homecoming hairstyles for medium african american hair

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    homecoming hairstyles for medium african american hair

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    young: "loud's" "k-town"reunion show. hi once again. hi. [laughter] young: i'm getting red now. am i getting red? [inaudible]. oh shit, i'm getting red. all right, so how iseveryone doing?

    tommy: i had very crappy day. young: you had a crappy day? tommy: yeah, something happened,and i got poked by your brother and [inaudible]. [interposing voices] jason: i just hada haircut today. christine: ow! candice: i just listenedto k-pop today. joe: that doesn't soundlike a bad day.

    mark: while you listenedto k-pop, i was listening to metal. jason: yo, jowe. yeah, i'm gonna put you onmy instagram right now. can you flex or something? or do something? do something cool. i'm gonna put youon my instagram. i've got 170 followers.

    jasmine: you reallylike jowe, huh? joe: come on, jowe. jowe, take your shirt off. do it. christine: jowe, showhim your penis. joe: jowe, take yourshirt off. christine: do it. christine: yeah!. mark: oh, god.

    christine: show himyour crack. christine: show himyour booty. christine: i thoughtyou guys were supposed to ask questions. young: all right, everyone,introduce yourself, please. we'll start with candice. candice: hi, i'm candice. i'm from the "k-town"fan blog. i'm also known as dj pixie.

    christine: hi. young: what up? mark: hey, dj pixie. jasmine: hey, guys, thisis jazzy and-- christine: christine. jasmine: the ting-a-lings. [cheers] jason: my name is jason. i'm from philadelphia, but igo to school here in boston

    university. and my guilty pleasure isreality tv shows, so love meeting you guys. jasmine: all right. look at the camera. we can't see your eyes. young: hey, what's up? it's young and so young. christine: show himyour penis.

    i'm just kidding. young: [inaudible]. christine: i'm just kidding. i don't want to see it. so young. jasmine: youngurus. young: hey, it's your turn. christine: it's your turn. jowe: hey, joe and steve,get closer.

    jasmine: ok, so young, young,introduce yourselves. young: oh, we already did. oh. hey, guys. this is young and soyoung once again. so young: she said he wasnot cute and pretty, and then she was like-- christine: hey, joe, steve. steve: yo, yo, what's up, man?

    the "k-town" stepbrothers. joe: hey, where'syour joe-band? hey, what's your name? yo, guy. mark: oh. i am mark. joe: oh, not you. you already got the joe-band? you.

    jason: me? mark: me? joe: you, yeah. jason: yeah, what's up? joe: where's the joe-band? oh, i'm mark [inaudible]. jason: oh. joe: your joe-band. where's your joe-band?

    jason: you want me toput on a joe-band? joe: put a joe-band on. look [inaudible]. jowe: hey, why does everyonehave a headband on? jason: no. what the-- mark: mine itches. jason: yo, i'm team jowe,not team joe, yo. jowe: pound it, pound it.

    joe: bro, that's calledeast coast. steve: hey, tommy, you'recrips, and, mark, you're blend? what is this? jason: yeah, i put it onmy facebook status. you can watch me live. christine: no. jasmine: is this startingor what? what is going on right now?

    jason: yeah. jason: is somebody gonnaask us questions? candice: ok, coming fromcandice, let's start with the first question. joe: we're buffering,so hurry up. christine: let's ask aquestion, candice. candice: all right, i gota question for you guys. pretend you're allin high school. who would be voted homecomingking and queen?

    who would be voted mostlikely to succeed? and who would be votedclass clown? christine: ok, go. jasmine. joe: well, class clown, that'seasy [inaudible]. that's steve. steve: no, i'd say jasminewould be class clown. christine: no, it's jasmine. christine: class clownis jasmine.

    jasmine: i guessit would be me. i look like a clown right now. [laughs]. and prom king, queen wouldbe violet and jowe. christine: yeah. jasmine: those lovebirdsover there. christine: look at them. look it, they love each other. jasmine: aww.

    joe: [inaudible]. jasmine: and whatis the last one? who's the most successful? candice: they could notsit any further apart from each other. jasmine: the most successfulis me. jasmine: ok, go. your turn. christine: that's prettymuch-- no, i

    would succeed, too. right? jasmine: yes. christine: thank you. next. young: i would think the promking, prom queen would be prom king would be joe cha. joe cha, right? well, how about you?

    so young: you. joe: good answer, good answer. christine: you haveto say that. young: that was coming, right? and prom queen wouldbe violet. most successful succeedingpeople would be the chang sisters. young: and class clowns willbe mokimyin and scarlet. joe: mokim and scarlet.

