homecoming updo hairstyles for medium length hair

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homecoming updo hairstyles for medium length hair

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here we are in step number two of the havanatwist hairstyle in this that i will show you in detail step-by-step how to achieve havanatwists on your hair by doing the invisible roots method so first before you begin twistingyour hair you are going to take your comb and section a part of your real hair for yourtwist then you are going to take your extension hair and prepare it for your havana twiststyle and then lastly i will show you how to do havana twist with the invisible rootsmet before you begin twisting your hair for your havana twist you want to make sure youpart a pretty big amount of hair on your head so with your comb you are going to be usingthe tail end of your comb to part a square section of your hair the reason why you wantto make sure to exaggerate the size you are

going to do is because havana twist by natureare pretty big twist but also its ups your preference so if you want the look of a smallerhavana twist just part of a smaller size so now that is going to take the tail end ofmy comb and this is a rat tail and then i am going to part a square here on the rightside of my head so now that you have parted your section that you will be working on wantto take some duckbill clips and once your hair and the surrounding areas to keep yourhair sectioned so now that your hair is sectioned you want to take your water spray bottle andmist your hair just a little bit and then you can add a little bit of gel onto the endsas you tame so now that your hair has been the detangled and sectioned i will show you how to prepareyour havana twist hair for your hair now in

my hand hair i have a package of marley twistingor marley braiding hair you could also use havana hair as well there very similar almostidentical book for this havana was look will be using this marley twisting hair and forthe specific part i want to show you how to prepare your hair for your twist now whendoing your twist with the size that i have on my head it's perfect to use eight individualpieces of the marley extension so when you open up your package of marley hair it's alreadypre-sectioned there's individual twist or locks of hair that are already separated withinitself so what you want to do is grab 8 pieces 12345678 and you are going to use this foryour twists now the way to make sure that the ends taper off just a little bit to giveyou the natural look e are are going to stagger

each individual twist as we are preparingthe hair so as you can see the ends look pretty even there's a few that are little bit shorterthan the others but they're pretty even so first what you want to do is make them alleven before you begin so i am going to pull each lock and i'm going to make all the endseven the reason why you want to do this first is so you could purposefully make sure thatthe ends are staggering in the way you would like so now here we are all the ends afe perfectlyif you want to do your havana twist with the link that it is at each bottom of the lockthen your answer will look really blunt for a taper off really quickly and look unnaturalso what you want to do is not take one twist to put it in your other hand just like thatso when you grab your second twist what you

want to do is adjust the hand that has moreof the locks a little bit downward so that is longer than your other hand so when i putthis twist back up to it you can see that this twist in my right hand is a little bitshorter than the rest of the twist or locks in my other hand so now that we have two differentlengths you're going to grab one from this hand him will be directly over and as youcan see the two pieces are staggered so now to continue to stagger our pieces you goingto grab this hand of hair and adjusted down just a little bit just so it's a little longerthan the other hand and then you going to grab a lock and shift it right to your otherhand so now we have three pieces in are all starting to stagger so you just going to dothe same thing until all eight pieces are

transferred to your next hand so now herewe have our 8 twists the ends aren’t so even and they are starting to stagger so ifyou do want to adjust just a little bit more to make them extreme you can you just wantto eyeball which ones need to be a little longer or shorter and you can pull one justa little bit down to your liking so now once your hair has been set we are going to begintwisting by achieving that invisible roots method for the havana twist so now that yourextension hair has been paired right going to begin to do the invisible roots methodfor the havana twist hairstyle so with your section of hair that you already have yougoing to divided into two parts the way down want to section is hair than want to takemy comb and i want to part my hair directly

this way a straight line across you can alsoeven separate it with your hands or you can even separate and formed two triangles that'sthe way you want to part your hair to really help you achieve that invisible roots lookso now i am just going to reach my table and i'm going to grab my comb and i want to takethe end of my comb and i'm going to use that to part my section of hair so now that i havetwo sections here i will focus on one section at a time some will start this bottom sectionand we're going to twist in this section of hair with our extensions and they were goingto twist the section upward so now is going to take my hair from my lap and i'm goingto locate the middle of this section which is right here so we both my hands around thehair i have this middle area here and i'm

want to place the back of this extension hairright against my scalp just go ahead and place just like that firmly against my scalp nowwhen you want to do is focus on the bottom and so you want to take this extension hairand just toss it right over your head so that way doesn't get tangled now you want to takeyour left hand and you going to leave it flat against that extension hair so it doesn'tmove and then you are going to take this hair in your right hand and grab your real hairas well and you are going to twist your section of hair so the way that i want to twist thishair is i'm going to twist a counterclockwise so you have to work with both of your handsand continue to twist all the way down to the bottom making sure that you can reachnear the bottom of your hair so that's about

as far as i am going to twist down and thenyou want to twist other section and you have to twist in the same direction this sectionwas twisted counterclockwise and so will this section twist counterclockwise so you aregoing to release the hair from over your head and you're going to grab your real hair andput your extension here top of it as well and you're also going to twist that counterclockwiseso this could be a little bit tricky if you are not used to doing this method but youhave to work with both of your hands to help you twist your hair so now at this momentwhat you want to do is take that second section you twisted and put it over the first sectionand you want to continue to twist counterclockwise make sure that the hair doesn't buckle andthat your real hair doesn't stick out of the

twists so you are going to twist that againa little bit counterclockwise and wrap it around the gel is really helpful at this pointwith your hair because as you reached the near the ends of your hair is very helpfulto put gel on your hands so that your hair doesn't stick out of the but my hair has blendedperfectly so all i got to do is discontinue twisting it section counterclockwise and thenswitching hands and then twisting the section counterclockwise switch hands twist this sectioncounterclockwise switch hands twist clockwise so if you're very easy with doing this methodyou could probably go pretty fast but to make sure you have a consistent look down yourtwist take your time you don't want to rush this process because the twist need to lookvery neat

