like even as a littlekid i always liked girls. and i remember evenlike danielle in preschool i used to bringher flowers and stuff.

    so i like girls, man. and i was neverlike a manly dude, i was never likeinto sports, you know? so i was always likean art kid, theater kid, but then at thesame time i was funny, i wasn't like a theater nerd. but i always gravitated more -- like i had more homegirlsthan homeboys, you know? when all thehomeys were like playing

    on the basketball team i was like kicking itwith the cheerleaders, not doing cheers,but just talking tocheerleaders, you know? and you've alwayshad like an easy time, like you've neverfelt kind of awkward. nah, not awkward. i mean, yeah i would get nervousaround girls that i liked or i had a crush on, but i was never like awkwardaround females, you know?

    you were just born this way. there was no like,there was no steps to this; either you're timor you're not tim. so a part ofconfidence, as you guys know, and for you what i loved is you kind of faked ittill you made, right? winnie: right. maya: i'm all about that life. shannon: and i'mglad you said that because you have one more game

    which is all about steppingoutside your comfort zone and faking that. comfort zone, because mei'm all about push, push, do something that scares you. if you can't do it every day -- [cheering] i have some games. okay, so you'regoing to pick this. this is the comfort zone game and whatever youpull you got to do.

    maya: so our guest first. shannon: guest first. ladies first? winnie: screw you. shannon: ooo, he smoothedhis way out of that one. winnie: what is your"boom i'm here" walk? i'm a model so thisis too easy, thank you! [upbeat music & sassy singing] shannon: all right, tim? tim: okay. let's see here.

    sing like youwould in the shower. maya: do it! tim: um... shannon: you have to sing-- this means not a jokey sing. maya: well, what if yousing jokes in the shower? winnie: no, no one does.shannon: no one does. winnie: no one does.maya: nobody does? shannon: everybody is low-keyboyz ii men in the shower. tim: oh okay.

    ♪ close your eyes ♪ ♪ make a wish ♪ ♪ and blow out the candlelight ♪ [stammering] i was trying to like -- [cheering] i was tryingnot to get jokey with it, but it's hard not to getjokey with it, you know? maya: okay, okay, oh whoa,i didn't want to do this! [laughs] dance like michael jackson. okay, you guys ready for it?

    [♪ singing a michaeljackson like beat ♪] winnie: we are the [unintelligible]! shannon: okay. all right, headstand and twerk. tim: ay! winnie: pussy pop onthe hoods. [laughter] shannon: that wasthe pg version of that. okay, i needhelp for this though. but wait, ican't do it with this.

    tim: no those will helpyou, like your balance. like a tripod. winnie: like a tripod! [♪ dance/twerk music ♪] tim: hey, twerk,twerk, twerk, twerk. get it! maya: hold onshannon this is not working because of this-- because of her -- tim: wait, what do you mean? tim: why?

    shannon: my feminine stain. tim: oh, poor baby. you were the onethat wanted to do it too. keep all that. [laughter] maya: since you were asport, you came ready, you came dressed toimpress, you staying. tim: yes! maya: he's going tosleepover at the slumber party. tim: oh my gosh! okayi get the little spoon.

    maya: winnie isgoing to be big spoon. no i'm just going to be afork all the way over there. maya: so okayeveryone is constantly asking how are ways that wecan be more confident? there's four of us and we seem to be a couchfull of four confident people from that q&a. so tips, quick tips to impart. do what the fuck youwant to do, by winnie harlow.

    book coming soon. people are going totalk shit regardless of what you do orwhat you don't do, so like you might aswell just live your life to the best thatyou can, you know? the best ways you can. i kind of hate thatpeople act like confidence is something you haveto like just do right now, like just beconfident, be positive!

    if you're not confident saying that out loud is thefirst step to getting confident. so you don't haveto force yourself, be authentic tohow you actually feel. if you're insecure find out why. do the work and thenyou'll get the confidence. it's not like you just[snaps] pick it up one day, unless you're tim thenyou just got it like that. maya: um, all of that.do you, boo. be shameless.

    and also compliments,pay out a compliment here and therebecause like honestly when people saypositive things to me after, for example, speaking on a panel i might feel like crap or i might feelreally good about myself, but if i don't geta compliment or i do it affects myconfidence on what i did. so definitely, you know,compliment people, flirt,

    you had that really cute saying that flirting is arenewable resource. shannon: yeah it's arenewable resource, exactly. maya: like i was with shannon and she was flirtingup a storm in miami, but like she wasconstantly flirting and it was so nice to seebecause everyone is just like, "oh thank you!" and then they saysomething nice back to you

    so it's a renewable resourcewhen you say kind things. and i think evenfor people, period, we think thatconfidence comes from within, but it kind of is not, right? winnie: i think itcomes from a lot of places. maya: yeah. tim: and you said that soeloquently by the way, too, and you lookreally pretty right now. shannon: thank you! i love your --

    honestly tim, you knowwhat, i love the man bun, and i know that you saidthat you let other people -- other people madeyou cut your man bun. tim: yeah, true. winnie: no, but it's awesome! i was going to saythat when he walked in, i love it -- i've complimentedyou on that before, i love that. tim: thank you, thank you. maya: your hair is long. tim: it is long.

    winnie: yeah itlooks really nice. shannon: whip it, whip that!maya: oh, hold on! why didn't you dothis when you arrived? tim: screw this. winnie: and onthat note; confidence. maya: confidence. shannon: we want totell you guys, once again, go and do the confidence quiz. we want to knowwhat your secrets are,

    what your insecurities are. maya: and then i wantto challenge you guys if you are shy orif you are an introvert to step outsideof your comfort zone and pay a compliment to someone that is a completeand utter stranger. winnie: those arethe best. love those. maya: get your life. shannon: wait andthen a group hug?

    - on 3? tim: another one? shannon: number 3,let's do this! together: yay! tim: oh thank y'all,so much love.

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