    jasmine: mokim? joe: no, i don't thinkwe skipped him. i don't think so. steve: are we all answeringthe same question? go down the line. joe: jowe, violet, go. jasmine: no, it's you. joe, steve. joe: us?

    well, ok, go. steve: all right, class clown,obviously jasmine, and me. scarlet: you're notthat funny, fool. you think you're funny. we just laugh at you. we don't laugh with you. steve: most likely-- mostlikely to succeed-- most likely to succeed wouldbe christine and joe. prom king and queen, i'dsay jowe and violet.

    aww. joe: aww. i say king and queen,young and so young. so young: yeah. joe: class clowns, this foolright here and jazzy. most successful, let mejust say christine. and i would say scarlet, too. scarlet: [inaudible]. jasmine: she knows how to makeit rain with the dollar bills.

    scarlet: clap clap,clap, clap. jasmine: [inaudible]. scarlet: make it rain, makeit rain, make it rain. jasmine: scarlet, go. scarlet: yeah, whateveryou guys said. it doesn't-- whatever. joe: what? scarlet: as long as i get themost successful and jasmine is the class clown, becauseshe funny as hell.

    and that's about it. everything else, idon't really care who's king or queen. it's like jowe can fight for thequeen and steve can fight for the queen. whatever, it's all the same. scarlet: whatever. they're fucking just gonnawear the tiara like it's fucking, oh [inaudible].

    whatever. steve: all right,next question. joe: ok, next question. scarlet: sorry. i'm really doped upon medication. steve: [inaudible]. jason: wait, is itmy question now? jasmine: yeah, your question. steve: yeah, keep going,keep going.

    jason: ok. so my question is, you guysobviously don't want to do "k-town" for the rest of yourlife, so what are the next steps in your life? jasmine: as you know, i'm ahairdresser, so i definitely want to stay within the wholebeauty, wellness, health, all that stuff, fashion. jason: is there a specificaudience that you want to cater that towards?

    or are you kind offreelancing? jasmine: i'm freelancingright now. i used to work at sallyhershberger salon, but right now i'm freelancing. i do weddings, photo shoots,private clients, and all that stuff. so i definitely want to catermore for the normal young girls out there that don'treally have inspirations, that don't really have big sisters tolook up to, because i know

    that when i was growing up, theonly person i looked up to was this one. and for fashion forward stuff,when you open a magazine, you only see the red-carpetcelebrities that are out there. none of them are asian. and so you don't really havesomeone, a figure, that you can look up to and be like, ah,i want to look like her. and so i feel like, for me, idefinitely want to be that

    older sister for the young'unsout there. and we have a little sister aswell, so her and her little friends are always like, oh,what are you gonna wear, how's your hair, your makeup,blah, blah, blah? jason: that's awesome. that's awesome. how about you? christine: is that a questionfor everybody? jasmine: yeah.

    christine: can you repeatthe question? sorry, i'm not reallylistening. jason: so you obviously don'twant to do "k-town" for the rest of your life, so what's thenext stage of your life, like post-"k-town?" christine: i kind of already hada career prior to k-town, so i'm definitely just enhancingmy skills in that. i just got a newjob, everybody. jasmine: yay, yay.

    christine: yay. i got a new job at park plazaas their events team. so i'm going to be doing a lotof dope events, like fashion shows and different red-carpetstuff there. so [inaudible] i'm going to keep goingthat route. christine: mm-hm. young and so young. joe: young and so young.

    young and so young's turn. young: as for us, after thewhole "k-town" thing, trying to do a clothing. we have our-- so young: younguru. young: younguru. young: younguru stuff, andtrying to reach out some fashions out there that a lotof people in america can't really see, because when we'rein korea, there are a lot of,

    i would say, k-pop clothes kindof thing that you can't see in the states. so we want to actually bringthat over and show the k-pop clothing in america. and i think a lot of peoplewill like it, too. a lot of people likeit, right? how about you, joe? joe: me? ok well, right now withreflective productions, i'm

    housed at the top asian clubin the united states. so i continue doing mywhole promotions. outside of the familybusinesses, we have rental properties and all that. i'm going to be also doing joecha fitness, so getting more into the whole fitness side ofthings, being kind of an influence for asian males,asian females on the fitness side. steve, go.

