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[band playing music] [music "pomp and circumstance"] good morning, and welcometo the 204th commencement of tarleton state university. and thank you for beingsuch an enthusiastic crowd, and so early in the morning. this is a magnificentday for the university, as these graduates join theranks of distinguished tarleton alumni.

to open the ceremony,the colors will be presented by the texanbattalion color guard. the national anthem will besung by senior performance major miss channing parker. she will be accompaniedby the tarleton wind ensemble, directed bydr. anthony pursell. following the nationalanthem, the invocation will be given by dr. kylemcgregor, tarleton's vice president for the divisionof advancement and external

relations. gentlemen, pleaseremove your caps. and i ask all who are ableto please stand and remain standing for theposting of the colors, the singing of the nationalanthem, and the invocation. present arms. [music channing parker, "the star spangled banner"] please join me inthe invocation. on this commencementday, our hearts

are filled with joy as wecelebrate with our graduates, their families, and friends. while we have all travelleddifferent paths to reach this milestone, today we are of onemind and one heart in giving thanks for these students andfor all they will accomplish until their tarletonflames are laid to rest. as we reflect onall that is past and all that isyet to come, we are mindful of the many to whomwe owe thanks-- families that

encouraged education,teachers and mentors who shared their knowledgeand experience, friends who providedsupport and helped make a lifetime of memories. may these graduates reflect thecore values of this university as they use their knowledgeto act with integrity, standing up for what isright, to serve others with compassion, to foster aculture of civility, kindness, and inclusion, to respect andshape traditions of our time,

and to set a standardof excellence and strive always to reach it. may the gratitude we feeltoday inspire each of us to bring even greaterjoy into our lives and the lives of others, amen. you may be seated. well, this certainlyis a glorious day, as we honor these graduates. it's a season of celebrations,a season of lights,

and they are madebrighter because of all that you, our graduates,have accomplished. some of you havespent four years here. others joined the tarletonfamily as transfers just a year or two ago. and some of youmay have liked it so much that youextended your stay longer than you should have. i hope you have notoutlasted snooki

and the jersey shore, honey booboo, or psy's "gangam style." those are passed. no matter how long you havebeen here, things have changed. it wasn't too long ago,i expect you remember, that pit bull wasjust a dog breed, duck commander just abrand of a duck caller, and florida georgia linewas a coordinate on a map. sometimes it's hard to keep up. but like the worldaround you, tarleton

is not the same aswhen you arrived. among the manyimprovements on the campus, we've added such thingsas a new nursing building for our nursing graduateshere today, new residence halls, a new welcomecenter, a new learning commons, a new one-stop shop. and students, believe it ornot, 700 new parking spaces. we've expanded thehumanities building and renovated the fine-artscenter and the business

building, all of whichmeans you probably have had to dodge orange cones,fences, dust, and detours. what else was on yourway to graduation? well, we have new degrees inengineering, public health, and veterinary technology. we no longer havedublin dr pepper, but we do have a new tarletonmobile app, a vending machine for laptops in the library, anda sushi bar in the dining hall. clearly, tarletonhas worked hard

to provide resources andopportunities to make you, our graduates, successful. and today's graduateshave taken advantage of programs andactivities to prepare them to address real-world problems. as an example, environmentalengineer major cody [? schouten ?]conducted research on removingpharmaceuticals from water and had a summer internshipin washington dc.

cody's american signlanguage interpreters, who were not engineers, managedto effectively translate fluid mechanics and othertechnical classes for him. and as further evidence ofjust how bright cody is, he presented his researchat a conference in hawaii. tough assignment, cody. our graduates have also madethis commencement a family affair. tera towns will be receivingher nursing degree today.

