romantic homecoming hairstyles

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romantic homecoming hairstyles

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four days have agreed to clean yourbreath while you clean your feet and helped off to negates and laughter cream sample for softglamorous correctable here springhill arm is broke starring evearden palmieri sort of august wrote written byal lewis well it's always pleasant the welcomeback to a friend who's been away that's why i almost broke throughteaches english at madison high school was happy to be on a way to school ofthat earlier than usual last friday morning

friday mister bonior do back from abiologist convention which it lasted for three weeks i'd heard from him during his absence ofcourse in fact he sent me one passionate postcard after another to uh... altogether p what's wrong i'm not a man of the main part of the french wednesday deniedthese gamble which means that man is a man

blackwell you have so rarely last friday but we did go before mister bond dougwilder ali will be spent doesn't know about the amendment uh... with nothing blood the rabbit for anything primed and adios seems to me after being away for along flowing probably hasn't changed any just had a big tall dark haired goodlooking guy with a sparkling smile in the throbbing voice

uh... who need can do usually the tracking the girl if it wasn't for the fact that he saidthat the in love with me even here you can't bring myself boring area which is only a younger and usernameslimits but out of them out of the day nineteen carried to the movies lastnight we saw humphrey bogart tokyo jill andafter the picture we both got the same

thought the same time how much misty wasreminded us involved the boring reminded you of bogey insurance brooks ec in the picture boldly goes back tojapan after the war and finds out that the wife whom he thought was yet isn'temployee when he goes through to get that life back that's what made you think that misterbowling ego to almost as much not begin a lightalert bread and not be included

but i must admit i'm looking forward toseeing him again for me to in fact bringing a little gift this morning carry it happens idea we were havinglunch yesterday in the school cafeteria and she suggested that we are showinghow glad we are these home unit concrete way will be getting in the building hocking something different missed and i have to be at the tablewhen he reached mentioning she calld excited about the idea keyword

i forgot you're not overly findadmission right are you i've got my thing again for what she's avery good english teacher she speaks very highly of you missbrooks just yesterday she paid you a very niceto implement with enright sure she said you put even more effort intoteaching the japanese and then she said she thought it was amiracle considering how monotonous your existence yet that you don't look even grimmer thanyou do

do and i think he never used to like me accord she does continue quite arrivalfor mister bolton defections that's what you're probably getting somereal expensive gift her parents are quite wealthy you knowyes i know they are but mine are fell as much as i'd like to get intobuying a little welcome home brakeman freight is out of the questions although i suppose i could cut off allmy hair and sell it for enough money to buy a nice watching

probably on his watch to get me newcomb welch sorry missed that admitted to all henry in the morning here's what i'm given mister point itfrightens paperback take a look at it godfather pretty lousy it's a very original designdistress when it looked like birthday

rather me it looks like a big yellowthree d on eclipsed by the ocean with a purple our on top of it playing a bugleall exactly miss do election and ask if you want mine broke too and since i never had toget victory still wary but i think i might have all that mr bohren fashion while the advocate the courage to you but in a very good point little numberwalters that after all i didn't get

kicked out which matters if the spirit with which you places onsomeone well here's biology lab is perhaps illegal and welcome back our herotogether guitar heroes arrive it might be a nice idea i don't think i have noclue just came out of the land and i'm rocket payment and i and didn't do it i hope to be the bear uber writingbritain or worrying would find it yet market for a you were here when iarrived remembers then i just want to

leave it at the welcome home gets intothe lighting right here you like recruitment seconds hanging around this bill and i'msure you have you been like that tell me one thing you're for the over the threshold or endof the pentagon finally defective what date vote i suppose you are waiting to deliveryour humble little offering to mister barton interesting no man can write tobe perfectly honest with you lovelies ms

brooke visited reading in the morningfor fantasy mildred we haven't bought anythingbutton i thank you ridicule could've spreading the wealth and that's a veryeffective what do you mean they'll winning it all cute any item inside the gate at bundy and i realize it on a pizza and saladdressing well take more than good pay

even if you had any all i don't have to depend on my end with toget a lot my mom does not always been extremelywell they didn't know how well off that youwere born like that of the on my like belittlinggazing at common canceling when you get your hair dyed a fuck youcan cut pantnagar plant one of the lamp able tolead us missing yes if we did but you left anything offmissing right what's in it

it's an imported way jacket losses and if you'll excuse me now they've got i left my view make my way up and speak for me database by guiding eyes thing desiree used over time what wellington great

all i've got to the two point homecomingas a big fat envy handshake would you believe that mister i would like to be caught my predicamentlike that that's why i made on a card saying ifill appointing from customs butand put it in the bag without trying i got constraints that day that by i was very considerate of you all to getalong side of the van dyke jacket that's how i a bound suffered in fact it looks like it's suffering bya telecon

i think that mister i'm sorry what idon't think that uh... right concern about the very end of the latin dance atbroad reforms the blame lies i dunno embarrassed buffalo ultimatelyparticipant and it you know you have them againsther firewood let's go to the lab and then if you wantto know that not get that don't you think you have the samewithout our principal at the conference board has left his office

adrenaline souvenir biologist convention uh... with quite a meeting with brookscome on in the lapd criminalist uk elections you'll different he would be a it's good to get back towards a moreblackboard same lead tables equipment say warts this little bag alternate whydon't you maybe to present from someone d free fall off the cliff wait a minute bases identical to thetime

guided stretch snodgrass last christmas uh... constraint let me get i remember it very well thought it was all right to get whereyoung kids with it tried that came with them review i'll betalking with her langley dances philip pointing from daisyenright maybe at right that big box on yourguest mister bolick

one the another package what what is this anywaylet's take a look at this issue just like i can tell you know momexpressed i think the pride would look likenothing listen right yet life rights would have been to persuadejacket miss brooks you shouldn't have done ididn't divine hyatt walter here i had gone outmarketing partner cop

warnings through this convinces me of somethingi've always felt to be true that your sensibilities you your generous natureof the principal and i don't wanna just comparing this exquisite jacket withthat particular style within right it's just just overwhelming okay victimless wonderful gift ever received sided plan to stay home that catch up onsome work but this is lovely gift changes all that which proved rightthere

if i may well i'd like to take tonightyou want how about being in this environmentversus when did i do this but what are you having at your house all you have on good image of what coupon and they want to be on the uh...wouldn't have been any other way neither that classes recipient admitted it going this if i had appreciated if you help meto the door healthier yes i want to be sure i don't fit over myconscience

columnist plowing eve arden will continue in justa moment but first here is burns naal fruit brushing teeth right aftereating with colgate double cream helps stop to think a before it starts in tenu_s_ research hundreds of case histories make this the most conclusive proof andall of that effort research on through thick a september the devil accorded toprovide hundreds of college men and women over two years one group always brushed their teethwith colgate right after eating the other part of their usual dental carethe group using colgate dental trainers

directed using colgate exclusivelyshowed a startling reduction an average number of kathy's far less food decay the other group develop new cabinet isat a much higher rate no other benefits offers proof of theresult modern research indicates became caused by my office is with ref thereworse after meals and snacks when you brush your teeth with colgateright after eating you help remove answered before they can farm animals yes colgate contains all the necessaryingredients including an exclusive patented ingredient for effective dailydental care and remembered colgate means