    what are you gonna do? steve: well, prior to "k-town"show, i was working as a-- nice-- a sales manager forfashion jewelry, export-import company. i'm actually going back intoit, managing a couple businesses. and also, i'm actuallycollaborating with this guy. and we're trying to promotea new venue in k-town.

    so we're looking at that, too. joe: in the works. steve: yeah. joe: this is so weird. christine: [inaudible]. jason: how about you, scarlet? scarlet: well, at the moment,i'm actually helping my boyfriend promote his pop act. so eventually i want to help himdo his marketing for his

    restaurant that's gonnabe opening up soon. and then so i'm going towardsthe route of just the food and hospitality industry. i really, really enjoythe industry. and he cooks some bomb food. and i feel like me helping himout, like if he just takes care of the creative part ofcooking, i can just pretty much do everything else, asfar as marketing, event planning, all that good stuff.

    christine: we should team up. scarlet: i know. we should team up. christine: we should. scarlet: me and christine andjasmine, we were talking about teaming up, because christine'sreally crafty. so as far as table arrangementor just-- christine: making anything. anything, making anything.

    we were definitely talkingabout collaborating on upcoming events andstuff like that. scarlet: and then we canbe like, oh, this would be a cute hair-do. christine: whatever. scarlet: be like, whatever. scarlet: but we can definitelycollaborate. i eat really goodall the time. and i feel like other peopledeserve a good chance to eat

    well and healthy, and some bombfood in their life, too. scarlet: mm-hm. and then violet. christine: violet. jason: violet and jowe. jowe: [inaudible] export cars, [inaudible] cars. i'm very involved in cars.

    jasmine: can't hear you. jowe: you guys hear me? jason: come closer. jowe: can you guys hear me? christine: yes. jasmine: yeah, nowi can hear you. jowe: i'm doing the same thing,where i'm exporting cars, exotic cars. hopefully one day i can open upmy exotic car dealership in

    manhattan or somewhere, newportor beverly hills. and i just want to pursue mycareer in opening up a big dealership. jowe: yeah. christine: will youbuy me a car? violet: my short-termgoals are, i'm trying to finish school. my major is broadcastand journalism. my hobby has been writing, soanything to do with writing.

    eventually if i wanted to createa business, i would want to do an online publicationcatered to women, with different outlets ofgetting information jason: oh, that's awesome. violet: yep. joe: you're so closeto the camera. jasmine: [inaudible]next question. go. jason: [inaudible].

    mark: all right, got aquestion for jasmine. i know you style, but doyou also cut hair, too? jasmine: i style, cut,extensions, everything. mark: all right, maybe i'llsee you if i go to k-town. jasmine: [inaudible], perms,whatever you want. yeah. the whole shebang. mark: so you can actually do anumber two on the sides, back, and trim on top.

    jasmine: well, a lot of thetimes, with fades and stuff, i can either do the clippers,or i do just freehand with scissors, shears, and comb. mark: ok. and also, young, i gota question for you. young: yeah. mark: your younguru site,aren't you worried about copyright lawsuits from artistswho actually has the same clothing?

    young: excuse me? mark: like lawsuits or copyrightstuff, aren't you worried about that? like, some of the stuff lookslike [inaudible], though. young: what is hetalking about? what's the question? christine: he's like, whatdoes that question mean? christine: he doesn'tunderstand. joe: because he's not really[inaudible], it's not really

    american, young, it'sin the middle. young: oh. all i heard was copyright. mark: yeah. you know, your site? mark: aren't you worriedabout copyright from like the artists? because some of them-- young: what our site is,it's not a brand.

    it's our style of-- what we're getting is a retailof, we'll just say that, get from korean wholesale. and that's where we're gettingclothes, as a wholesale. it's not brand. the website is called theyounguru as a wholesale seller, not the clothing-- so young: retail seller. young: retail seller.

    so young: [inaudible]retail seller. young: well, you can[inaudible]. a retail seller. and the clothes are not brandedas the younguru. website, the retail seller,is younguru.com. that's what it is. mark: oh, ok. young: did that make sense? joe: yeah, totally.

    mark: all righty. tommy. tommy: tommy c's turn. violet, since you're sittingnext to jowe-- violet: not by choice. tommy: yeah. let's be real. how big is jowe's penis? we want to know, since you'reright next to him.

    joe: awkward.com, right? scarlet: it's like this, fool. it's like this. scarlet: because, hey, she saidif it fits in her mouth, then it's too small, like, ah. jowe: hey, scarlet, if itfits in your mouth, your mouth's too big. scarlet: or too small. jowe: or your mouth is[inaudible] that big.

