homecoming hairstyles bump

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    homecoming hairstyles bump

    - [stefanie and tracy] hey guys! - [stefanie] what? - [tracy] where are we? - [stefanie] we're in our room. we're justturned around. - [tracy] yeah, we totally just - [tracy] blew your mind. - [stefanie] so, today our hair's a littledifferent. - [tracy] we filmed a really fun video withlots of last minute hairstyles or just hairstyle ideas if you're in a rut.

    - [stefanie] yeah, lots of our favorite waysto do our hair when either: a, our hair is dirty and just not looking cute and we don'tfeel like doing anything and b, for, like, legit running out of time to get ready. - [tracy] and sometimes you just have to curlit because tracy's second day straight hair is not a - [stefanie and tracy] cute - [tracy] thing, no, so i frequently willrun a curling iron through my hair. so, we're showing you one of the nume five-in-one curlingirons. it's amazing. - [stefanie] fantastic. this thing is onebase with five different attachments. these

    are like every curling iron that i've everowned. like... - [tracy] yeah. - [stefanie] it's got a nineteen millimeter,a twenty five, a thirty two, a reverse one that goes from big to small, and a pearl. - [stefanie and tracy] everything. - [tracy] it all fits in this really cutelittle carrying case so, it's like, it totally works for travel and also comes with a gloveif you're not super adept at - [stefanie and tracy] curling it - [tracy] without burning.

    - [stefanie] i can't tell you how many timesi've gone on a trip and i've been like, man, i wish i had brought a smaller wand with me,and with that, like, it's all compact into one little thing, like, that takes up aboutas much space as me taking two curling irons, and that's five curling irons. - [tracy] there you go. - [stefanie] so... - [tracy] we're gonna have some codes belowwhere you can get some discounts on the nume wands. - [stefanie] yes, and don't forget, if youtry out any of these hairstyles, or if you

    just wanna show us some of your own quicktip hairstyles, be sure to tag us on instagram and you can hashtag, i don't know... - [tracy] hashtageghair. - [stefanie] eghair. - [tracy] and we will... - [stefanie] sounds good. - [tracy] take our favorites and put 'em insome thing, and like - [stefanie and tracy] repost on instagram. - [stefanie] for sure.

    - [tracy] yeah. give this video a thumbs upif you wanna see more hairstyles, and fun videos, and if you enjoy it, yeah. - [stefanie] so, here we go, let's jump rightinto the video. - [tracy] all right, so, for the first one,i'm going to be doing the fishtail braid, and it can be a little tricky. i'm going tobe taking an elastic and putting my hair to the side that i want braid to go to, whichi parted over to the left, so, it's gonna be on the left. and i wish i had clear elasticsbut it'll be okay 'cause it matches my hair. so, i split it in the middle and i pull fromthe back, then, oh my gosh, over to the side and hold it there, and then pull, it's kindahard when i first get started because i have

    some really short pieces. just keep pullingfrom either side and making your way down your hair. okay, when you get down to almostthe end of your hair or about how long you want it then you can just roll the elasticdown and secure it, and then you can kinda mess your fishtail, and there you have a funfishtail braid. - [stefanie] another twist on just a plainpony that i like to do is to braid the front section and then put my hair into a pony tail.so, basically, i just take the front chunk of my hair and section it off like the frontbang area, and then i put the rest just back in a pony just until i can braid that partof the hair. and then you just do a basic french braid which was hard for me to learnat first but with practice it gets pretty

    easy. so, three sections and then you justbraid, and then as you braid, you grab hair to add in. then i'm gonna pin it until i can get my otherhair out and we'll put it up in a pony. technically, you could just wear it like this, but if you'renot having a good hair day, then you can put it up in a pony, but that's kinda cute too.i'm going to grab all of the hair, including the braid, and put it up into a pony tail.then you can just play with it in little pieces where you want. i like to have pieces kindadown from the braid sometimes. spray your hair. and that is another pony tail, a fancy pony,if you will. - [tracy] okay, so maybe you have a littlebit extra time and you're like, you know what, i really want to curl my hair. so, that'swhat you're gonna do. i am going to be using

    the nume five-in-one and i'm gonna curl myhair because i'm one of those people, that i'm like, i just have to have my hair did.i have to have everything did. so, i just like to section it off. all right, takingsections about that big. i'm just going to twist it around the barrel away from my face'cause that's pretty much my favorite way to do it. it's away from my face. holy curl,batman. and when you're in a hurry, you're like, "shoot, i don't have that much timeto do all my sections, so, my sections might need to be a little bit bigger." thumbs upif you can never get the sections the right amount. sometimes i like to hold it in myhand just to give it a chance to kinda cool down a bit.