you abreast funny green fatigues always use colgate double cream rightafter eating to help prevent new cavity is help stop goofy cabey pornstar well n lunchtime arrived i hurriedcafeteria to keep my basic divine as i passed the principal's office mr cogan daughter harriet bounded towardme from behind a potted plant we want to see the point of alarmnaturally but the legally not something wonderfulnews for you

what do you think it'll be fired ifenright lying at the foot of the stairway i've discovered the most ever eighteen welcome from different itwouldn't icon in the store around the corner do you hope your feeling it back and duplicates of mill creek what it looked like him million looks like a big yellow three don eclipsed by the ocean with a purple

our probably playing a beautiful it would be i hope so they were part of the things but icouldn't afford the exit sixty five days the popular with don't let that worry you know it may bemiserable and i would just happen to have the time of yellow three and theni'll plan ambiguity right under the military and one of thegreen rented if you need something

these purport really very pretty harriet and i'm surethat they're going to love every we get it i'd better get into your father how keeneven if you have a great weekend app well it middlebrook that download itwill be about either that's where all my friends it from adrop in the premium you all right mister darden without agreement with the truth arnav

all right at all i'm very inventive ji this morning that the point presentedme with a four-pound prong congratulating unintended product it's this branch ornament be deployed and that'sthe crux of my inventors with the i had refused to join in mydaughter's plan to purchase a gift of organ but when he gave me this

france object i'd told him i had a giftfor in the bible but not too late to pick it up but i have nothing form of michael uh... how do you think i can help youmake the continent on through this most difficult to putinto words but although i don't believe in borrowingrecently most but it is a gift for and because i've been at the studentbody put it lines building

happen you're still standing but those have been waiting till the time isthe good regain miamisburg like feeling inner sanctum not very much more where the government to paper bag whatunits when i got that tonight mister wicker thinks mrs ninety

our band for a mister clinton said he had no use forchile gave it to me course he warned me never to where itwent missing right around you're smart you want we're when you'rearound you know i'm stuck without it for mister bush do you think of anything i could givehim i don't think i think that bag pet the you've seen it and i don't no

phone numbers for us i'm just keeping my fingers crossed thatshe doesn't get to talk to mister boyle who i've got to get him out of thecapital area and over the marty malt shop four lines are you going to eat now often not just yet academic medicine which mister catherine that's what's in the seventy uh... he'seating his office today he said there's something in the cafeteria but makingvery nervous right now

detective matscher unaware p i'd better hurry now what is the laterhappiness prep again of rudin history your lands it came to fifty-five scene didn't do that yesterday i wait it out for you very considerate would be if you have towait to be reimbursed

i don't want to helping internal no way weight what do you got in that part of theirit's just the neckline tackling yell at you like to see it opened the bag or your hand it overmyself managing kathleen lived but frankly that i don't think it'sright suits your personality

i might be persuaded that they get offyour hands do you know i think i can put this tieda very good year sheerly spectacular seventy-year realty uh... interested in buying it didn't but that we could work out straight here i might go through them usable rent brand new

are just to get out of the loved livingroom get far if you'll give me the flies you may havethis coming on it's idealistic right yes indeed i think i can put this frog in very goodnews or part black repeat we win the first chance i've had to keep thefilm copland another person thank goodness

certainly appreciate his harriet notonly because of the spirit pervaded because it serves as a reminder that ihave a couple of different brooks and his him having dinner with the tonight i think that with mr bohren weakened living very ornate and later spent quite a bit of money electricbills by the way what's in this package you'vegiven me with your new ability groups nineteen point lead

group we need to do it we were told me the drafting and thanksagain harriet yes indeed i think i can put his head hedid very good year you don't need a link between agentorange jerry did yesterday mediaeval leading italy continued issued i wouldn't dream of agood data on that night can't be around what madeher when you go to the movies and i think it would be

they've got for it all day married and he had at the front of the land that coffee forthe update others i've heard that before you print little and fifty-pound karti this afternoon andcouldn't meet different needs building stopover tonight dozens ofpeople find

everybody after watergate concoct and hesaid he'd be over the keys ministry the earliest christmas we never hand now one-loop reportedly frank made before it was pretty obvious to thediscipline of the date of t_v_ time off for good behavior i don't you think that they'd like tobring you a little moments of larry subject is just that i i was waiting for thepropitious moment to present it to you

allowed the this is it it was first populated why mister brian bought a beautifullywrapped package ricocheting open it but i'm so curiousto find out that that is soma uh... that is what great the height mike i love it nancy at least surely

thanks exists like football i love it we have no idea how difficult it was forme because i think it's it's like this with the designed to match the time isand i did this morning i don't know i know it didn't seem toocrazy about him personally pettigrew on relocating the issue be hope brooks are bought by harriet going in fact i grew on you perfectlytoday why did you comment off on walden

then lovable that hadn't submitted adds to the frontdoor was perfect not locked uh... good evening the front going to beliving with cut but i'm certainly glad to see opened sharon money and my daughter harriet told mewhen the beginning of what it's like a lot of trouble then present you with usfor the welcome home gift i promise this afternoon make minute in that regard if you would

one thing about all of the company neverfit funded i bought his original creation and themost influence of habitat for a job and you don't like it pickpocket already have is not the intended the regarding u with recovery but none are in jpegplaying a fight k thanks a lot this company it's just whati need or don't mention it my blog

i still owe you a debt of gratitude forthat lovely breast broadview gave me type of resolved uh... and tell me do you still almost intears were you doing here in order to givemister barnes gorgeous five involved it would be threein a row jerry king all does one-year-old knowing about the what did you say you had a

forming yes mister poling i got it right here in this room by old go dot what are you all knowing about it the amendment for the cover with you inthe future beloved poster depicting the crime just as soon as i can make you mightmiss brown plans for restaurant thank you walter

etc etc certainly is one exchanging gifts isn't it finally it's the idea that there was anyway is maddening i've gotten some twelve days things that make their lives when i leftmedicine so i could come back with company study like this way jacketat that time stream effective one miss brooks gave me this

everywhere hello with it making men hehe well the advisory admissible remember harry member in the midst ofthe time prior that he looked at that point mad thatwade jacket looks inflicted by yeah

again right why don't you and i go for awalk it respecting me and i get that he had notmet me in my life jacket without them out urich drawing but i have a ticket we did talk with youin the kitchen but the lying on the other life that i thinkit's what unit the bike daniele day my conferences well yes i i got retireesthat right and didn't give you a time

i gave you that we're attracted dot but not a cure experts way right pocket mag what are you doing in there and perhaps prop reading

non-destructive fair and in just amoment but first premium room remove the bustin benign yet tonight show him how muchlook clear your hair can look after a lobster cream campbell muster cream world finance shampoo noother shampoo in the world gives kingdom with magic blend of secret ingredientplus gentle let alone not assault not a liquid muster creamshampoo leaves care three-way lovelier

frequently clean three of thosestandards listening with jeans manageable even in the heart of water laughter cream landers instantly no special rinse needed after lestercream shampoo so gentle mustard cream is wonderfuleven for children's hair yes tonight trial after cream jambu remover

than new we were than will ring mean and and now once again here is arm thatthrows where i finally realized that there wasnothing i could do but be completely on an admin right about the consequencesmight be at the entire affair with the fault of wanted then although the embarrassment was prettyevenly distributed mister born without

the police he could do with the myth andright home and wilder of car stopped mister cochranlike a hot potato doggone elucidative came in withexpected coughing meeting everybody told connie out incubated bank bank of the problem that i'm goingto bed when buchananites randy i had to leave the felix and stephanie you knoweveryone gave me the boeing no welcome home dvd ni unfortunately and that you were different but i can'tfind anything and if you don't know i've got to hang but not for their you'll bedenied business into terminal and

believe me today that i don't you knowthe vinyl carmel one would be yellow three ya mechanic baggio delightfulgoodnight mid-day another hard planner holiday travel quadrupling the trees and help out that the case columnistbookstore anybody is produced by larry burns directed by al those with music bywill back uh...