    tommy: i want to hearit from violet. mark: yeah, violet. tommy: violet. violet: this is so awkward. tommy: we're all ears. jowe: violet, you don'thave to answer this. violet: you know, it'sall relative. jowe: she has a point. violet: to each his own.

    scarlet: oh my god, nowshe's all being nice. violet: i'm not being nice. i'm not being mean. scarlet: yeah, you are. violet: i'm in the gray scale. like i said, it'sall relative. everyone has their[inaudible]. jasmine: he doesn'tcare anymore. that's why.

    scarlet: he doesn't care. he bangs four chicks anyways. violet: i mean, if he canplease the girls in the future, then good for him. tommy: ok. violet: not my problem. tommy: all righty. now moving on from penis tohook-ups, christine, how-- tommy: did you feel themagic with steve?

    was he a good kisser? joe: why don't you ask steve? hey, was christine-- jasmine: [inaudible]not you with me. joe: was christinea good kisser? christine: i'm gonna let steveanswer that question first. and then i'll answer accordingto what he says. joe: so, steve, was christinea good kisser? steve: ok.

    jasmine: ladies first, steve. ladies first, go. joe: is she a good kisser? steve: you know, i drank a lot. steve: i drank alot out there. i mean, [inaudible]. what episode was it? three? joe: episode three.

    steve: yeah, i drank a lot. i lost that game a lot. and i think the alcoholtook over. and i mean, a kiss is a kiss. it's the past now. we're moving on. young: but it looked likeyou were actually gonna eat her face up. if you see [inaudible].

    violet: [inaudible]really awkward. christine: steve, why do youkiss with your eyes open? that's kind of weird. young: yeah, yeah. joe: ooh, we didn'tsee that part. we didn't see that part. christine: wait, i needan answer to that. why is your eyes open? steve: somethinggot in my eye.

    like i said, i drank a lot. so, yeah, [inaudible]. jason: it's ok, i forgiveyou, steve. steve: thank you, jason. thank you. scarlet: i don't understand. what do you mean, drank a lot? what? joe: next question.

    steve: anyways, nextquestion, please. tommy: well, candice,go ahead. candice: ok, thisis to everybody. so if you had to kick off onecast member for season three, if you all had a season three,who would it be and why? mark: that's a crazy question. jasmine: kick off somebody. joe: steve, go. jasmine: steve, go this time.

    steve: dude, this isa bad question. joe: i know. it's like-- candice, let me tell you this. i mean, the thing is,we're family. so it's like, you wantto kick your family off of what we developed? i mean, i don't know if thatquestion's relevant. steve: right.

    i mean, i know we fight alot on everything, but-- scarlet: no. why do you have tobe all nice? steve: everybody'sreally important. christine: scarlet,fine, answer. scarlet: pick someoneand kick them off. christine: scarlet,answer then. what's your answer? scarlet: oh, i would forsure kick violet off.

    steve: i think jowe. scarlet: i'm just kidding. calm down, fool. and would i have to choose, iwould probably most likely kick jowe off. no, for real. i would kick jowe off. christine: why? scarlet: just because he's thelast to come on cast, and he

    mark: everybody hate jowe. scarlet: he would never havebeen on if he never dated violet, for reals. and that's true. christine: i'm the lastone to come on. she didn't hear me. am i on mute? joe: [inaudible] went down.

    jasmine: ok, next question. christine: next question. joe: oh, who is it? young: i want to say somethingabout that. christine: ok, young, go. the question is, if you were tokick out one person, right? it would be for season three. well, this is what i feel aboutall these cast members. it's a whole puzzle.

    if you kick one person out, youain't gonna get a show, and you ain't gonnaget anything as entertaining as this. joe: yay. [applause] steve: yeah, puzzle. joe: the younguru-- steve: puzzle, baby. jason: christine, what madeyou want to come on here?

    scarlet: that's like thebeauty pageant way of answering it, but ok. jason: oh, am i up now? can i ask a question? jason: christine, what madeyou come on the show? christine: me? joe: are you cool? christine: because they neededa wedding [inaudible]. young: are you ok?

    christine: what happened? he's gone. joe: he just kickedhimself off. he exited, dude. young: did you see,he was like-- joe: the guy was, like,up to here. he was right here. steve: then he was like, oh. young: go, mark.

    mark: i think his internetwent out. oh, great. i just lost my trainof thought. tommy: so can i go? mark: yeah, go ahead. joe, what's your favoritecolor bandana? joe: my favoritecolor is blue. ok, so besides the blackbandana, do you have any other different ones youalways wear?

