homecoming hairstyles with short hair

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homecoming hairstyles with short hair

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(uplifting music) - hello and welcome to brooklyn & bailey's pajama party live stream! (audience cheers) my name is allie persofsky,i will be your host tonight. and before we get to the funactivities we have planned, i have an awesome videofor you guys of the girls, so let's roll the clip. - hello guys!

it's brooklyn and bailey. - today we're going to be doing the what's in my mouth challenge. salt? - (laughs) yeah. - oh my goodness. (fun music) - hey, spencer, will you sign my yearbook? - uh, do i know you?

- okay, so now let's bring out the guests you guys are all waiting for, brooklyn and bailey! - hey guys, how's it going? - i'll go on this side. - okay, cool. alright, so let's get started. we're going to start withsome twitter questions, but before we do that, wewant to let you guys know

what the hashtag is, and what is it? - ask b and b, so hashtag that on twitter and we'll answer some of your questions. - so keep looking at thatfor later in the night. also, we're going to be playinga game of charades later on so tweet some suggestions for that. - some ideas on what we should act out. - it's gonna be reallyfun and really silly, so think of some good things.

alright, so let's get to twitter. the first question is, "at brooklyn & bailey,what is the top thing "on your bucket list to do? "by the way i love you guys". that is from kiera daling 11 on twitter. - aw, love you! - okay, top thing on my bucket list. i don't know my bucket listis seriously 500 things long.

- she seriously has like,a notes thing on her phone - yeah and i've got emojis byall of them that like match. i don't know. - okay, so what's the top thing? - i really want to go to oh man, i forgot the name! - where is it? - what? (laughs) i can't think of the name.

- well i want to marry my prince charming. - aw! - cheesy, i know! - that's a good one. - i want to go to hawaii, does that count. - i think that definitely counts. - like, my parents arealways talking about how awesome it is, i want to go. - alright there you go, twoawesome bucket list things.

thanks for your awesome question. alright another one is, from at molly underscore mhaj, says "hi brooklyn & bailey, if youcould choose any superpower, "which on would you choose?" - you know i did thisonce and i said, like, the superpower that couldadapt to become any superpower. - but if that's cheating in your case, i would say nature power,because then you could control

like plants and stuff,kind of like "frozen" but with the summer side too. - i always said that i wanted the power to be able to fill things up. so if my bank account's empty, i get to fill my bank account up. - i want that power, that's a great power. - like, if i get shot, i canjust fill my body back up. - what?

- i don't know, you couldjust like fix everything. - just basically the bestsuperpower in the world. whatever you want you could do it. i think we can all agree we want that. alright, so another oneis, "what is your favorite "and least favorite part of being twins?" - i like having a best friendlike, everywhere you go. - all the time. - because if you, idon't know, go somewhere,

go to a party, you're never alone, like you always have someoneto talk to and tell stuff. so that's my favorite part. - yeah, i don't knowwhat's our least favorite. sharing everything? getting called the other's name. - that doesn't bother me, actually. - no i think the worst iswhen you've known someone for like five years and they're like,

wait, which one are you? - five years, come on. - you should know by then, okay. okay, another one isfrom at simply shelby 45, "hi brooklyn & bailey, ifyou were to go back in time, "where would you goand what would you do?" that's a good one. - i would go to the medieval times. - me too!

- and i would be a princess. - i would too. - it is a fact, it's happening. - could you tell they're twins? i mean, they have the same answer. that's an awesome answer. - we'd be twin princesses. - yes! - aw i love it!

- and marry the princes from like, opposite side kingdoms,one here and one here. - hashtag brooklyn and bailey princesses. make it trend. - woo! - alright so another one isfrom at cindy reyna king, "what's your favoritepersonality about each other?" so like your favoritetrait about each other. - oh, bailey's very bubbly.

like no matter where shegoes she can make friends. she could make friends with a tree. like literally, she justis like (excited noise) - you know i have thistree that's my friend in my neighborhood, hername's monica, i'm not joking. - where? - i'm not joking. she's across the pond. - i think this is startingto get serious everyone,

it's getting real. - i know what she's talking about. - and my favorite qualityabout brooklyn is, she's like verystraightforward determined. so she want to do something,she will get it done. and it will happen. so if she wants to get straight a's, there's no getting in her way,she's getting straight a's. it's an awesome quality, like i love it.