and her mother, lathestowns, is a director-- yeah, i knew i'd get awhoop out of that-- is a director of familyrelations at tarleton and a tarleton graduate. elizabeth and sarahvanover are identical twins who will walk acrossthe stage together to receive their bachelor ofsciences degree in nursing today. and if you want to reallytalk about keeping it

all in the family,fraternal twins [inaudible] and hunter [? radcliffe ?] arealso receiving their nursing degrees today. but they follow in thefootsteps of their mother, [? laurie, ?] and their brother,[? tyrell, ?] both of whom also have nursing degreesfrom tarleton. congratulations to all of you. and i can tell you from aconversation with their father last night, [? otto, ?] heis extraordinarily proud

of all of thesetarleton graduates. there are as manystories here as there are graduates, but know this. we are enormously proud ofeach and every one of you. your tarleton education, inand out of the classroom, has prepared you tolead and to succeed. you can find tarleton alumsin boardrooms, in classrooms, in labs, and this year,even on the voice. yes, our tarletongraduate, luke wade,

from dublin, down the road here,made it to the very final weeks of the show this year. i'm eager to see what allof you will accomplish. and as you launch yournext chapter in your life, we are entering anew year, a time as you know when it's customaryto make a few resolutions. and so i offer you afew pieces of advice that i think might make somegood resolutions for you. first, do what you love.

but don't wear ahat in an interview. it might work for pharell, butit's not going to work for you. you can take a commencementhat and put it away. in the words of elsafrom frozen, let it go. test the limitsand breakthrough. stand for something. and i hope you'veseen these signs that i've had up around campus. never text and drive.

parents, do youagree with that one? we all are intoelectronics, but don't hit reply all to every email. sometimes it's just a bad idea. and if you know the nameof the kardashian pets, turn off your iphone, yourtablet, your computer, and your tv. you just are spendingtoo much time on them. and to that point, seekface-to-face conversations.

there is no magicapp to replace them. parents like that, too. but you can take selfies today. that's ok. finally, wear purple. live out our corevalues every day. be proud to be a tarletontexan, and say thank you. you can beginright now by saying thank you to the people thathelped you to get to this day.

i ask all thefamilies and friends with a graduatehere today, if you would please stand andallow our graduates to thank you for the importantrole you have played. family, friends, stand. graduates, give a shout out. at this time, i wouldlike to recognize members of the platform group. would they pleasestand when introduced,

and will you pleasehold your applause until all are standing? dr. karen murray, provostand executive vice president for academic affairs, darladoty, interim vice president for student life,dr. kyle mcgregor, vice president for advancementin external relations, dr. james pierce, dean, collegeof science and technology, dr. don cawthon, dean,college of agricultural and environmental sciences,dr. barbara nemecek, dean,

college of businessadministration, dr. jordan barkley, dean,college of education, dr. barry lambert, dean,college of graduate studies, kelli styron, dean, collegeof liberal and fine arts. and representing the associatevice president for finance and administration, kentstyron, our director of risk management, dr. javiergarza, assistant vice president for enrollment management,dr. susan stoker, university registrar, dr.mark shipman, faculty senate

representative, ben kunze,staff council president, and donna strohmeyer, chair ofthe commencement committee-- ladies and gentlemen,please join me in recognizing theseoutstanding tarleton leaders. as was explained beforethe processional, some graduates arewearing colorful cords that represent high achievementand academic honors. and some of our graduates arewearing red, white, and blue cords, representing achievementand honor of a different sort.

they are veterans,who we recognize today for their service to our nation. it is their sacrifice andthat of their families that allows us to freelypursue life, liberty, happiness and our education. and so i would liketo ask any veterans in the class and anyveterans in the audience, would you please stand so wethank you for your service? veterans, please stand.