him you shaver the level of brushlessshave rings palmolive shaving cream comes both waysand whichever way you prefer to shave you'll find that using either palmolivebrushless or palmolive leather shaving cream and bring you more comfortableactually smoother shaped here's the proof twenty-five hundred forty-eight meant bythe new probably to shave described on the few and no matter how they have came before three out of every four got morecomfortable actually motorcade

got palmolive brushless or palmolivemothers shaving cream today october twenty fourth that theanniversary of the united nations charter and will be observed by almostthe entire civilized world interventional cooperation is dependentupon you individual citizens everywhere the u_n_ must have your support they tended to be awsome one mystery liberally sprinkled lampslisten to mister and missus not declining bond by the budget one hundredninety minute beautiful wife tune in tuesday evening over mostamazing thing and be with us again next

week at the same time for anothertroubling episode obama's roads but will monthly armin pro firing pardon andprobably have a vote on the program my elbow well many other five different itdifficult to get up early every morning but on the front through teaches englishmadison high school has been doing it for years the f_b_i_ i've learned onething about a rising that helped me in measure very

what if i don't bother bad close thewindow and do my thing affected by the third on the walk hard thing i want todo and i have to get right back in bed again friday morning now i was up and almostdead by the time my landlady knocked on thedoor from thereafter i am at mid-day the come on and i havetalked about trying to get into larry if i can check with mister barone for a fewminutes before our first track recovering here is on the principle of overturningagainst something today that

during this past week i've got no plansto do and then ever before renewed their how did you do better i'vebeen wearing my teachers to school but by that time for breakfast beforerotterdam come pick me up defending you want to talk to me aboutbefore school starts really couldn't tell geographic channel might because you've got to keep youthink that family we both know you don't get enough provided last night bernard reflectinghere with me and she would bury redford doughnut

from moderate that kathleen coke betweenyou and kind of five fourteen fax between you and me i think she's gotseveral hello photodetector problem with the power oflove for still trying to get all the time youknow power so that the start me up half the night with her pounding abstracted fuller building on the forour hanson hanson i don't mind retail something come outfor a retired detective something with the one-party applaud through the otherthree meantime and having the basic work

i'd love to hear from you if i now havea comparable to he died down here how important you arecomfortable from just one day profit plan deliverysay that they arrive already market that might be politically informal justtakes a there'll be plenty of integrated during black the bathroom david david teltanter ideological marketquickly please brochure about seven thirty on allthings

we cannot tolerate breakfast at my placepower and quantity seven do you feel fanning out there picked up a nominate for all of it misfortunes and i'd like to ask youabout something like that robert for phase you know selling is usuallycelebrating tomorrow night saturday but paratroopers going up to our folksbungalow a crystal light for that weekend free wondered if it would be alrightwith you at least celebrating the holiday too many right underneath eachof you contact the government union

a wanted it might have a little party mary had my calf stretch not dash nine we were planning on inviting you to knowuh... where are you planning on voting that party robert but you are playing life if you do it by the alarm but i'm afraid we've been having ahalloween party here walter after all i don't know in the privatesector brenda room for the day the thoroughly bart conner permission

key part of the movie tonight so youknow if you're on the phone yesterday it's just that he'll mistrust so i'm afraid i'm not interested inhalloween parties water i've got quite a bit of work to catch up on the magnifiedan ideal time to do it sorry that you have to order fightingsomeplace else gene's books free and special be awfully disappointed so mister boeing means divine

peanin only collect welfare lollipop halloweenone hundred fifty eight notified and one of the party to accepted now there's no place to have the party what's wrong with having the party rightin the of forever hartford conklin himself speaking do youknow it lifestyle

we've been married ten years woman iknow you and then what dot com healthcare oxygen extra talking about pot so that the other evidence of uh... pack for doctor's appointment this morning cochran tomorrow are not aware of thatplan i've had plenty of time to think aboutit during this week with all of my

friends listening to your dog somethingout for a live report about that all night koch chapter there are no longer ogden ut america fraction all night long days for free dot anyway prakash at anything gulch after out that there are exactly what impact that tobacco company took a look back at their the whenyou've got to keep them away from me

high blood pressure at higher than it'sbeen ten years flanked by morning complete when i wentout of time i shoelaces my glasses fell off state three rather than i straightened up and stepdown down got copper applicant hotmail propaganda copycattactic weekly the ramada the good thing i have an extra paragraphit with me or i couldn't find my way to

the door alfonse xuat throw frank carl think there might be that i think that starling advise mila the greater than i thought i'd betterhurry thanks a lot of coming you can hear atlunchtime it make a plan to honor the approval demand

so i presume but i'm terribly excited because ididn't see you coming of the year i think they're broken yourglasses we'll have another pair builders preferred hurt perhaps i couldget you along faith convictions trash that we knowthat my heart the during the campaign trail pre-meditated cell area p watergate

the entire larry hearing mid-october barrier doubt talk to you later this proof pick up that shattered glass yes sir so i can take a look at mister taylorclan hello frank henry from trinidad mode today he looks pretty purple that

even for him impregnated cytochrome karl waters home director hahaha i have to do when youget electric morning it in the hands of the insurance company now flickeringmeasurable regain yes i know cordell you've been depressedall week long we also out of three what he needed to recreation and theversion we have an idea quantities perhaps well instead of my plate tonight whydon't we have a halloween party at your

house harriet that way we could to try your father tearing up a little bit your anything hypocrite i wired women at the conventthe grave uh... makes a halloween party friday night roaring out at the kids to meet me in the schoolcafeteria at lunchtime and the first one to show up withmadison star athlete that's not bad although without a football field

fret about pending so i think it even occurredduring a camp last week when he found his name correctly the copywritingapproach my favorite retirement books modified saddam knottedobject but wouldn't like to bring some food over before it got the party palomaalready a three the ready all good forget right out of businesshave already but we all the masquerade as something tonight atropine idea thanks you could kind ofreform

hello ultimate books productive caps commons fontana section of the show we'll plan uncoma cop-one cassidy letters of nobody minds margin in thebody mind and i for i tried to show that wave in america river broke i have made up my mind get stretch every good halloween party should have away yes i am i kind of the way

corporate hurt and i'm going to the empty pretty sure i gathered to get a car you made not may not like got all thattrouble fortress where what you got on hello maybe about half of blood in guide sketchy something be sure to take a nap i think if i might make buy black marketfind time to go to tap water decathlon every morning class walter you didn't thought was importantfor us

there's no harm done not even though i thought it was donethat's what i like and i said there had been teacher repeat your thoughts you're taking the blackboard at the timethe about firing in the mail need water here in the cafeteria sawa one or black like that busy they will pull over to the right doingare you going to the masquerade

correctly kyc image brooks i'm just gonna plan also you think mister current project economyof the bills isn't out of it on the level it with ad came here to revive thethreat i am quite decided yet they need to get here for just one idon't you think ambient pressure anything but all it is going to be a halloween partyin i'd be glad to furnish you with everone

the yes i'm a natural part down over bosnia to blame comparable water multiplying the lowestrate from a profound effect on you for dr arvind provide fred parent or not area don't you know the illustration hugh's company carried it around wouldsure like to further four a loss hello how are you figure out howcooperative and

the entire probably appeal letter offers a longboard comic books i think it's a splendid ideagetting a sort of surprise party preference for the record should do moreof a good thing to do after where the path to repeat brightened up a bit what kind of a knife if you think youknow where mystifying i've got a skeleton cut your wallet areyours there quite a bit of fun with my college days it's just uh...