- aw how cute is this, sisterly love. okay, another question from at underscore sarahunderscore zero 19, "what are some of your favoritequotes or pieces of advice?" - i can't remember the exact quote, but it was from "alice in wonderland" and it's the cheshire cat and he's like you know you might be mad, but that's like the bestkind of person, being crazy

and i love that because i'mtotally crazy in person, but i feel like sometimes it'soverwhelming for some people, but also it's like woo! you know, and like really fun. i can't remember theexact quote right now, but it's my favorite. - i have like a whole listof quotes on my phone. but i like everythingbasically audrey hepburn says, like she's a role model,

go read all of her quotesand those are my favorites. - so many quotes, i agree audrey is queen. okay, another one is fromat hannah hesketh one, says "how has your life changedsince your mom started "cute girl hairstyles andwhat is the biggest thing "that's happened as aconsequence of that?" - i definitely thinkthat the biggest thing since cute girls hairstyleswould be that we started our own channel becauseof cute girls hairstyles.

- i think it's justcompletely changed like, sometimes when you gothrough high school it's like high school seems like your whole world and it like really helps us realize that there are so manyother people out there. - the world is huge! - the world is so big, and it's so cool to be ableto connect with everyone. so i think that's my favorite consequence,

a good consequence of youtube. - i love it, awesome. okay another one isfrom at typical willow, "if you weren't a youtuber,what would you be doing, "by the way loved meeting yougirls at the movie theatre". - aw, i love you. - nice to meet you at the movie theatre. um, what would i be doing. well i'm in high schoolso there's not much

i could probably do. - we would be like,strong, full-on dancers. - academics, academics. - which we still do thosebut not as full-time. i feel like we would consistently be going to dance and stuff ifwe weren't doing youtube. - yeah, i don't know. - but we still dance. - yes, dancing it up.

- drill team! - just dance! - awesome, so at bway girl 24601 says, "what do each think you wantto do when you get older? "love you and your videosalways brighten my day." - thanks, you're so cute! - i mean obviously iwant to go to college, and i want to be a child psychiatrist. but i also want to be a mom, i want kids.

not now, but in thefuture, way in the future. - um, i'm not reallysure what i want to do. i know i want to go to college. i've considered doing teaching. like i think that would fitmy personality really well. but i also have considered like broadcast, like one of those newscasters. - broadcast journalism. - welcome to brooklyn & baileynews, how has your day been?

great. - comment how your day has been below. live news segment. this has turned into a new show. welcome to brooklyn & bailey news (laughs) another one is from camilleunderscore osbourne 71900, that's a long one, oninstagram i think this is from, "do either of you have a boyfriend "or have you been on a date?

"if so, do tell". do you have no comment to this question? - i like a guy, but hemoved to california. - aw. - but i did get asked tohome coming, does that count? - yeah that counts. - woo! homecoming. - i don't have a boyfriend, and i haven't been asked to homecoming.

- it's okay! - i have faith. i'm a hashtag single, not ready to mingle. - what do they say like, single pringle but there's always likethe single pringles that are ready to be munched on? - oh my gosh is that a thing? - that's a thing! maybe i made that up, i'mpretty sure that's a thing.

- single pringle ready tobe munched on, not really. - oh the things that weare getting into tonight. it is only early, my friends. (laughs) okay franchez underscore xoxo asks, "what was you most embarrassing moment?" - i had two good ones. - just say one. - i have so many.