    joe: i have the white bandana,which i use when i cook. then i have my camo bandana. scarlet: wouldn't thewhite get all dirty? because if you startsweating-- scarlet: --and shit,it turns yellow. joe: if you have skill, it'snot gonna come on. nothing's gonna come on. i cook with my shirt on also. jowe, on a scale of 1to 10, how would you

    rate steve as a wingman? jowe: i would say 10. he's a good wingman. steve: yeah, bro. jowe. tommy: even though he wantsto pop that girls' cherry? or whatever that quote was. tommy: all righty, candice,go ahead. scarlet: yay, jason's back.

    jason: i'm back, dude. scarlet: jason is back. young: what the hell happened? jason: sorry, my batteryran out. i have a pc, yo. young: so it's like,right before his battery went he was like-- jason: my bad, yo. jasmine: ok, back toyour question.

    you were asking christinewhat? jason: oh, why did you want tocome on the show, christine? christine: well, young and soyoung was getting married in the states, and nobody knewwhat they were doing, so-- jasmine: look up here. christine: --i was asked to comeby her, to come and help with the wedding, because if iwasn't there, i don't think the wedding would havehappened, to tell you the truth.

    everybody agree withme right now. young: yes. scarlet: clap, clap, clap,clap, clap, clap. christine: ok, it'sback to candice. candice: ok, joe,this is for you. what are some bromancemoments you and the guys have had together? joe: well, obviously in seasontwo when me and jowe were at the cake shop and hewas pouring the

    chocolate in my mouth. that was a bromance moment,i guess [inaudible]. jason: yeah, thatwas pretty cute. joe: yeah. thank you, editors, for makingthat look extra cheesy. steve: slo-mo. joe: slo-mo, yeah. what bromance did we have? steve: we had [inaudible]together, right?

    steve: we had something. steve: yeah, we'vehad something. scarlet: you guys bromanceall the time, bro. like, we're bromancingright now. steve: we fight all the time. joe: yeah, we will fight. but we'll have a bottleof [inaudible] later to-- steve: people always ask us--

    i read the comments. they're like, hey,how come you guys always get into fights? i'm like, make up so fast. joe: look what i haveto deal with. steve: we always do that. steve: we always fight,even off camera. and then we make up immediately,because we don't hold grudges.

    joe: because i'm his butter. steve: butter. christine: butter. joe: his butter. candice: so if you're hisbutter, is he your bread? joe: no. scarlet: i'm sorry, candice,that was pretty bad. mark: yeah, i think[inaudible]. candice: i was--

    scarlet: that was pretty bad. candice: i was askedto say that. mark: [inaudible] you mean popcorn, not bread. candice: no, i was askedto say that. christine: so cheesy. joe: that was extra-- steve: ok, enough. christine: ok, mark.

    jasmine, do you dye yourhair other than blond? christine: what? jasmine: what are youtalking about? it's natural. it runs in the family,right here. christine: what did you say? mark: like, would you dye yourhair a different color? jasmine: my hair? mark: yes.

    jasmine: it runs in the family. mark: no. would you dye it adifferent color? christine: oh, what colorwould you dye it? jasmine: oh, what colorwould i dye it. christine: i thought you wereasking if she dyed any other parts of her body. jasmine: what? mark: what?

    joe: where did that come from? christine: like, other hair. joe: oh my god. what the hell's going on? scarlet: like her pubic hair? christine: yeah, that's whati thought he was asking. christine: [inaudible] wouldyou dye your pubic hair? that was nasty. mark: i just got burned.

    jasmine: well, i actually reallylike my blond hair. but i don't know if you sawmy talking youtube video. you could kind of playaround with color. so i'm happy with that,since it's temporary. but i would stay blond fora pretty long time. mark: all right. christine: show them yourdriver's license. on her driver's license, it-- jasmine: oh!

    christine: --says blond. jasmine: i'm actuallylegally blond. christine: legally blond. jasmine: i went to the dmv, andthe lady there, she looked at me and she was like,i've seen you before. i'm like, yeah. she's like, you're blondblond, all the time. i'm like, i know. joe: oh my god, put blond.

    jasmine: she changed me intoblond, and i'm legally blond. christine: on her driver'slicense. jasmine: let me see ifi could find it. christine: your purseis a damn mess. can you show them what'sin your purse? jasmine: no. christine: oh my gosh, how doyou find anything in there? jasmine: i don't know. christine: forget it.

