homecoming hairstyles for pixie cuts

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    homecoming hairstyles for pixie cuts

    what’s up guys, it’s whip today bringingyou this highlyâ requested pixie tutorial. before you get started you are going to clipthe top section of your hair up. i like to curl the back and sides of my head first.i’m using a flat iron, but you can use a curling iron with the same technique. iâ startin the back with my flatâ iron. i basically bump it under holding it tight right at therootâ and then i pull down the ends nice and straight. i call it a c-curl because it’snot a complete curl it’s just half way, like a c. as you work with your flat ironaround your head you want to make sure to keep the iron horizontal to your head. so,i’m going to take my sides. i have my flat iron horizontal, i make my c-curl and thena pull strait through the ends. then you can

    kind of shake it out a little bit.â in the front i try not to curl it or too much with it because i don’t want my hair tobe shaped like a helmet. it alsoâ keeps the length nice and longâ soâ you get that coolcontrast of curl and straight pieces. that’s what really give this style some interestingtexture. then i basically continue that same c-curl pattern along the back of my head andboth sides before i move to the top.â and as you are going, try to pay attention tohow you are holding the angle of your hair. i like toâ over direct the angle of the hairbecause that is what gives it aâ lot of heightâ and volume. so make sure you pull the hair inthe opposite direction it lays and then do your c-curl.â so now you can unclip that top and start on

    that section. for this top mohawk sectioni will curl in two rows. i curl the back piece first by dividing it into 3 sections. thefirst section i willâ curl to my right and then the following section i will curl tomy leftâ and then i will go back to my right withâ the last piece. then i take that backsection and clip itâ out of my way so i can start on the front. in the front section ionly do 2 girls. i take big, big sections and curl both to the right. this section isthe only section that i don’t hold the iron horizontal to my head. please watch how ihold the iron differently for this part. for the last section, i again hold my iron horizontallyand overâ direct the hair and do my c-curl.â  now for the fun part. you just tousle it withyour fingersâ and comb it just a little bit

    until you get the shape you want. when i’mall done with that i just finish off with a little spray wax because you all know it’smy favorite product. i’m using style sexy hair, play dirty. it’s really lightweightbut it has a lot of hold and texture to it. and i just spray that all over, mainly onthe ends because it is kind of a greasy product and if you spray it on your roots it willmake your hair look like it’s stuck to your head. so ends only when using spray wax! ifyou hair is really heavy or is falling limp you can use a secondary product like thispowder play from big sexy hair. many other brands make a product like this.â it’s basicallya powder you sprinkle at the roots. it’s really gritty and not meant to be smooth andglossy. but, you can’t see it and it will

    make your hair feel really textured. wheni use powder play i use it mainly in the t-zone part of my hair, like the mohawk and top ofthe sides. just for a little bit more volume and texture. because it is gritty you arenot going to want to use a lot. just sprinkle a little bit at the root and rub it in.â alright so there you have it. pretty simple i think. the key to getting this look is makingsure that when you curl the mohawk section you have one curl go to the right and theother to the left. it gives it an interesting cascade look. so even if you have super finestraight hair light me you can at least fake it.â i hope you like this pixie tutorial. thank you so much for watching. for my style andbeauty related content make sure to visit

    me on whippycake.com or subscribe below soyou can see future videos. bye!

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