original homecoming hairstyles

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original homecoming hairstyles

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hi everyone it's april with hair 101 i'm goingto show you how to do a really cute haircut today i haven't really decided what to callthis but it has like heavier bang everything is kind of forward and then then there's biggersides like heavy sideburns that are kind of angled forward and the back is really reallytight um so in order to get that we are going to start sectioning off the hair and we aregoing to section off this mohawk section and then go down to a pretty deep point well nota deep point in the back but a point in the back so just right at the roll of the headwe are going to take that mohawk section and then in the back you are just going to takea triangle or a point from both of those original lines from the mohawk so it should look likethis now the reason why i do this is because

it leads a little bit more length and a littlebit of shape to the back of the hair so that you don't have a flat spot so we are goingto click that up so this haircut was actually inspired from one of the viewers that we havethey sent me some pictures and they said do something like this so we are doing it andthen in the back from that point we are going to go straight down and then we are goingto section off also from that point over to the ear so we are cutting quite a bit of herhair off it's going to be a pretty big transformation and she has naturally curly hair so we aregoing to make sure we don't cut it too short i'm going to leave a little bit extra lengthand also the reason why we are cutting it wet still is because she is going to be flatironing it if she was only going to be wearing

it curly i would maybe cut it different butshe will be blow drying and flat ironing this so mainly we just need to keep in mind ifit's curly to leave a little bit more play room in there for the length alright so nowwe are going to start in the back now that we have those three sections parted off inthe front i'm going to have you look down so we are going to have this hair in the backparted down the middle and if you want you can clip it out of the way if you can't keepit to the side that you need it on i'm just going to clip it away so i can make sure tokeep my partings really clean there we go alright i'm going to start on this left sectionand i'm going to take a diagonal section just like this so it's going like this forwarddiagonal forward and just a little bit we

are going to keep the sections nice and smallso this is going to be our first section and we are going to cut it pretty short okay soi'm going to be cutting it pretty much as short as my fingers and i'm going to be cuttingpalm to palm so right there and i'm going to take that first little bit okay look down there we go alright we aregoing to take this first little bit and cut it and then we're going to follow the shapeof the head so we are not going to leave a really heavy weight line back here yet thisis just going to be taking off the bulk and the length so we want it to be pretty softand i'm going to go through all of these sections and on that first one okay look down againthere we go so we are going to take a little bit of the guide from before and comb it intothe section that we are working on again so

we are going to lift it up find the guideand don't cut past that second knuckle you are going to keep moving the hair moving yourfingers along with the roll of the head and i'm going to make sure that i follow theroll of the head here so that it gets that corner taken off we don't want to build toomuch weight there we go and you should be pulling it straight out from the head cuttinglots of hair off there we go rolling it around alright so once you get that section in weare going to go back through this way and just check to make sure you don't have anyreally long pieces and with her hair being curly if there's anything poking out reallyfar too shoot i dropped my pink comb now i have to find another one oh and now we havea black comb okay so this is our last section

and we are going to pull that straight outalright so that section is done and you can see it does have a little bit of a weightline here and that's okay we want it to have that so now we are going to do the same sectioningthis way we are going to go back to this back right section we are going to take a sectionfrom right about there and just go forward angle it forward and we are going to pickup a little bit of this one a little bit of the side over here to get the length so on this side it's a little bit differentbecause we are cutting from this way from the right to the left instead of from themiddle to the outside so we want to make sure that we follow the roll of the head but firsti'm just going to pull up this little section here and cut that and then i'm just goingto move across this way and make sure that

i'm moving where i'm cutting so i'm standinga little bit different i'm moving around to make sure that i don't leave too much of acorner in a point right here because we want it to be pretty tight and then right hereshe has a little bit of a growth pattern that comes down into a point so i'm just goingto lift this up and point cut it and i'm going to take this off with a razor and clean itup a little bit later too but for now just get that really long piece out of the wayokay so we're going to take another section down we're taking that hair straight out fromthe head looking for the guide underneath and then it should match up with this guidethat you're taking from the other side too you can see it as i pull it up right therethey match up there we go pull straight out

from the head there we go okay last sectionwell that's not true alright okay here's my last section on the back there we go okayso make sure that you check these two sides and make sure that one's not longer this onedoes feel a little longer so i'm going to go back in here and it looks like right abouthere it got a little bit longer so you always check that make sure that you're not missingyour guide and graduating or gradually getting longer because that will make a bit mistakethere you go so it might just be that i wasn't pulling it straight out from the head seethere you go that's where the length was hiding you just need to pull it straight out fromthe head okay so same thing as before on the back and you can see that it's giving it likea good shape right here she has all these