- me to girl me too, i feel you. - okay, i'll do the not gross one. - uh oh. - there are some nasty ones. so i said this several times,but like in eighth grade, your biggest, most importantthing is like boys, right? boy crazy! so there was this thingcalled fitness gram where all the boys lined up on a wall

and they would go do pushups, sit ups, you know. anyway, all the male speciesin our school was lined up on one wall, and i was walkingthrough the hallway like, yeah, i look so cool, great. - she's like, strut mystuff, there's boys. - and i tripped and mybackpack flew over my head but i didn't fall on my face. falling on my face would've been better. my backpack was flipped overmy head and i was running

trying to catch my balanceall the way down the hallway, out the door. - she looked like a ninjaturtle, like she had a shell. - my nickname for the restof the year was ninja turtle. - well, it could be worse though. ninja turtles are pretty cool. at least you got a coolnickname out of it. what's yours? - i don't know.

- if you don't have onei've got another one. - she's like, i've gotembarrassing stories forever. - i mean i probably dobut i can't think of them. but i can think of one of bailey's. - do the car one. - that's what i was gonna say! okay, so we used to goto like a charter school and the cars would like have a carpool, they'd go around in acircle around the grass.

anyway so your parents are picking you up and we saw a car that lookedjust like my dad's car and he always picks us up. so i was just like, oh yeah! and i ran up and like gotin, and bailey sat down and buckles her seatbelt andshuts the door and turns, and she like hi dad! - and it wasn't my dad! - oh no!

- so she's in this carwith a complete stranger, just like, hi dad! - so embarrassing. - and the guy's like, do you need a ride? i can take you home. and then she just likegets out of the car. camry and i watched the whole thing happen and we were just like, becausewe knew it wasn't my dad, but we weren't going to say anything.

we were gonna let her get in the car. - find out on her own. - yeah it was really funny. - two embarrassing moments about me. - that's amazing. dancer underscore 616 asks, "what is one of the biggest struggles "of having a large family?" - oh, i think like making everyone happy.

if would go out to dinner, everyone wants to go to a different place. and if one person's like,we're gonna go to chick fil a, one person's crying becausethey want to go to in n out. - there's only one placethat make us all happy and that's texas roadhouse. like when we go there, we are there and we eat everything, it's so good. - alright another one isfrom sommor underscore bman,

"how do you get straight a's in school?" that's a good question. - you know we do missschool a lot for work. we are to clarify, still in public school. we get that quite a bit online, but we are still in public high school. we love the social side, so i don't think i couldever do online school. - but it's really hard sometimes

because we miss so much school to catch up and keep going. but we really work hard to keep our grades as high as possible. - honestly is just takes a lot of work. like when a teacher tells you to do something, do it. because like 90% of the time they know what they're talking about.

- 90% percent? - because there's always thatone time when you're like is that right? and they're like oh no that's wrong. and you're like, i'msmarter than the teacher. - oh no, oh my gosh. - and you're like, whyam i even in school. - so you guys are opening your own school. everyone's invited youall get straight a's.

no, just kidding. okay, so another one at cghbv fan says, "would you rather dieyoung with a fun life "or die old with a boring life?" - die young with a fun life. - because life is like putso you experience things. - i mean why would anyonewant to have a boring life for a long time? - i know.

- i would rather die young. - i mean, ideally not really. none of those situations are good, just to clarify. okay, at tay tay underscore butt, "what was your favoritetrip you ever took together, "by the way, i love you guys so much". - we love you too! our favorite trip.

- cruise. - that was fun, i thoughtdubai was fun too. we went to europe this summer too. - all over the world, just killing it. - those were all really fun, i can't pick one. - okay, so at megan holloran one asks, "who is your favorite youtuber?" - my mom is amazing, we love her so much.