thank you so very much. since 1917, tarleton has been avery proud member of the texas a&m university system. bringing greetingsfrom the board is student regentcolton buckley. each year, the governorappoints one student to the texas a&msystem board of regents to represent studentsacross the a&m system. for the first time,a tarleton student

is serving as a student regent. colton buckley ispursuing a bachelor of science degreein political science with a minor in management. ladies and gentlemen,please welcome student regent colton buckley. well, how is everybodythis morning? president dottavio,distinguished guests, friends and families oftoday's graduates,

and most importantly, membersof the tarleton state university class of 2014, i am honoredto be here today and bring greetings on behalf of the boardof regents of the mighty texas today is a special day, as youprepare to walk onto the stage and into the nextchapter of your lives. i may not know what thefuture holds for you, but i do know thatyou will be well prepared for what lies ahead,thanks to this university. tarleton state universityhas a long history

of helping studentsgrow, learn, and lead, as it encourages themto pursue excellence in all aspects of their lives. i think our founder andnamesake, john tarleton, would be very proudof all this university and you graduateshave accomplished. this system and itsmembers have been dedicated to improvingthe lives of texans through teaching, research,and service for more

than 130 years. i know each graduatehere today will carry on our proud legacy ofpositively impacting lives by taking all that you havelearned and experienced here at tarleton with you as youstart down your chosen career path. today, you join the a&msystem family of graduates. with 11 universitiesacross the state serving more than130,000 students,

the a&m system has abreadth and influence matched by few systems of highereducation in texas or anywhere in the world. our highest hopes residewith you, and our greatest expectations. i wish each andevery one of you, as members of theclass of 2014 here at tarleton state university,great success and happiness. thank you, colton.

we're so very proud of youand pleased to have you with us today for ourcommencement ceremonies. graduates, this ceremonyis all about you. for that reason, a memberof the graduating class is invited to address thecommencement audience. today's student speakeris not from texas. heather murray grewup in alberta, canada. but as she remarked, she gothere as quick as she could. having ridden sinceshe was a teen,

she worked in the equineveterinary world for a decade. her husband shares herpassion for horses and works as a farrier. after earning herassociate degree from weatherfordcollege, heather began her study fora nursing degree that she's receiving today. she has had tworesearch assistantships with professor jeanmontgomery, made a presentation

at a nursing conferencein baltimore, and has volunteered in serviceat a nonprofit health clinic. heather plans to work asa critical care unit nurse and hopes to pursue amaster's degree in nursing. please welcome heathermurray to the podium. good morning. thank you, president dottavio,dean pierce, dean cawthon, faculty, members of the platformparty, friends and family, and graduates.

i represent the collegeof science and technology, the department of nursing. and i am one of the manyvoices of the graduating class of december, 2014. the pioneer of nursing,florence nightingale, once said, the progressiveworld is necessarily divided into twoclasses-- those who take the best of whatthere is and enjoy it and those who wish for somethingbetter and try to create it.

during these yearsas tarleton texans, we have been challengedto create a better version of ourselves, toseek out not just what is known but also what is unknown. we have collaborated withour peers and mentors to become leaders. today, we gather toreminisce about this journey and celebrate a milestone. what an adventure we've beenon, all of the challenges

and successes we have faced. and now, graduation is here. and the absolutelybest part about today is we don't have to write apaper about this experience. yes, although i would like totake a moment for reflection on the people we were,the people we've become, and the people we will be. if you're like me,you had a network who helped you achieve this goal.

and i want to say thank you toall of the parents, families, and friends for the supportand guidance you've given. you kept us going and providedexactly what we needed, when we needed it, to get us here. as i wrote this speech, thenurse inside this student couldn't help but developa nursing diagnosis. the diagnosis ispersonal growth related to absorbing knowledgeand experiences, as evidenced bythree things-- first,

displaying tarleton's superiorcharacter traits; second, obtaining the tools towrite our own destiny; and, third, thestressed looks of all the self-sacrificing faculty asthey release us into the world. today, we are graduates. tomorrow, we become alumni. and for those not continuingon to a master's degree, academia will no longerimpose deadlines and schedules for our lives.

but as baccalaureate graduates,our educational experience has provided the foundation tobuild and structure ourselves independently. it is our responsibilityto stay true to the core values of tarleton stateuniversity-- integrity, leadership, tradition, civility,excellence, and service. and i leave here with a renewedspirit of accomplishment. and i'd like to leave you withthis quote from mother theresa. "go out into the world todayand love the people you meet.