    jasmine: uh-oh. christine: just next question. she's never gonna find it. mark: [inaudible]. tommy: ok, well, hi, steve. jasmine: oh, i found it! jasmine: [inaudible] shit. tommy: ok, well, i'llask my question.

    steve, how did you feel whenjoe interrupted your best man's speech? and for joe, are you reallygoing to marry jessica? joe: you go first. jasmine: can you see it? candice: no. mark: i see it. jasmine: no? jasmine: you can't see it.

    steve: ok, well, my careeras a best man is over. joe: no one will ever pickyou as a best man. steve: [inaudible] ever. i don't know, i think with joe,it was trying to fix a problem, or whatever he thought,and i mean, it wasn't a great best manspeech at all. so [inaudible]. joe: epic fail. steve: that was my lastbest man speech.

    so yeah, i mean, it was fine. i was kind of pissed, becausei wanted to finish it, but then he-- joe: i let you finish[inaudible]. steve: but i mean, it's fine. i'm not bothered by it at all. joe: so the question to me was,am i gonna marry jessica. but in quite all honesty, if youguys-- which everyone saw episodes four and five.

    there's a lot of things thathappened from that event at busby's, that pretty muchresulted to what the situation is right now. so am i gonna marry jessica? no, because we'renot together. and the thing is, everyone'sasking, is the show real? is it scripted? the thing is, yes,absolutely real. it's our reality.

    it might not be your reality. so in the sense of you guysseeing what we do, it's fake to you, because you guysaren't living it. we're living it. and from whatever happened fromepisodes four and five, it trickled intowhat it is now. so i'm not with her. i'm in a better placeright now. and that's what it is.

    well, one of my last questionsi have is for scarlet. hey, scarlet. scarlet: hey. tommy: hey, girl. if you could use your purpledildo on a cast member, who would it be and why? joe: scarlet, don'tyou have it? like, right there? scarlet: i have it.

    joe: scarlet, go get it. tommy: take it out,take it out. mark: i want to see it. mark: is that legal? joe: oh, she's getting it. [barking] joe: oh, the dog's getting it. the dog's getting it. steve: the dog's playingwith it.

    jowe: gotta pull it outof her dog's ass. scarlet: bro, evan, don't youwish i stayed home in the first place? fuck yeah. joe: oh! i got this dick right here. this is some fucking top-notch,top-of-the-line shit right here. don't fuck with this.

    joe: that's like theferrari of dildos. scarlet: this is a $20 dildo. you don't fuck with this. young: it's shaped like a toy. scarlet: it's futuristic, huh? young: what the hell? young: holy, whoa. scarlet: no, it's called-- the brand is lelo.

    it's this swedish brand. it's medical-grade silicone. and it has-- joe: it's [inaudible]. scarlet: can you tellit's vibrating? scarlet: anyway, there's,like, eight different vibrating motions. and you change the speed. jason: turn it on.

    scarlet: can you tell it'sshaking right now? mark: it's violet'spurple death. scarlet: and it's purple. it's gorgeous. anyways, so if i haveto choose one person to use this on-- really, just one? because i would totally useit on, like, three people. tommy: ok, well--

    mark: name three. tommy: --go ahead,choose three. joe: three, two, one. scarlet: ok, i would use it onso young, because she's fine. and young can watch. joe: he's blushing. scarlet: i would also use it-- [laughs] what are you doing, so young?

    it's not a gay thing. it's a compliment. i think you're sexy. scarlet: dude, my dog isgoing crazy right now. christine: baby, shut up. number two. scarlet: i would use it on jowe,because he needs a good ass-fucking from time to time. joe: ok, number one.

    scarlet: shout out to jowe. and violet can watch, becausei'm sure she's curious about what it's like, the moment of meturning her ex-boyfriend to gay, which is hisnatural state. actually, he's gay. he just doesn't know it yet. and his subconscious is so inthe closet, he has no idea. so i'm gonna help him out. and then the last person iwould use it on is steve.

    and i just want to slaphim with it, like-- especially when he gavethat best man speech. oh, my god. scarlet: where was my purpledick during that speech? and that's it, justthree people. joe: woo. young: hey, do you really usethat, though, scarlet? scarlet: yeah, i useit, all the time. young: damn.

    scarlet: i don't put it in me. this is a lot to put in me. i just-- young: whoa. scarlet: --use this part. it vibrates. so it's just like[makes vibrating sound]. jasmine: out of control. tommy: you guys are awesome.