little curls so we're going to go in likethis okay look down one more time and i'm going to take off some of these curls thatare flipping out really big like that and just taper them down a little bit with scissorover comb any corners that are hanging off and you want to just do this in the bottomsection right here just to tighten it up a little bit so as this hair is drying the curlpatter shows a little bit more too so you can come in here and just tighten it up itis better to cut a neckline with curly hair when it's dry just because you can see whatis going to happen with all the little turns in the curl so we will probably mess withthat a little bit later once we start doing our detail cutting so for now we are goingto work on this next little section in her

for this section i'm going to take these twodown and i'm going to split them again right at the ear i'm just going to comb that forwardand let the ear split it so now i'm going to be taking sections vertical and i'm goingto pull them straight out a little bit angled outward but mostly straight up and down weare just going to go ahead and cut that off alright and the we're going to take a littlebit of that guide and start working towards this ear over here pulling it straight upand knocking that off and we're traveling we're not over directing the hair we're pullingit straight out and work in small sections so that you can keep track of what you are doing okay we aregetting close to that division point where it's going to start going forward but bringthat last piece straight out draw a straight

line okay let's do it on the other side make sureyour partings are clean there we go and traveling with it pulling it 90 degrees from the headand just cutting it straight up this is going to give it more of a round shape alright okayso now we're going to work on the sides and the haircut is going to have a lot more weightup here in the front so we are going to take sections like this diagonal forward and we'regoing to bring them back this way and we're going to over direct them towards the backso this very first section around the ear i'm going to grab it a little bit smalleri'm going to cut this one a little bit different because i want it to be a little bit tighterin so i'm going to pull this one down and push it against her ear and im going to pointcut around her ear just to give it some point

shape there and then i'm going to take thisnext section and this is going to be where i start pulling it over directing it and i'mgoing to pull it right into that section right behind the ear and you will have a guide underneaththere im going to point cut so then when you bring this forward it's going to have thisangled forward like this so we're going to bring all of that hair back to this spot andcut it here so we're building the weight in the front of this haircut so we're going tohave a pretty dramatic sideburn there and that's what we want we want to have a lotmore weight in the forward part of the haircut just keep taking those sections and you shouldbe able to see your guide underneath you can see it right there okay and i'm going to goin and detail some more of this layering of

the face after i'm going to do this otherside first it's short huh okay so on this other side we are going to do the same partingssame thing and take that first little section and we're going to do some point cutting aroundthe ear to get a little bit tighter in there okay and the we're going to take the sectionsdiagonal forward and then over direct them back and find the guide back here and thenjust point cut them out alright make sure that these are similar lengths this one isa little bit longer right in here i'm just going to point cut into this a little bitmore there we go okay so now we're going to take this top section and we're going to splitit into two sections so the first half we're going to do the back first and we're goingto do it right on the division point where

the hair would normally start going forwardor going back so the top of the head the high point of the head okay so that's about right clip this part away alright so we're goingto be working on this back section first i'm going to take a section right in the middleabout a half of an inch thick and this is going to come and we're going to come straightwe're going to find this guide first of all that's right here and we're going to continuethe line that's straight up off of the top of the head take a half of an inch to an inchsection we're going to go pull it straight back and we're going to continue this linestraight up from the head so this is going to build a little bit of weight the way thatwe are cutting it on the top of her head and just continue that straight up line and ifyou do it this way then you are going to have

hair on the top of the head that will rollwith the head so it's not going to look flat if you kept cutting it this way it would lookreally like round to her head and she wouldn't have height up here and she wants height mostpeople do to give it that little bit of extra style to it okay so we're pulling it straightout and then you keep doing that straight out alright right here going to the otherside you can see the guide alright okay so we have that shape that we want you could wear thiscurly it would be cute maybe i will we're going to take sections this way so you aregoing to take an inch and you're going to go all the way across that top section whereall this long hair is and you are going to pull it back we're over directing it now tothe back section that we cut up and let me

tell you why anytime you pull hair from thenatural place that it grows you are pulling it back you're creating length in the frontso if you're going to pull the rest of these sections back here and cut them when theyfall down you're going to have longer pieces up here in the front around the bang and thefringe and we're going to play with those and detail those out so from this point forwardon this haircut i'm going to be pulling it back to this section that we cut right herewhen we cut it straight up from the head alright and i'm also going to leave a little bit morelength in the mohawk section of this haircut so for this first section i'm going to pullthat whole entire strip the half inch section back and then i'm going to point cut it onan angle so i'm going to move my fingers like

this find the shortest spot and i'm goingto point cut up this way okay so i'm going to do that to all of these sections pull itback to the same spot so as you are doing this your weight line will get thicker oryour um guide line will get thicker and thicker and it will be easier to follow because youare pulling more of that hair back over to the same spot see how it's getting reallynice and thick last little piece alright so now that we've done that we are going to startover back to that same first section that you took and we are going to pull it the otherway so we are creating a mohawk like a point like a v shape on the top so now we are goingto point cut this way i'm going to move in front of her so yeah this is definitely easierto cut this way sorry if you can't see because