tight-fitting garment with a bunch ofbones hanging on here through the trees with a prosperousand prayed to make some glow in the dark it's quite a starving affect but more so since i gather the boneswhen i was with at least two from anyone i know the i'd only well atleast bradford farnborough forever fascinating subject argue that depend on what they're wrapped upin her had a pal how are you referring to that

ally down now if you're coming and galat maybe i'llcome as a bottle of vitamin hello family divine what do you think i should be railroad two most popular figures associated withhave a leader of black capital which and i'm much too tall for cat hair paul walker

cantaloop job on that broom byconference mcbride wide died hardware regarding where in the morningmarker dr benson program very close to thebreaking point uh... correspondent desert storm meet some of my trouble was called by myblood pressure but the father but with due to an overactive imagination what for difficult relax more preclusion relax without preparing dreami've had

can mean the one with the coast deeptissue with now here do onto the laptop of time to come up withwords bit of a plane co-starred in getting onwith walter goodman dead on the debris on without idea health what you've gotto get that for polite buried combo didn't you should see a doctor toderivative of a proceeding room they're getting trapped through that have been about a partytonight

courted voters think about who will be in a part of the catholicwon't be any might better be there wife martha you realize that while i wassitting in the box office today arkansas bulldog blackbirds peripheral because the shadow of a brownwas fair promo jumped out of my skin reportedsplendid seems like that happen to people everychaotic good not from either though initially better not argue that the board of education waslike a difficult one of their principles

when grounding bulldog here many anyone doubting now i'm going to get to the back of one and they've felt being upset that i get back touh... preparing to apply for for um... dwell on the bright cord for thegovernment refused have that for you coming

and none of the contractor had come in there's no correct the way i converted to review acommission held in the throat habitat has arrived yet what others european when they get here if harriet wrong years here putting on their part of her housing youknow about it

it should give you a lot of good withthe content of not like i have for the people to get your mind off yourself about food here's proof positive the governmentdoes com apko a tree interview excuse me roger for if i haveto go to be to north of the recruits significant i talked to her for britainany excitement whatsoever your doctor the parent and family i mean i didn'tknow you were in fact bed sheets with the conference

i'm on the verge of a nervous forreference broke fight over before everybody fav i'll just leave believes that mister cochran where'd yougo what's the difference where i grew doable wander around the park sharply you remember the hearing

cut me i'm not aware of man at theconference david going to the movies right i don't let me drive you up with ourplace until i can eliminate the heart of a cat who are coming here hot over therebecause i think you'll be able to relax completely if it were free of off my breakthroughof this group trying to do for my family saddened

pad a uh... nuclear pride after gaining adivine practicing for doctor that if you livein for the private for profit i'm sure she'll be about uh... are slamatlanta trying to work at even better soprano yes ma'am we thought we'd try out some of ourhalloween trick across the board over mister cochran called that uh... run for fun

hiding v_m_i_'s ballots out there you know i thought he was the lime greenand the dot claudio at my customer favorites now you block recapping chua pathogens are still aconcert in honor of halloween i'm happy to do that terrified hand-written properly

well i'm off long kassandra davis from respects dot correct i'd never have known pretty common for the house concern forapproval from the time i've got to get down to get the epicnovel what will be using the latest davis doctor feelgood the hand-in-hand outcry profiting from phil

pang and what should i go with the properwater we're talking for appleton water project played a lot of your friends matthew all of you department spokesman fact facts on honeysomewhere so we can really surprising good idea walter dot why don't you getbehind that effect you're right behind the kitchenfloor and i'll get into the hard part hockey withheld prompted doctor water

phrasebook out the window referred tocome up the wv and you've got mister cochran wither mister cochran or sheprobably one of the game out of the way while we were getting things ready athis place prepared unsurprising ultimately paprika lightsout quick footpath adaptable applicable okay the from where your retirement progress try give me the date of that for themovie the lights are all out

for the first thing in parts of theresident here appearing on this car light frequency tohang in saying that in the closet apparently left out in the living room ithink laughed out loud procurement group have boundary proper karmaloop com long when you get betterhallowed potent the contract from river from prolong black confirm on the phone

path call no hope coffee break right here that the problemnot investigate cultural leaders for future dancing witha couple of days went by members of the company he didn't provide riverfrontexplain now but don't you dare come out of there and you get a signal the broke her of industry i didn't see anything that could happen

happened in your imagination reckoning a mid-october freud fight a brother not for profit growth light bulbs on record karke mistercochran catania patrick o'connell that have occurred or other uh... birth

have a fair cry the sick man a the the forever for a car with him on the part the rover rem learn monohydrate a run run run run run run padha already worked here and you

pierre cowl background donna during or right colorado vibrant approved for easter you've got picked the car to get thecash flow remind me maybe you better be a good proprietary it's screening of your comediansomething dangerous career for the purpose but behind the couch

first-grade parent that make you feelany better but i assure you that absolutely nothingthat i did follow para and arafat w the problem that mike chapman a revert back here river sherry haven't making repairs but don frightening aircraft and the group hereat the bar half you don't mind the for five bucks for a couple fueled by doctorprescribed there are some more

very very fair if you've got an extra tailored to i'llbe happy to join your five near the front that not going to take and getthem water now on second thought you'd better comewith me i wanted to get nervous again developed country director from for durable material might propound rare that light world brought like that separate woundup there welfare thethe

through detail right actually taken leave of myexpenses mister cochran death on the weekendcrash but dr even get temporary hallucinations maybe we'd better go back to your house year for the private sector forty four should be in the amount of points vicarage lane

what did you how does your trough live picked up mycoat coming over again what dream is to cut that i was delicacy would agree with the conference on hopalong cassidy doll for the firstour greatest makes the world not brian ard proffered under control myself

what's wrong with the company you don'tseem to be enjoying herself at comcast funny fashion s drops went to a lot oftrouble to get this thing work tonight swallow colours growth organized and richard your he planned all think he deservesevery bit of credit voters certainly going to get it however notebooks report picture had otherproject

there's there's no time to be talkingabout who ducking travels i'm trying to grabmy cell and now once again the area's of thisbook from its a compliment from bad to findout that they think they probably been happening before and had been happeningduring city executed colin hurried home shortly afterward ait hughes waldronstretch which left jumped into barnes apartments over and me for a rare manuscripts

the loretta lepore training when you'rehere you're you're absolutely with divine look at the way towards missus daviswith a part of it just what i needed three three three i've got a treatment today this do you think instead treat yourself tobuild something big and again again hadn't heard of a commitment to thenorth through the evening over most of the administration

and one of the democratic primetimeproduct probably haven't thought of armor from around the pond dawn hard colgate that agreed to plead your breathwhile you clean your keep that help stop to pick a and lobster clean chapel let'stalk about mister russell the air renewal alarmist brooks starring evearden but somehow the fever seems to apply asalanis brooks and teaches english at night it's a nice guy yes i'm afraid ihave always been one of football's mark tested fanatics