    alright, i like to spray my curlsin between layers. this is the tresemme tres two spray in number four. i love these curls. i feel like you could go, like, super glam with them, and you're like, "hey, i'mjust going to school, but i still wanna be glam." and honestly, that probably took me,like, ten minutes. so, yeah, that was with the reverse wand from nume the five-in-onespecifically and i love it. - [stefanie] for this look, it's going tobe kind of a half up, half down, kind of pony type look, and so i'm going to start justteasing the front section of my hair. so, i'm just teasing with a basic comb. it doesn'thave to be super, super poofy, 'cause we're

    not going for the snooki. all right, we'regoing to take that once you've got it where you want it and you're going to twist andyou can push it up a little bit to add a little volume and then pin it. mm-kay, i'm just gonnaspray this to secure this but we're not done yet. you could stop here, 'cause i think it'skind of cute if you stop here, but if you want to take it up a notch, we're going toadd, basically, like, a half up, half down pony. okay, so, for this next part, you'regoing to take even more of your hair, pretty much like from your ear forward on both sidesand you're going to pull it back. all right, once you have that gathered, you can justgrab a ponytail holder and secure all the

    hair into a pony. if you're like me and youdon't have a clear elastic, you can just grab a piece of hair and twist around your ponytailholder and pin it to keep it kind of concealed. all right, and that is the completed halfup, half down look. like i said, you could stop at just the poof or you can go a littleedgier, a little rocker-chic if you will and do it like this, plus it keeps it, like, allout of your face, and if you're into sports then this is perfect. - [tracy] all right, so, maybe you woke upand your hair was already curled from the day before, 'cause i know when i use thesewands, my hair pretty much looks like this when i wake up, so, we are going to take somefront sections and start to twist and then

    you're gonna bring it to the back and kindalet it relax a little bit on there, take a bobby pin, and pin it, and then take anotherbit from the other side, twirl it back, pin it. i like to let them relax a little bit.but yay, that's like a two in one. you've got curly hair one day then boho chic, andthen spray a little... i love it. - [stefanie] for this hairstyle, it is goingto be an actual ponytail but with a twist for girls like me that have not very goodgrowing hair and you want your ponytail to look kind of longer so it's two ponies inone that make your ponytail look, like, super long. okay, i'm going to separate my hairinto half and do the top half into a ponytail and then i'm gonna take the second half anddo a pony with that as well. all right, i'm

    gonna spray it. and you can tease your upperponytail if you want to have a little more volume, and that is the completed longer lookingtwo in one ponytail. - [tracy] all right, this next one i callsassy high pony, and you'll see why. i'm gonna bobby pin out this section here and it's gonnalook kinda silly for a second. i just don't wanna have to free it later. now, we're goingover, we're going over. we're gonna pull a piece of hair from the back of our pony, sowe can wrap and cover up the band, then just take a bobby pin, secure it, spray... smoothit out, bump it where it needs to be bumped. sassy pony, yeah. - [stefanie] okay, this is by far a, my favoritehairstyle to do when i'm in a hurry, and b,

    one of the most requested tutorials to do,and it is the sock bun, and if you follow us on instagram, you know that this was a,like, long process for me to learn how to do, so, i'm kind of excited that i can doit now, so, the first thing you do is you put your hair into a pony and you can do like,high pony, and have the bun, like, right on top of your head, you could do a low ponyand have it, on the back of your head. i like to do it somewhere in between, not quite ontop of my head but more towards, like, the back of my head. so, put into a ponytail andthe cool thing about this is if you have thinner hair it still works and it makes it look likeyou have thick hair. so, you have your pony. you can either use one of the, what wouldyou call it, meshy donuts, or you can use

    a sock. i like to use the nasty, dirty, stinkysock. okay, so you put it over your ponytail like so, and you're going to bring it to thetip top of your hair and just spread it around and you just start tucking and rolling. thisis not my best job, but, you can always fix it. keep tucking and rolling until it getsinto the shape that you like. all right, and then you just play with it and then you canmake it messy, you can make the bun really loose, you can pull down pieces of hair. sometimesi have to pin my bun 'cause it's a naughty bun and it doesn't wanna stay where i putit, and that is the completed sock bun look. yay, it's my favorite. - [tracy] all right, so maybe you woke upand you're like, "dang. i have to be at class

    in, like, five minutes." so, you wanna coverup your hair 'cause maybe it's kinda greasy and you don't have time for dry shampoo,so, you just bust out the beanie. right on your hair 'cause how cute does it look withcurly hair? neff beanies, they're our favorites, and this is the gray charcoal-y one. - [stefanie] and if all else fails, your favoritehat or beanie is your best friend, love it. - [tracy] all right, guys, we hope you enjoyedour super fast, last minute hairstyles and hairstyle ideas. - [stefanie] yeah, i know that we got a fewgood ideas from even just looking at all the hairstyles on new things to do but don't forgetto tag us in your hairstyle pictures so we

    get even more ideas. - [tracy] yes! - [stefanie] on how to do our hair. - [tracy] give this video a thumbs up if youloved it. don't forget to subscribe and check out some of our recent videos. - [stefanie] yep, we'll talk to you guys inour next video. - [tracy] bye guys! - [stefanie] bye!

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