- we do like my life is ava too. - that's what i just said. - shoutout to mom! - go mom! - moms are awesome. okay, at ashley withlike four y's 1212 says, "what's your favorite partof filming youtube videos?" - we do a lot of crazy things. - like i wouldn't ever dothese things in real life,

like i would never do thesmoothie challenge in real life because i'm not a fan of gross. - but they're so fun to do. - or eat crickets. - you ate crickets? - yeah we did, flavored crickets. they weren't that bad. they tasted like sunflower seeds. - really wow.

you learn something new every day folks. kind of makes me less scared about it, i give you major props. - thanks. - any of you all had crickets before? - what did you think? - they were strange. - i could see that being true. okay at fierce underscore miranda says,

"funniest childhood memories?" there's probably so many. - i remember one time, thisis just like a random one, we were in the backyard, we used to have this big playhouse. - that was not fun! - it might be funny to them. we were terrified becausewe were up in the tunnel. there's a tunnel that connectsthe swing sets and stuff

and we hung out in there. there was a beehive that we did not notice and we were surrounded on each side, so we did not leave thetunnel for like three hours because we did not wantto get stung by the bees. - i don't think that's fun. - looking back, i think it's funny. - but at the momentprobably the worst ever. okay so we're gonna take onemore question from twitter

for now, but be sure to keeptweeting with hashtag ask b&b throughout the show. someone said, "i'm thinking ofstarting a channel and wanted "to know how you guys dealwith the hate comments". - that is a good one. mostly i think we don'tever reply to hate comments because we don't want tofuel the fire, cause drama. - you also never know what'shappening in someone's life, so if they're feeling somuch sadness in their life

to comment something mean,like through youtube. - yeah you don't wantto just make it worse. - i almost feel bad for themthat they feel so much sadness that they need to comment mean things. - very true, i agree. - but mostly you just leave it alone. but if it gets bad or really inapporpriate you delete it obviously. but for the most partwe don't say anything.

- and we've learned tolet it roll off our backs. - you get thick skin. - shake it off like taylor swift said. ♫ shake it off, shake it off - so that's it for thetwitter questions for now, with an awesome dancebreak interlude there. so we're gonna play this game,it is called toss and talk, but we're gonna call it roll and talk just for safety issues here.

- basically we had all thegirls here write questions they want to answer on a beach ball and we're going to roll itand just pick random ones. - okay, bailey's gonna go first. - question number one,what is your dream job? i love disney, like to the max. and i have so many greatideas for princess movies. so i would love to write andcreate disney princess movies. - i would voiceover a princess.

- do your princess voice. - i don't have a princess voice. - be a princess right now, go. - i can't just be a princess. - twin problems! okay, next question! - okay, if you had to pickone meal to eat forever, what would it be? - ooh!

- potatoes. - they said the same thing, i agree too. - i like mashed, becauseyou can make potatoes in so many ways andthey always taste good. and they're really good for you too, you are be able to live off that. - potatoes are life! - hashtag potatoes. - do you guys like potatoes?

- [audience} yeah! - i'm gonna jump in on this one. okay that doesn't make sense for me. this one says, "oh mygosh, you guys are amazing, "how long have you guys been on youtube?" you guys can obviously answer this, but i have been on youtube for six years, i do covers and stuffso if you guys like it check out my channel too, hey!

- and we've been on for three years. - since 2009 on my mom's channel and then 2013 for my channel. - so two and a half, yeah. - nice. - okay, "how do you guys manage school "and traveling the world? "love jess". we answered this question before.

just lots of hard work. i'll pick a new one. "do you both braid? "i notice only bailey does." we both braid but ilike doing hair better. - let's rephrase, i attempt at braiding. i'm much better at simplerbuns or a french braid. she does the fancy stuff, shedoes my hair all the time. - awesome.

- my turn. do you both have verydifferent personalities? - yes. if you have seen our wisdomteeth video, you will know. - yes, best video i have ever seen. - you guys have seen that? which one do you think wasfunnier, brooklyn or bailey? - [brooklyn] you think we'refunny together, like combined? - [allie] i think the contrast,how different they were.

- i think bailey was funnier just because she was like loopy. - that was crazy. to clarify, i had just gotmy hair cut like an hour before i got my wisdom teeth out, so i had that fresh on mymind and with the medication it was the only thing i could talk about. because i was forgettingso often i'd mentioned it. - it's the weirdestexperience, for those of you

who haven't had your wisdomteeth out you'll see. you feel like you're normal,but you're really not at all normal. like, this is a normal thing to say. why does everyone die in hospitals? just like the weirdest,like what are you saying. alright next question. - a lot of these are twin-specific. nope, i'll just ask you guys.