let your presence light newlight in the hearts of others." thank you. congratulations. thank you, heather,for your remarks. you certainly haverepresented your class well. and i will tell, iso much appreciate it when a student references thecore values of this university as they are leavingfrom the university because i know theyare then going to make

a difference in their lives. at the heart of atarleton education is our distinguished faculty. their scholarly workcreates new knowledge that improves thelives of all of us. as teachers andas scholars, they define the excellenceof this university. the faculty have beenpartners with these graduates as teachers and as mentors,challenging and supporting

students as theyworked toward this day. from the texan tour leaderswho gave you your first look at campus to the developersof tarleton's mobile app, the grounds crew that keep thecampus beautiful to the team that organized today'scommencement ceremonies, hundreds of staff membershave made tarleton a home away from home for each of you. and like our familyand your friends, our faculty and staffmembers also take great pride

in you reaching this day. they've devoted theirprofessional careers to your success. and so i'd like to ask therepresentatives of the faculty and the staff that are withus today if you'll please stand so our graduates canthank you for the important role that you've playedin their lives. faculty, staff,thank you so much. and now, students, we areto the most important part

of the ceremony-- thepresentation of your degrees. i'd like to welcome to thepodium dr. murray, dean cawthon, and dean pierceto present and recommend the candidates for theassociate's and bachelor's degrees. will candidates forbaccalaureate degrees in the college of agriculturaland environmental sciences please stand. provost murray, asdean of the college,

i am very proud to presentthese outstanding future leaders in the fields ofagriculture, environmental, and human sciences. these graduates are wellprepared to provide leadership in meeting thefood, fiber, family, and social challenges thatare facing our rapidly growing global population. that population is expanding atan unprecedented rate of 18,000 new births every year.

and by the year2050, global demand for food, fiber,and bioenergy will require agriculturalproduction to more than double and do so using existingor fewer natural resources. we in the college ofagricultural and environmental sciences are proudof our contributions to our national foodand fiber system, which is second to none in the world. and we are particularly excitedabout the future contributions

of these studentsto that legacy. it is truly a pleasure,as dean of the college, to present them to youon the faculty's behalf. candidates, please be seated. will the candidates forgraduation with the bachelor's and associate's degreesfrom the college of science and technology please rise? provost murray, carlsagan said that science is based on experiment,on a willingness

to challenge old dogma,and on an openness to see the universeas it really is. louis pasteur said thatscience and its applications are related to one anotheras the fruit is related to the tree that has borne it. today's graduatesfrom the college of science and technologyspan the spectrum from the natural tothe applied sciences. while some have pursuedcareers planting

the seeds ofscientific discovery, others will endeavor to harvestthe technological fruit. these are the scientists,mathematicians, teachers, technologists, nurses,and other professionals that will be theleaders of the future. these graduates are preparedto be the innovative thinkers and problem solvers whowill meet the challenges in the areas of naturalsciences, health sciences, and engineering.

they will createchange that will help us to adapt toit while holding fast to our principles and values. i'm extremely proud to presentthese candidates for graduation from the college ofscience and technology. on behalf of the college ofscience and technology faculty, i certify that they havemet all the requirements for this degree. candidates, be seated.

will all the candidatesreceiving degrees please rise? president dottavio,these students are candidates for the associateand baccalaureate degree. as prescribed by the facultyof tarleton state university and the board of regents of thetexas a&m university system, as the chief academicofficer, i present them to you with both personal pleasureand tarleton pride. graduates, by theauthority vested in me as president of tarletonstate university,

i confer the associate'sand bachelor's degrees upon those of youwho have successfully met all requirementsassociated with those degrees. you now hold all honors,rights, and privileges belonging thereto. i charge you, as the educatedmen and women of the world, to use your education inthe service of others. congratulations, graduates. and student marshals, willyou please bring the graduates

forward to receivetheir diplomas?

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