but as a faculty adviser to thecheerleading spotted an honor for ec department some months ago i was invitedto a special meeting held in our principals office during lunch periodlast thursday in addition this department and i waspresent included his daughter harriet mr philip buying her badge for biologyteacher rotted and in the manager of the team and stretch not best starquarterback in captive stretches always been something of aparadox to me never been able to understand how abrain which can retain so many clever football plays and have such difficultyin spelling the word like kath

bad as it may mister cochran wasted notime in telling us why reading famine as you all know tomorrow is the day weplace place at a high you also know that i considered jasonbrill the principle of that institution biatch right what you do not know is the grill isobtained a small bear cub in honor of the place if it corrupts which he intends to drop out between us we too must be prepared to entertain thespectators without mascot it's as simple as that

not quite mister cochran our football team is always been knownas the medicine comets it might be rather difficult to read acomment out between haves huh let's try to be constructed as you knowwhen planted to change the name of thefootball team to fit the mascot please select i'm open to your suggestions equallymake any consistency greatest unreal get company and keep her from thesecretariat

no one knows whether which blog dominantwomen welders did you get something from them figure polite anti-peace i can just picture his ferocious tiger typically see gainsfor mister briley saying did you just see the expressionundisturbed health and i've been looked at it i just sortof just at that well i'm afraid of tiger isn't quiteoriginal in upton let's out not to miss gangsters yes we are tobe able to pick up a cheat monster sap

review as the team's menards addendumthat name is almost i do give me an idea of it should be in the mood for today product is not got any ideas on thesubject yes sir what does all that what goes on that fortunately there on

callously michel like safety caps uh... mustangs mr capawe ought to be notes for the game and maybe mister buying for draggingaround the stadium at halftime let me know if you want to borrow my petproject illness prescott pet ideas ours we did not have to get arabbit tiny sample deleted stretch your part of runs apicture destiny militia does mr bohren we got no animals or that it would begood for what we want for right now i don't think

there in the world did you acquire thatmanner of speaking snodgrass communist brooks' english class stop posting stretcher we may both beback in grammar schools and animals do you have in the shop of thepresent time mostly poppies and birds sorry i got an idea like that got what brand new blue jaysone restrictions the problem isn't interested in what your father puts outhis cartons a wildly wrote a quick questions brooksburning buildings property and they could

liverpool are my debt land-based eleven pbp final maybe i could bring over my total is amascot internals that sort of a better give eternally exchange he's exactly religious cooler now there is a brilliant suggestion out that the crowd in the footballstadium possibly see appreciates charge

now we could pick madison in huge redletters on his back meeting is getting absolutely nowhere as usual important decisions have tostem from my own creative raid i will come to a decision by the time schoolends and delegate one of you to pick up the animal of my choice email go to lunch about this piece where you have listings that's what he'sroger no mystifying and i can live dangerously and go to the schoolcafeteria managing much more inspirational

inspiration as i had to do that the other day whichi'm sure it would have made a wonderful mascot health sub-regional did you think of anythingyes vote on it taking into consideration the fact thatthe board of education makes a lot of national commission to team mascots i decided we must get something whichwill prosecute which one you just need regina

of gold dr if it's good enough for minnesota it'sgood enough for us just capture one this evening in ourbackyard uh... excuse their heads principal's office all's good competent understanding after spot

under what type of life and put it onyou what is it might have huat distressingyour brother is staying over another day oh okay a holiday wrapping major disasters loandemand market will simply replace the book and kick just stuffed testified carry shop catholic arts deliverable little woman my changes of the world

which book and was it martha what designwhich al in the mattress close think tomorrow but my dad i've seen in just a little while over by the way my father rather tiredso when i do come home articulate a nap in the living room please see that thescreening reactions with which i a neighborhood the browns option that isfar away from our porch as possible now that if it's nice perks at once ifyou please hiking wisconsin the speed with which they departed soulsand revelation to me he's helped out

attention miss brooks i wanted to purchase ones elephant bookand of the type would not so much of our house recently i'll take that vital national anythingout any and i just can't go activity missus but i promised him a badguy i'd what to do for you you can deliver anotebook you know emis brooks williams yes sirwith missus davis right subject is the right over there with him sure mister cochran

where does missus davis live the address is two nine five carolavenue non-nato she gets that messageimmediately don't worry about me mister cochran when it comes the messagesunlike the pony express always get my vip will need a lot of poor people who wantto be a little people's taxes relevant will not disappoint which led to plead guilty to look atthese papers well i'd like to cut down the football schedules in the bulletinboard here mister mister blinked here's

a piece of the state level d hildegard sexual act but it is servicesee it again while ok stretched and just it's funny it is definitely on the frontwhich is in the back book end of the type who admired so muchof that has recently although it can be very importantstretch headed i like the body of home what does thispost mister cochran's it was important to getthis message right away let's see it stretched for took the liberty a readingon the way over looks like you burn but

later to get our mascot acting daily solid attentiveness brooks i want to purchaseit wants an elephant war well mascot mister cutler sherwin whole hog you and how i love him must be some kind of joe i got a callenough to find out what it's all about shouli about this not directly frommister haha

initially in his office of the like hal squares cats match cubic i guess that you're not used to convertabout these ella as i recall oxford ox acts xtec sir expect serbs witnessed ithappened statement is common

perhaps just allied stature any contents vacations here donot be at times fearless books where we go on they'redying down to the bombay branch of gambles and charge in elephant miss brooke starring e-vite and willcontinue in just a moment but first here is parents in it now proof that brushing teeth rightafter eating with colgate double cream help stop to pick a before it startscontinuous research hundreds of case

histories makes this the most conclusive proof andall dot office research on food decayed emina devil at large is supervisedhundreds of college men and women for over two years one group always brushtheir teeth would pull gates right after eating the other follow their usualdental care the group using colgate double cream is directed using colgateexplicitly showed a startling reduction an average number of cavities wirelessfood decay the other group developed new cavitiesat a much higher rate no other benefits offers prove of theseresults modern research indicates became

is caused by mouth attitudes which areat their worst after meals and snacks brushing teeth with colgate as directedhelps remove acids before they harm enamel patented ingredient for effective datedental care sol renumber always use colgate double cream to clean yourbreath why do you clean your t and help stop todecay guy kathleen strategy adopted wouldn't startuntil it was too late to go to the second strapped

so i made arrangements with misterbarring picked me up to the following friday iowa primarily and brushed myteeth extra well i was never at any elephants tests atshanghai dynamite antagonizes vegas in the bag like can you tell me now it's just armistice day israel's rule but he's doing it for any im going on inelephant hundreds davis uh... that's nasty

how do you want what did you see i said i'm going i'm an elephant man in india panky persnickety but play because mister cochran wantsone right if you just think egypt's knockabdul he stepped up to one st apne davis i guess he's tried abstractjason real haircut

we know that you do you make with anykind of an elephant at all it should are you going to look for the discount hitler's nato that brother's circus got stuck on theirway to winter quarters with uncovered something anyway they might be willingto rank as one of their performing elephants for the big game sounds notbefore who died in utah county he is i mean if the viking at the door on ourpart

buying i don't think he she can save alot of things dispatch what are you doing here stretched onnascar sprouts i think it's just about the most sensational idea every even ifmister clinton estate headed out of this debate blog coincidence i wasn't looking what do you have this use camps visits

solutions hospital because course now because it ascot do remember those prehistoric arielelephants don't you miss perhaps carefully casting a symbolic nampak at economic himself almost lost by one as staff wednesday was illness to burlington striking about this today

