homecoming updo hairstyles pinterest

Judul : homecoming updo hairstyles pinterest
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    homecoming updo hairstyles pinterest

    hello, ladies. this is victoria with pantene. i'm here today to share a greatparty hairstyle for short hair-- the updo with headband. start with your hair down. put a headband on about aninch from your hairline. be sure to put it on the top of yourhead so all you hair is under it. take one side of thefront section, the part in between the headbandand your forehead.

    grab and twist it oncetowards your head. then take the end and tuck it under yourheadband near the nape of your neck. do the same thing on the other side. now break up the hair near the napeof your neck into three sections. take the outside section first, grab,twist, and tuck into the headband. then do the same withthe middle section. if you want more of a looselook with more volume, gently pull at your haircrown so it's not so tight. use your fingers orthe tail end of a comb.

    you can use a light holdhairspray to stop any flyaways. it's a simple but sophisticated look. maybe it's the style foryour next big night out. if you liked this video, besure to subscribe to our channel by clicking the buttonup there in the corner. i would so appreciate itif you liked the video by clicking the thumbsup right down there. comment below and sharewith your friends. thank you so much.

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