"which one of you is crankier?" - brooklyn. - bailey! - nobody wants to admit. - i think she has less patience. - so we're opposite whenit comes to getting angry. i'll get angry really easily but it only lasts like five,10 minutes and then it's over. brooklyn will hold agrudge for like a week

and then get really angryand hold it for another week. and then it's over. - but i like hold it, don't react, then react react react! don't react, don't react. i'm like this, woo! just kidding. so it depends on the type ofanger you're talking about. - everybody's got a cranky side.

- true! - okay, "do you guys have advice "for people that want to start youtube?" love, wait how do you say it, asha and ozra, ooh that's cool. so for starting a youtube channel, suggestions would be, be yourself, your true personality really shows. - have a passion about what you're doing

otherwise it won't comeacross to people as well. because you're not as likeinto what you're doing or passionate or whatever. - and i would say post consistently, like pick a day andjust post consistently. - because then people come back regularly and rely on you content. - i agree with both ofthose that's very good. - a few more questions then we'll move on.

- then we'll play charades. - i don't know which one to answer. okay, this is reoccurring,"how often do you fight "and what is the longestfight you've ever had?" - we don't fight very often. - no we don't and if we do fight, it's over clothes most of the time. or a dirty room. - messy people.

- because we share a room,and i won't say i'm perfect but i'm more cleanly. - are you guys messy or clean? (audience responds) - [bailey] messy? - maybe i'm the abnormalone, but i like things neat and things have a place to go. obviously i still throwclothes on the ground. but she does not like to clean very often.

- i, yeah. so we fight, but usuallyit lasts like five minutes. - it's like one of thosefights where you're like, i'm not talking to you. and then five minutes lateryou gotta bust out laughing. okay, let's do one more. your turn! - you do the last one. there's so many good ones.

- okay, what is our favoritevideo that we've made? - the wisdom teeth, becausethat took no effort! - because you didn't haveto do anything at all. - that one is so funny becauseit's one of our best videos but it took no planning, wedidn't have to get ready for it. - they were just there, all natural. minus the medication. - i liked the peter hollins music video, i liked the studio c.

i loved the expectation versus reality of the last day of school. and then i liked our wisdom teeth. so that's probably our favorite. - what are you guy's favorites? - [audience] wisdom teeth! - what's your favorite quote, anyone. - [audience] do you like my hair? - why am i leaking?

only men leak! - that's me, my lip is sofat, it's the size of texas! - i feel great, do you like my hair. - i'm so happy. - those were all pretty good ones. so now, we want to moveon to a game of charades. i'm gonna get the trusty little ipad, do you guys want to pick some people? - i talked to some girls,so if i talked to you

about playing charades, come on up. - oh i didn't know i wassupposed to talk to someone. - come on over ladies! - you're on my team. - do you guys want to introduce yourself? - i'm aisha. - i'm amanda. - i'm sofia. - i'm ozra.

- and these are twins. - bring it on, brooklyn! - so who's going to go first, brooklyn? - we'll go first, so y'all tryto guess what i'm acting out. - you guys come here and i'mgonna tell you what it is, and you can't tell the audienceor everyone would hear. it's gonna be a good one, i promise. you're gonna have 30 seconds on the clock. ready?

just figure out logistics. okay, ready set go. - throwing, wrapping, folding laundry? - washing machine? - they got it! - washing machine, it was washing machine. - who wants to go next,the other set of twins. y'all against each other. - both of you come over hereand i'll tell you what it is.

- one point for brooklyn's team. - ready set go. - tv, youtube, hair, mirror... - it's a mirror! - oh my gosh, that was a tie! i didn't even have timeto set the timer for that. that was how fast that happened. next round. - you guys can shout too,don't be afraid to shout.

shouting is good. sometimes, not all the time. (laughs) - ready set go! (everyone shouts) - frankenstein! - the whole audience got it! did you guys get it first? who got it first? - they did.