it's not bad sally but can i get uni of instruments thisall alike he electrolytes and how do you want instance withhammond and if i could have some milk who playsand bread it's the same thing renting widelyraising our own elephant picket lines that you want me taking copies

thank you judy point teleport's highly dante's divinecup of coffee i'd tell you what i wanted to take me this morning both sexes whichi was rather curious about destination that we're going to pick up an elephantto gether political ostensibly style sitting around it an elephant districts during keith it'll be ourmascot we go with you when you get on thesports actually not set people about the second to anybusinessman isn't all that they think

this is nothing but japanese debate is mister blaming myself for going around just a minute disposed of mister cutleractually say he wanted an elephant to be out mister in dfw beautifully amicably is eats everything i've heard somepretty strange mascots and lights and effect of his coaching a state normal wehad a guinea pig political upheaval but it's actually tasted curl up in my lapall the time nobody look real cute

thank you ted vehicle most animals allied and u_s_when cigarettes at st pats find mystifying thought maybe i knew mascot logoattached to mr capa thought they were up to the secondstands heidi's citizens empties circus lightedwithout any empty lot did you do it rather grand isle nothing left but a fewbroken animal cages in some rusty equipment is the administration covers proves

that brothers private devastating office well as they used to say goodbyetelevision let's go uh... man good morning gentleman my name isblatantly missus miss brooks all you do back is the name like but act is nameddan back you must be to bake cookies did that about to do kebab about it

don't like to point out the men heseemed teaches at madison high school and our principal wants us to procure amascot for our football team out like a nice idea very nice idea fighters the mascot to mister brill aplace city hired as the other day nice little bit that united painting a little sad girl but cost most of our animals as well as theperformers the circus personnel or didn't wait for winter quarters inflorida do you do have some animals

still on the grounds aren't you about we want to know quietly yet we just have one elementleft some people that seems like a lot would you be willing to rent it out fora while read about well frankly we never thoughtabout doing anything like that now we have a thought of doing anything likethat we take very good care the animal verygood care of the animals dana

makeover and you don't need the elephantto perform today all pretty couldn't perform today anyway yes yes that's why we kept in behind itas he met with a little action at your way to go up we might as well tell the truth you see folks freight back and alliancecajun well he sort of had his tail that law teaching yes now we can't make a circlewith the other elephants planes practically alright every otherway

ascot beauty miss brooks we would judge in a battle it allwithout rights is a guy right but why are you doing this to save money on the elephant speedo it's monday their credit abedi placards how do we get freddie into town and letyou wanting bag just walk amid behind your car i come back next april next april

provided of course the two probes pickgood terrible you see we're leaving tonight we just wanted a mascot for theclay city gain women in this divine keeping for the rest of the sea that he could be mascot brad i thinkdecide football miss brooks an elephant etc values your foundries side we detected at the conference did i getthe first place disprove chakras how did you have to captain i'm sorry i have to comment about theelephants trumpet i'm about to get it

back now sarah but wet you have to keepthis one long-time document spotlight oaks effects jet yet cadre at a hundred rope it's mister cutler's houses with certainyou better type ready up to the front porch in outgoing timing here over the side so it doesn't have traffic

disputes come on friday eight great granite two men died haywire i_t_c_ shes fled and the darn abap likefun that's not the rest of the concert in dogs hectic accent and cars now than his troops to bring yes thereit's right outside outside

why didn't you bring it in parent i'll you've been rather morass recentlythat we've got to get a few things settled immediately first of all play are you going to keepit right next to those books on the planet planet obviously kaplan i was about to take a day that i hadsome disappointing news

casting that here you step by defaultlast night does plan to use that both the uh... amascot you want to go for a friend asked what'd you think i wanted an element that might be missed brooks did you pickup the elephant book and that we bought every place elephant booking received my note yesterday didn't youknow some of it apparently there was something not quiteclear that will happen but i think he

ran his troops allowed me to record foryou but great it said quote attention comet miss brooks i want you to purchase at once anelephant book end of the type who admired so much of our house recently period unquote well uh... rather exclamation points olestra does get smarter

we don't know about can well something a baller something butthat shall hear racket front palestinian mistake to exaggerate onlythe was there not alright here i'm not perfect attracted here bracket pattern

thanks twenty-ninth i have a few minutes radiant moving after witnessing st fluctuations in just a moment but first jennine of mean and must yes tonight show him how much lovelieryour haircut look after allosteric resemble luster cream world's finest shampoo noother shampoo in the world it speed limits magic blend of secret ingredientsplus gentle and island

not assault not a liquid luster cream shampoo leaves here are three ways lovelierfrequently clean free of blues standard listening was gene manageable even in harvest water monster cream leathers instantly no special rents needed after lestercream jambu yes tonight dr mustard cream shampoo then

munster good burden instant though and now once again here is columnistbrooks well mister cochran stormed off to thefootball game after warning as not to bring freddie near the stadium this left after comes into the groupconsisting of freddie myself anti-rabbit haggard looking mister bond his terribledescription of mister koppel refusing to accept any responsibility in this matterwere

wearing something of a predicament howdo you mean mystifying just take credit back to the bat brothers if we get mistress but now they're ontheir way to the winter quarters in florida where the world is freddie go to sleeptonight maybe we could get in a room at the y basis points be serious alright how big is your place tasteless

package it has to be expecting sheltercombat mystifying i think i have the solution with simply returning freddy to easewinter quarters witness brooks who can afford it train ticket for a creaturebesides trying to get nothing but just pointing south and given the shot thatelephant never forget fifty after three days on-the-spot starring yvonne thisproduced by larry earns directed by al lewis with music bywill batch men you shave with eleven or brushlessshave cream

cannot shaving cream comes both ways and whichever way you prefer to shame you'll find if using either some-oddrussians or plan on a blather shaving cream can bring you more comfortableactually smooth shades here's the probe twenty-five hundred forty-eight mentried the new palmolive waiters shaved described on the few and no matter how old it should be forthree out of every four got more comfortable actually smoother shades

that palmolive brushless or palmoliveother shaving cream today had it you know that the hotel business naobserving national hotel which is the seventh largest industry in america what's more that constantly working tofurther at your convenience and comfort in short complete modernization of yourhome away from home remember the hotels are america's hospitality industry with us again next week at the same timeone other comment campus on obama's croats problem on st

probative agreed between your bread whatyou've removed the female bob completed and welfare queen gamble worthwhileglamorized irascible hair renewal arm is broke starring steve martin time once again one of the calmly andwith all of our miss growth written by ann lewis well most of us have are good days andare bad day and almost broke through teaches englishat madison high school is no exception to the through they say there are dayswhen it doesn't pay you to get out of there

well last friday when my rent with fewwe've just heard today for my landlady mrs davis i wanted them to death isn't as we hadstarted to eat breakfast i'm terribly sorry to david but i'mafraid i have been bad news for you it's about their and you last month meanworking i mean this months rent i haven't got itbegins don't worry about it here president of guilt billions no thinkingboth of us very a thing about i'm well for the new line

it down in the day that that you don'tfollow you with much as i do all hope didn't lost i found out this week that i still havea chance to come here that madison english department their in fact i suppose i have a meetingwith mister down of the board of education this morning created in theoffice of our beloved principal mr confrim do you think that the company willputting it wait till you that's why i want to get their lady ithink i know the word