because we tapered the ends of our extensionlocks for the marley twists hair sometimes you may begin to notice that one and may looka little bit longer than the other and they may not and at the same time so if that'sever a problem all you have to do is borrow some hair as we can see here it all the endslook like they could pretty much go consistently so we will just continue twisting to the bottombecause you are using marley twisting hair you will notice that the hair itself has sometexture to it because number one is because the nature of this hair sticking to a numbertwo it's because we didn't divide the locks and further so you will notice that there'ssome texture going on some added texture from the extension hair as well as your hair aswell so once you have twisted all the way

to the bottom of the you can go any furtheryou want to just barely snip the very ends of his twist and also want to bring your scissorsup and snipped any additional pieces that may be sticking out of your havana twist soi am going to go to the table and grab my scissors going to come back to my twist itis going to barely snip that little bit of the end you just going to go to was able tosnipped any extra pieces of hair that are sticking out especially the section hair sometimesthis may be a problem for you or just may occasionally stick out because you staggeredthe lengths of your extension hair so you are just going to grab your scissors and youcut that part just like that very easy and simple and then just skim all the way up yourindividual twist and just cut off any pieces

if necessary so that is how you do the invisibleroots method for your havana twist so now for the second want to show you a little bitmore of a fast tempo how you're going to do your twist you want to make sure to do theinvisible root method as you are twisting your way down now that i have already shownyou have to twist your first havana twist i will show you a second time again but i'mgoing to go a little bit so i have already sectioned my hair detangled my hair and dividedmy hair into two equal parts so now want to take my extensions that i have here and ihave already staggered the lengths and prepared them for this second twist so now you aregoing to locate the middle of your extensions and you are going to have both hands on thehair and you are going to place that middle

area right against your scalp so i am goingto go up and i'm going to move this top is of your other way to expose my scalp and i'mgoing to place the extensions right on that area for now take the hair you have up toppiece of hair out of the way to expose my scalp and i am going to place those extensionsright on that area so now take the hair you have up top and just throw it right over yourhead to keep it out of the way so that it doesn't get tangled as you are twisting useyour hand to lay the hair flat and gather your real hair in your extension hair altogetherand twist that hair counterclockwise so you will be twisting this hair inward toward yourface so i like to twist maybe about 5 to 10 times and i like to go almost to the endsof my hair just enough so that i have enough

hair to overlap each other as i'm forminga twist so now you going to grab the top piece and you are going to grab all of your realhair in your section and you are going to twist that hair counterclockwise as well so now after you have twisted down probablyabout 5 to 10 times you are going to take the top piece put it over that bottom piecethey started with switch hands and twist counterclockwise still about 3 to 4 times down you are goingto switch hands again take that top easier put over the bottom piece and continue totwist about 2 to 3 times or three or four times take the top piece switch hands by puttingover the bottom piece and then twist just a little bit

make sure that as you are twisting the twistitself isnt informing buckles or tightening up as you go down you want a very smooth andconsistent twist as you are twisting your hair also if you noticed once again that ifany of your real hair sticking out you want to go back just a little bit apply littlebit of gel to the end of your real hair and then you want to continue to twist all theway down its very important that as you twist each section each section itself twist counterclockwiseswitch hands you twist counterclockwise that will make sure that your twist will not unravelas you are twisting towards the bottom so once the twist is let go it will not unravelwill be in place so now as i am nearing the ends i can tell that this site here's a littlebit thicker and this end is a little bit thinner

and also that is my not equal out so whati am going to do at this point you want to hold very firm is one hand take a twist transferredto the other side hold that very tightly and continue to twist counterclockwise switchhands make sure his gather varies and twist counterclockwise and now that you're lookingat the twist you can never tell that i had borrowed one of the pieces of hair from theother side for this havana twist so now as you're nearing the end of your twistas you notice one side looks a little bit longer than the other side you are just goingto pinch a little bit of hair off can divide that just a little bit see their and thencontinue twisting really tight so now once you've twist as far down as youcan divide that just a little bit and finish

twisting very tightly so now once you havetwisted as far down as you can go you are going to take your scissors and snip the verylittle wispy end off here at the bottom with your scissors i am going to take my scissorsoff my table once again and i am going to snip the ends and then you are going to useyour scissors and you just going to skim up alongside the twist where any hairs mightstick out you want to be very careful to make sure you don't actually cut the twist itselfand your second twist has been achieved in that you can see the way the twist look asif is coming from you scalp in this step of the havana twist hairstylei showed you how to incorporate the invisible roots method to give you that flawless lookto your hair so before you actually begin

twisting your hair you took your comb andyou parted out a section of your real hair that you would be working on after you bedetangled and divided it into two equal parts you then took 8 individual pieces of yourmarley hair and staggered them in length to give you a very subtle natural tapered lookto the ends of your twists once you locate the middle area of your extensions place thatdirectly against her scalp and then you concentrate on the bottom part of your real hair by gatheringit with your extension hair and twisting it counterclockwise once you've gone down andtwisting about 5 to 10 times you take the top section with your area of hair at thetop your head and then you twisted that area counterclockwise as well next you take thetop piece but it over the bottom piece and

continue to twist counterclockwise as youreach the very ends and that is how you perform your invisible roots method to give you yourhavana twists so now that you understand the technique you want to continue to do a havanatwist throughout your entire head on so you're looking is complete in the next step, stepnumber three i will give you some tips and teach you how to maintain your havana twistshairstyle

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