    mark: yeah, you guysare amazing. jason: can i ask a question? can i ask another question? jason: ok, so i'm thinkingabout visiting la soon. and what is the placeto hit up? and what's your favorite-- christine: [inaudible], jason: and what's your favoriteclub besides belasco? joe: aw, come on.

    there's nothing elsebesides belasco. jason: nothing else. there's nothing? all y'all just go to belasco? we don't go there. jasmine: vibe. joe: vibe. jason: any good food places-- jasmine: ferrera.

    jason: --in k-town youall recommend? jasmine: faria. jasmine: faria? ferrera? jasmine: somebody said[inaudible]. young: oh, intestines. christine: covo. jasmine: covo. christine: i'm hungry.

    candice: i love [inaudible]. jasmine: me too. jason: i heard [inaudible]is really good. -[inaudible]. jason: [inaudible]? joe: you want to come to myhouse, [inaudible], my house. jason: i'll be there. joe: [inaudible] to my house. jason: i'll bringmy own headband.

    oh, joe, what's your favoriteheadband color? jason: oh, my bad, yo. tommy: his battery chargerdied or whatever. christine: blue. joe: the trademark black. mark: i also got a question,too, here for everyone. what's your favoriteanimal, everyone? joe: favorite animal. jasmine: baby leopard.

    we played with them in thailandwhen we went. it was the cutest thing ever. we got to feed it. mark: nice. jasmine: or actuallyi like elephants. because you knowwhat i learned? christine: we got to ride it. jasmine: we got to rideit in thailand. and in thai, it's chong.

    chang. christine: chang. tommy: chang. changs. that's how you say "elephant"in thai. young: i want a lyger. young: a lyger's alion and a tiger. what nerd doesn'twant a lyger? jowe: k-tiger.

    steve: honey badger, man. honey badger. young: lyger. christine: what's that? scarlet: honey badger,what the fuck? jason: badger. scarlet: so weird. jason: do you guys still hangout with colonel sanders? joe: he hangs around with us.

    -he hangs with them. joe: he'll bring himselfto [inaudible]. jasmine: he still owes me kfc,so i'm a little upset at him. joe: what did he do? jasmine: i want my kfc,like right now. i'm really hungry. should we just goeat right now? jason: i'm hungry, too. christine: can we [inaudible].

    mark: i got a ricekrispies treat. tommy: i have a questionfor violet. violet, how's your relationshipwith blair? and has he met yourson tyler yet? violet: yeah, he methim last sunday. jasmine: first time? violet: yes. it was really good, and ourrelationship is amazing. thank you for asking.

    christine: when are yougetting married? can i do your wedding? young: so there's a questionof who is violet's son. violet-- christine: tyler's father. joe: [inaudible]? steve: yes. young: tyler's father. violet: i got marriedwhen i was 21, right

    when i turned 21. and i had my sonwhen i was 22. and i got divorcedwhen i was 23. so i don't want to disclosehis name, because he's not wanting to be involved. well, not wanting to be involvedin life, but just this whole thing. so he has a dad, who we'reon good terms. we're friends, soit works out.

    but he's not in any partof my public life. but no, he's not an illegitimatekid, because i mean, the way i was raised andthe way i was brought up, i still don't condone that. christine: next, candice. or does anyone else want to? candice: he can goahead and ask. i don't mind. so violet, when you go outat nights, who takes

    care of your kid? what do you do with your kid? is it with your ex-husband,or how does that work? he's with his dad during theweekdays, so that's when i usually go and do all the stuffthat i need to do and hang out with my friends. and on the weekends,he's with me. so i work one night,on fridays. and then on saturdays, i usuallystay home with him.

    and then we do movie night orwhatever he wants to do. candice: candice. joe: candice, go. candice: oh. yes, sir. jowe, can you do steve'shorse dance? steve: no. joe: i wouldn't recommend it. jowe: only the originalcould do it.

    jasmine: do it together. jowe: why don't you show us? tommy: steve, do it. joe: he might havea heart attack. he's not in a goodstate like this. jowe: just go. joe: you could havea heart attack. jowe: steve, do it. steve: i said i'd neverdo this again, man.

    jowe: do it, do it. mark: do it. christine: he likes this. jowe: he likes doing it. joe: no, stand back,stand back. jowe: perfect. stand back and come forward. joe: ok, go. [cheering]

    christine: go, go, go, go, go. steve: [inaudible]for a long time. that's just too much. that's it. jowe: that's not easy. that's talent. candice: all right,steve, this is another one for you then. what's one of the worstsituations you've been put in

    being a wingman for jowe? joe: wasn't that pretty bad? jowe: on the showor off the show? joe: that was bad episodefour, wasn't it? steve: yeah, [inaudible]. steve: i mean, that was the[inaudible] to end all [inaudible] that iwas stuck with. and i mean, thatwas pretty bad. i think that was probablythe worst one.