you can move from your fingers and go up inthe v section and you are combing it back when you're stepping forward you have to remindyourself that you're cutting it on this angle that's a little to big still take smallersections even if you can fit it all into the same cut it's better for your scissors it'sbetter for the haircut it will take a little bit longer but the end result is a littlebetter okay so last section we're pulling it back here not very much of it will reachthat's okay then we're going to comb all of this hair forward she has lots of hair okayso now we're going to take a bang area out of this it's very heavy up here we have lot'sof fun curl going on it actually will be cute to wear this curly too okay and she partsher hair on her left side so i'm going to

be pulling the hair toward this side towardsher left side i'm going to take diagonal sections i'm going to pull the hair this way and findthis guide right in here where the hair gets shorter again as soon as you see that i'mgoing to cut it this way and pull all of that hair this way and cut and that way when wepull it back over this way it's going to give her a side bang this way so i'm going to dothat and i'm going to point cut a little bit more into it just to give it some more texturebecause this is her bang and you can see the guide underneath here alright so now we'regoing to comb it back where it's supposed to go and that is our little side swept bang youcan see it it just follows along that line alright so i'm going to have some fun withthis heavy piece left here in the front you

can see that it's a little bit shorter thanthe one over here just because of how we cut everything so we're going to take the scissorsin here and just kind of texture out some pieces and you can call this slither cuttingor channel cutting there you go just a little bit of detail cutting and i'm going to dothe rest of this cut dry and straight because that's how her hair is going to be worn todo all of the detail cutting in it so we're going to dry it up and flat iron it and beback in a minute so i dried it and flat ironed it and there's a lot of texture and detailwork that i want to put into this now but this is what it looks like so far i want todo a little bit more of an angle in here the back needs a lot of love because we need toget these curls to lay in nice see how they

dried kind of just everywhere we want to cutthat into where when she styles it in the morning it just kind of lays together so we'regoing to need to put a lot of texture back there and like i said a little more detailwork around the ears and then around the face and throughout it i'm going to do some pointcutting and show you some techniques there so to start we are just going to go throughthe top i'm actually just going to take this little section right here right where thehead splits right here i'm going to take it and deep point cut into it i pull the hairup like this and just roll my knuckle in and that fans it out a little bit more so thati can get not be taking out such big chunks of hair and i'm doing this right here just so thatshe can have a little bit of play if she wants

to do spikes or texture right where it partsbefore it comes forward alright so that's good and then we're going to take sectionsstraight up from the head deep point cut into them it's almost like a whole other haircutthat we are are going to do here but we're keeping in all the shape this is all justtexture work so there's a lot of texture work to do you can pull this up and point cut intoit it's really really heavy in here because weleft all that weight so i'm going to take sections this way now which is good that'swhat we want we want to have a lot of room to play in here i'm going to take these sectionsout this way and i'm just going to put the shears in here and just slice out chunks andthis is going to make it lay in a little bit

more but we still have the length we're nottaking off all of the length we're just making it a little bit less fluffy less bulky allthat good stuff is going to be fixed there so you can see there's a pretty hard linei'm going to go in here with the scissors and the comb and just point cut to softenthis out and with curls you see how there's this curl right here that's just kind of stickingout you can go in here and just kind of softly take it out just to give it that nice shapei'm going to pull this angle it goes like this and it comes down i'm going to pull thatback over to where we cut it and point cut into it just to make sure that we don't cutoff the shape and i'm holding the comb so that it's parallel to the line that i've alreadycut so that i can just soften it up a little

bit so now in this back i'm going to haveyou look down you can see all of these curly patterns here i'm going to take my razor aroundher neck line and i'm just going to softly make sure the guide is on there i'm just goingto softly shape out kind of a straight line but it will be soft because it's the razorthis is just going to clean up any neckline make sure you check for any moles or anythingthat's sticking out from the neck because you won't want to use this on it because itcould cut those off if they have a mole you'll have to use your clippers or your scissorsand i'm using my mirror i can see the shape of her hair right in here and i can see ifthere's anything sticking out as i rotate her a little bit and just keep looking intothe mirror so make sure you are using your

mirror how you're supposed to be using ityou don't have to move around as much if you have that angle and i am going to use therazor a little bit here just to piece out some of this there we go you don't want anyflat spots on this for her and she was asking me how to style this you could style thisa lot of different ways you could do it kind of spiky like this or you could pull thistop up since you have a mohawk but you would have to blow dry that differently but youshe has tons of texture if she blow dried all of this up and have kind of like a mohawkgoing on well we're messing it up now but i blew dried if forward so we are going todo it forward today but it has so much texture in it you can play a lot with this haircutwhat a transformation holy cow you look different

it's cute though really cute fun haircut alrightyou guys i hope you guys like it here's a little spin so you can see this haircut we'lldo a couple pictures of it and let me know if you guys have any more requests and i hopeyou guys liked it we'll see you next time bye

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Nous mettons à votre disposition 10 modèles et tutoriels de chignons

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