- i think the audience gets a point. yay audience! alright now there'sanother team in the round, there's the audience as a team. alright so we're goingto play another one. - oh, we're going next. i can do this one! - this is a good one. go.

- doing the rodeo. - oh my gosh, speedy gonzales over here! you guys should be professionalcharades players, i swear. do you want to do one more round? - two more rounds? okay, your turn. how many points do we have? - you guys are winning right now. - i like your hair.

- alright and go! (girls shout) - traffic director. - they got it, team bailey! so what is the score? - we have three. - so we have one. - oh because the audience got one. - you guys want to lend us your point?

- so we'll play one more roundand maybe you'll tie it up. - we heard that one. - okay we have to come back,all about honesty here. - okay, go. - blowfish! - oh wow, she got it, team bailey. alright so i guess we have to do one more since we're tied up now. - it's a tie, no!

we gotta win. - it all comes down to this. we got it. and go! - dancing, on stage, ballerina. - you both got that atthe same time again! i don't know guys, youwant to do one more time? - tie-breaker. - okay, someone who has a suggestion,

you have a good one over there? come over and tell me what it is. what's your idea? - this is so fun. - ready, set, tiebreaker round, go! - jumping rope! - i got it first. - who got it first, does anyone know? - [audience] bailey!

- alright guys i'm gonnagive it to the audience impartial judges, teambailey is the winner! but everyone did such a great job, i think you need to bepro charades players. thanks for playing with us. - thanks guys, great jobs. - thanks audience for your help in that being the awesome judges you are. - that went well, that was so fun!

- that was fun. forgot how fun the game charades was. - so before we go, we wantto thank everyone here and thank everyone at home for tuning in to this awesome slumber party. - thank you so much for watching guys! - you have the video you want to do? - yes, so now there will be areally cool video before we go showing how far these lovelyladies have come on youtube.

- we've come far. - you will see, so tune in for that, and we'll be back. - hi, we're the girls fromcute girls hairstyles. - she's more of a girly girl, i'm a tomboy. - hi everyone, i'm baileyand this is brooklyn from brooklyn & bailey. (positive pop music)

- now i'm going to show youwho actually did my make up. - hi guys. - my sister brooklyn. - why are you so happy? - i don't know! - bye, see ya, don't forget to subscribe! kisses, kisses! (audience applause) - [bailey] so there was that video,

and now brooklyn and i justwant to say a little bit of a message for you all. - obviously, you can tell that we had a very awkward stage at the beginning. - it happens. - everyone has thatawkward phase in their life when they like feel reallyinsecure about themselves and they don't feel likethey can pursue the dreams they want to pursue,

they don't feel like theycan be their full potential. you know, you're kind of in that awkward, self-conscious stage and people may be bullyingyou, may be making fun of you and it's really, it's not fair. because everyone isbeautiful, no matter what. even if i had a big oldnose that didn't fit my face and bailey's lopsided bangs and braces. like everyone goes through that stage.

- it's important to justremember that the confidence that comes from you, not fromwhat people think about you, what people say about you, not from what people see. it just comes from you and ifyou're confident in yourself, trust me, you will be happy. - and you shouldn't be afraidto do anything you want to do. even if you feel like,oh i'm not a good dancer, i can't be on the drill team or something.

it doesn't matter, if you want to try out, if you're determined, like,you will make the drill team. - if you try your best! it's just important toremember to always be yourself and be confident, that's themessage we want to send out. - we wanna say thankyou so much to youtube. - two face and benefit for all this. - they put stuff in the swag bags for everyone who is here live.

- and with that we'll say goodnight, we love you all so so much. just remember that, always be confident, and we love you, wehave confidence in you. - yes, we believe in you guys. thank you for tuning in so so much. we're very excited and that's it. - so we want to have everyonetake a picture with us. and we just want to thank you guys.

brooklyn & bailey'spajama party live stream. i'm allie persofsky,and brooklyn and bailey. goodnight! - bye! (uplifting pop music)

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