    joe: your facial expressionswere just-- joe: kodak moment. steve: i can't really hide myemotions, and it looks pretty bad at times. joe: we saw your emotions. young: it looked likeyou were really into her, though, steve. steve: really? joe: oh, you made outwith her, too, huh?

    jowe: did you makeout with her? joe: no, that wasthe first one. steve: the first ep. jowe: oh, ok, because they bothlooked like [inaudible]. christine: steve, what happenedto the girl that you made out with? jowe: which one? steve: that was that. christine: not me.

    steve: it was overright there. it was done. christine: it was over? i didn't get her numberor anything. christine: why not? jowe: she didn't giveyou her number. steve: i didn't giveher anything. tommy: did you scare heroff with that thing going on right here?

    joe: did you poke herwith your, you know? dude, that's like, poke. tommy: that's hazardous. christine, did youfeel [inaudible]? joe: the flavor saver. steve: it cuts their lipswhile i'm kissing them. joe: that's sick. jowe: that's the flavor saver. steve: it's my trademark, man.

    tommy: christine, did you tasteanything while you were making out with himright there? taste [inaudible]. young: ugh. [fake puking sounds] steve: next question. jason: eww, dog. jasmine: next question. jason: what happened to peterle and jessica fields?

    joe: jennifer fields. jason: jennifer fields. steve: jennifer fields. joe: well, jennifer, hermanagement didn't want her to do the show, so i don't know. jasmine: they're stillpart of the family. we keep in touch with them. joe: yeah, they're stillpart of the family. jason: what about peter?

    jasmine: and they're reallygood friends with us joe: peter is involvedwith his website, and all the other things. i mean, he's in a good place. we miss him. steve: if you want to see peter,just go to [inaudible] and he'll be right there, bam. jason: oh, awesome. steve: you'll seea lot of him.

    joe: you'll see a lot ofpeter [inaudible]. steve: his favorite site. joe: tommy, [inaudible]. look at tommy, dude. tommy: i would takeoff the bandana. joe: oh, no. just keep it on. young: we have time forone more question. tommy: ok, i have one.

    i have one. jowe, you claimed you bangedfour girls at the wedding. who were they? christine: he did not. jowe: i don't kiss and tell. i'm sorry. i don't kiss and tell. tommy: i mean, you kissand tell on tv. you might as well air allyour dirty laundry now.

    prince of k-town. jasmine: one of the girlsis really hot, though. i'll give you that, jowe. she was really hot. jasmine: she was hot. christine: she was really hot. she was really cute. young: which one? christine: the first one?

    i don't know. jasmine: i don't knowwhich one, but-- christine: the cute one. young: all right, we aregoing to wrap it up. that was the final question. and thank you, everybody, fortuning in for this live cast reunion show. me and so young say--this is so young. this is young.

    this is jazzy. christine: shut up. steve: always promoting. violet: thank you guysfor tuning in. jasmine: bye. we love you guys. steve: love you guys. joe: yo, thank you. young: have a great new year.

    jason: scarlet. yo, scarlet, this guy thinksyou're really cute. joe: hi, scarlet. nice to meet you. jason: this guy, he's joe. he's so nervous. he's been wanting to meetyou the whole time. christine: oh, my god. jason: he's so nervousright now.

    scarlet: don't be nervous. joe: it's nice to meet you. scarlet: i'm supersick right now. jason: oh, my god. this is jay. jay thinks violet'sreally pretty. scarlet: jason, whatschool are you at? jason: what school? scarlet: yeah.

    jason: we go to bostonuniversity. scarlet: you go to bostonuniversity? jason: yeah, we all go to bu. scarlet: nice. my friend just got acceptedthere for medical school. jason: awesome. jasmine: how old are you guys? how old is everybody? -22.

    jason: we're all 21, 22-ish. violet: babies [inaudible]. scarlet: oh, how cute. that's so cute. jason: scarlet, yeah,joe thinks you're really pretty here. this guy. young: you're very pretty. jason: he's so nervous.

    joe: why do you keep onrunning away, man? stay in frame. hey, be a man. steve: he says be a man. joe: just chill. bro. scarlet: don't run away. joe: he's starstruck.

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