read activate the alarm i'm not too worriedabout that the problem that if you don't mind teaching ability t_v_ definitelystill want to make the recommending fanaticism he if it is and i understand that he won't recommendany promotions without a personal interview that's why i have quoted and picking upa little earlier this morning he'll be and i'm a little if the position i hope so maybe davis

ubi didn't just behind our involvementexplorers the promotion gary to raise with it something i'll be able to pay you backhere and i owe viper new close to my christmas shopping picked up a newwinter coat maybe went down car that wonderful planned permitted obeyed government begins jobtwo dollars a month all and maybe it did out of the week and we think of it i might have to waita while for the car a

really excited for your panel highly restricted because of the morethat you really think tourist in miami indymedia how i don't have much of thati'm side needs i've tried to call the market this morning but our partner in the field intently almost all these if right nowevery time a woman named great known developing but they seemed very details drafting sometimes when you want to callavery can you pick up the phone someone

talking right now i'm not a gatedpayment without breaking the important beget on content content content they didn't have anybody one of the n_ double feeling that wefeed them misery they didn't know you know do you get the long kathleen aboutnothing do you think that the needed you private bag nine inevitably managerready and have you know you with marc kaufman bankthere were no it like that

but what's keeping warm in denton myinterview with missus founded nine sharply dvd maybe journey i think it'll make you feel anythinghere why don't you be able to remove goodidea excuse me and speaker not outlet help pack since the party line again what you know when i have to make aquick call

account and then try again one two threefour five six seven age nineteen and hedge well i'm going to watch the beauty freedom to put your hand one of the oldlady alright david at first and then tried and found one more i can't right no and crack helped quite yet

widened to green man on and when did you think that what wethink we it's almost indicates you know would still like to think abouthalf-an-hour ago to take a cab if i had the money or if you had the money heavy into david don't bother answering i can tell by airfreight printed only take ten minutes to drivethrough the way walter drive but if he

doesn't show up within a minute that too identical with the content might not bea little late any chick act abstract pictures revealed he's not talking for just a minute yes you then all right david david unhappy or doorbell at bringing it

at the end well it's about time it's harriet conkland come in handypolitically improvement he went to portland show should you harriet minority began to get them out there andit is pulling out really sure that you got to school on time talladega lallycan you please pick me up on it will be politically you up to be called avisited color broken down he had to walk into anyprivate phone you like it getting they'd know black at the mouth of the value inyour book to be late in getting a

product calculus dismantling u it back then seven women cheers nobelprize for literature you c_e_o_ recibo local hero i've tried julie harris that we've got a party lineand their phones venues all morning at whitewater got a busy signal when hecalled then i'll give it another world chuck half finds bachche shit asked athlete make student track

match-up out alike except our old shipwrecked definitely don't go away white stopped help people jacket friendship yet helped out together

brendan it mean that the company's that nice of you to drop in on the disproved just happened to be in the neighborhooddebut fine no i'm late but not limited to nineo'clock appointment in this office with mr do you know what time it is no group after nine thirty the years if he is a to nine thirty

extent daddy reunion i can explain if you just let the relatefor explanation misoprostol has left he'll be back probably hadn't decided ona morning fortunately for you miss broke this was billed happens to be anextremely fair minded individuals he's leaving for the state capital ofseven o'clock this evening but has promised to call you on the phonebetween six and six thirty on the phone

confidential in this group in spite ofthe steady stream of it returns mid-week and pepper my otherwise prostate life my integrity forced me to recommend yourather highly for this position old thank you mister kyle and i know they'rereporting thing to mr soh is the availability and cooperative spirit ofthe first need to zip that is if you're going to be head of the department you'll probably want to know how itfestival you can make yourself to the other teachers here to talk to thedivine i mean past it could very nice of you to tell me allthat the government give my getting this

job depend on this is down repeat me onthe phone the night i'm afraid i'm still out of the running what you mean on theparty line that won't quit that constantly using the phone you'llnever get through to me then have your party line chain call the telephone company and tell themyou want a different party line what a wonderful suggesting that theconklin i'll do it right after my last morning press apollo phone company and ask for a newparty line an alarm chlorine along ward

football that talent they don't give me the newparty line i can hang great and very thin on the floor starring eve arden willcontinue in just a moment but first there is very smith to you gave before it starts spend tenu_s_ research hundreds of case histories makes this the most conclusive proof andall dot oppress research on two of the case

eminent double of art is supervisedhundreds of college men and women for over two years one group always brush their teeth withcolgate right after eating the other follow their usual dental care the groupusing colgate double cream as directed using colgate explosively showed a startling reduction in averagenumber of cavities fire less food decays the other group developed new cavity isat a much higher rate no other benefits offers proof

of these results modern research indicates became iscaused by mouth acid with repair work right after eating brushing teeth with colby says directedhelps remove passes before they farm patented ingredient for effective daily double care so renumber always used colgate double cream toclean your breath while you clean your feet

and help stop to decay well when lunchtime rolled around icalled the telephone company and replace your brain to learn that they couldn'tpossibly taint my party line by the same evening so i think they're going to put intoeffect plan and which decoded man operation now face thepeople and ask them to keep up the line from sixty six thirty i don't want a damn about nineteen wheni ran into him in the school cafeteria

i can tell you all the details ofautomatic absolutely essential at my phone is clear this evening and there'sonly one way i can accomplish it will you help me now it's always miss brooks my started mine hartley alliedforgetting you arthur paintballing now pick up your jacket i can't get overthat level of chicken broth down here and then add water and i'lltell you what i'd like you to do for me alkenes wraps first of all i looked up the address ofmy party line play my playmate grace

dribbles and i found out that it's quitea distance from my place and i'd appreciate it lists so i'd behappy to supply delivery trucks but alas my chariot is at present proposingin duran's biol enduring viral i'll ask that the cadre attracting gardens reps that's why i couldn't get through thismorning i hope you forgiven me for that timeseeming lack if you have for lunch today andshakespeare burgers wrong with the car

i talk a little while waiting to catchthe carburetor so it shouldn't take too long to haveanother wire put in doesn't know that when the wirebroadcasting a definite and ultimately species when all you needed a new wiring up anddown not exactly easy when the fan belt hit the fan lackof its socket and you need a new friend too in advance calling it a radiatorcandidates get your email in the end

and the spark plugs so all we need the new pan down andradiated distributor and spark plugs when you signed the contract around thecorner that's right smack in the when i'd liketo get the wider officer replaced the sun they've assigned to a walter safety zone me if i knew you'd you'd get through you'dbe lying across that field naval binding

that i've got to get out to one fortyfive collier dr today walter that's where the triple play and have you anysuggestion brochure have enough mister clinton just on his car optics back i was in the repair shop unpainted steel mr bohren that's right a lot on task indeed right here thisafternoon this late you will not only get yourdestination proudly but both you and mister point will be in the company ofpeople who calmly is leaning much more to each other than shows on the surfaceso far

kill me if i love this type of all i am made lambert's ms brooks committee thanksmister barnes and that i caught you before you left ofthe day allies of setting up the ladder bit at quite a job cleaning my bunsenburner jadi flame p something seems to be stuck here at edits out villa collectively booksyou've been dragging out the time here

at the earliest by if you've got the car indiana taking an important call frommister down and picked this evening and i got to talk to people who share theparty line on my telephone folded over wasn't not personally that they use thephone almost incessantly and fifty film wants to talk to me about myqualifications for the english department i guess one s and believe itfree between six and six thirty i see i'd certainly like to help you out thisproves that frankly i'm on a budget

i don't want you to buy needy people i definitely have to their house if you don't understand guardia evan is quite a way out but i'vehad to limit my gas consumption as i told you last night on the phone if wego for a ride tonight through the park i will be able to use the car againuntil monday but this is very important divine i gotto is self disciplinemistress it isn't just the money involved although i find by purchasing only threegallons a week instead of four i save

eighty three cents a month added up the name a few years ago i'mstill a pretty penny believe me mystifying taking a prettypenny maybe find that you can also get a kick out of spendingindicating allowed reporter do the question of dad's breakingbecause i replaced but every day at the view is that reason experts are you suggesting that itake money from a woman you know that don't know it's out of the question

all right then i'll let you paid for it well that's not the solution either it it's a matter of principle wouldleave right away but at the window at this time of the time to do it again thing like that can become habit formingdon't you see in this book spending money is a disease without makeup toowell yet you'll never catch it gates but u make me feel as if you thinki'm chief all not at all mystifying sarah veryready man with a budget but don't worry about it all get outthere some way

filled up my good writes on pair ofuncomfortable old shoes on my eighteen p with infants born i've just been stalling and flat broke welcome aboard statement lived through the matter isthat i spent my last six dollars getting the current that night at sevenappointees to to put on a gas in this afternoon with i'll tell you what i'll borrow acouple of dollars in one of the other

pieces that don't you worry i'll get youout there some way in fact that it month i've heard thatthe thousand i'm there's no sense in both of those worrying you know we are restricts one forty fivehundred if you don't mind i weighed out here inthe car were you talk to the group are identifying how do i think unit baap disagreeable yes ma'am prime minister

i hear the party line on your telephoneradio said something i'd like to speak to you and missus develop at uh... left them in this book right down in the thank you wife will beon the minute you down the colorful naturally thank you brian nothing that's agreeableeasy the reason i dot so great that a little favor i've always tried to be a goodparty-line neighborhood filled women's books i don't see any reason why peopleon a party line to get in the axle of

the uh... well i believe it did just respect oneanother's privately everything will work out for within a week ago thursday butwe're not avoid to somebody balanced the winning lined up that scientific level found alive but missus vivo is on the phone quite a bithim tonight i'm expecting a terriblyimportant call between sixteen six thirty and i wonder if you could sort of peopleoff your phone until i've talked to my

parveen again with the world we can worksomething out about the great about a right now but wejust weren't healthy at birth that some people you just can't read and ithink uh... i'm talking to ask i spelled out the yet leasing dont laid out i don't get if youthink he's listening for a great we've got company so that you thought for the addressee if in fact that

hangout wait yes i'll be back in a couple of minutes well in the back of the young lady whoshares up body language come on out and buck this is my life great how do you dodammit reference i have registered your condensate not had gone down america don't mind me in on he wait for a half-hour sometime he'svery light the last way

you know and i want to ask a favorbreaks about hopeful but instead well i'm expecting aterribly important call the nightmare between fifty and fifty and it's a blank then i know but how how do you and thatboynton ph dot much get up and go in and havethe demanded that the life that free ridearound the clock tonight had we could with the bill

if we get the pot that me and i think anything like thatcost money there could be river mister barney isn'tcheap it's just that you have to detailed whowouldn't you know i going to the plate and wedon't know when we got to do dish itself khaki camel excited if mr i think you have very considerate texanbelieve me when you want to be keeping

to the movies that wednesday nightlimbaugh think that it was a little he one of the babbit acting caterpillar rely almost hung up and i thought i was living alone adamantly admitted david at some doctor king when she called him up with that like no black mandy it didn't taketwenty minutes into the phonemic exchange from your place

i haven't seen as the data since thismorning that would be able to tell me how he's feeling today a i think that it phone had known dan on like i get back and let them i want totell how that might not tearing down hemophilia dot at this moment if the baby dead might not see fit note about tonight disagreeable i've just got to have aclear line on my phone this evening

let's be honest with books if you wantto clear line on your phone ever you better get another five issue disagreeable a phone company said theycan't do anything about it right now you didn't speak to the right people mybrother bill works for the phone company will be able uh... talk to him tell him i said yes you've identified in item in reallymiserable uh... that's wonderful

but before i go there is something elsei'd like to ask you if this man if you have a brother working at thetelephone company why can't you window yourself a privateline confidentially will i get better thatstory and applying on the great relaxation the same is true we haven't got a television set connected with the view is that youbelieve in respecting people's privacy alright

bill did you ever in the drawing or theability of conversation for finding out that david seven fifteen and understand why mister stone didn'tcall if the phone company change of heart now yet from madison four five eight seventwo madison six three one nine without grace level it couldn't possiblyhave been busy from six to six thirty inclusive

made in the second one word to misterstone i'll give him a ring ac this is great will work you're doing onthis line supplies somebody tell me i'd be sharingaligned with the new member madison thanks everyone and fat deliberate gap dandy handycam

instead of having grades and i wastalking to break that i know and without that partners on this growth returns in justa moment but first urine new that and tonight yes tonight show him how much lovelier your haircommode after allister creams and blue monster cream world finest shampoo

no other shampoo in the world gives kduma's magic blamed of secret ingredients plus gentle and eleven not assault not a liquid luster creamshampoo leaves hair three ways lovelier fragrant lee clean free of loose benderlistening with xin even in harvest water muster creamleathers instantly no special rents needed after lestercream shampoo yes tonight trial on strict cream jambu green girl

mean you u noon being bloomington mn um... and and now once again here is armisticewrote well i was feeling pretty low aboutmaking the system column reichheld mister bonior as much money phoned me ateight o'clock so don't worry about these foods and i'msure mister slowly backing thrown soon you can have your interview with him in suppose you chair of the with littlemovie

i don't know how long this postedflorida officials are real nice times that i don't really feel like a moviewages broadus always there that my party line neighbor very fast very famous divined mister bartonbirthday how do you do you i don't understand who is this businessof our unit madison takes three one nine even restricted number we don't get themout

peeved about that movie miss divine andsecond thought i'll be happy to go with peter and hang out movie did you have in mind mister barnesfor any number can play dude any number can play it only on thescreen in the balcony strictly one to a customer joining another army top-level carafe of o'hare and colgatedouble green between your breath while

you clean your teeth and help stop to pick a are miss brooks starring steve martin isproduced by larry burns directed by al lewis with music by wilbur match mister blanton is played by jeffchandler mister conklin by gail norton others in the knights password gainedmore than decline of lawyer mcmillan source of parents lucille madison sandrado here is actual factual proof

of more comfortable actually smoothershares by using palmolive mother shaving cream twelve hundred fifty one and five theclan mother by the way to shave described on the two and will never held a shaved before three other forgot more comfortableactually smoother shes flight from one of my other shavingcream see if you don't get more comfortableactually smoother shaves the palm of mother shaving greenway

most of our schools remain understandsovercrowded handicapped by buildings and equipment inferior quality from all of these conditions underminethe morale of teachers teachers in who's keeping rest the future of the risinggenerations of american citizens there's a continuing shortage of teachersthemselves reflecting the fact that educationalcrisis is still with us you can help by taking an active partyourself and parent teachers organizations and local educationalgroups our teachers more than our nation'sfuture in that future you have a vital

stake or mystery liberally sprinkled with labslisted as an investment he was the evening over most of thesesame station and be with us again next week at the same time or another comedyepiphone of our most drug problem on timing

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