homecoming hairstyles guys

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    homecoming hairstyles guys

    - dario, dario, dario,let's talk about this. let's talk about... i'm gonna retrieve that later. (upbeat music) - hi, my name is dario smith. i am a men's personal stylist. - i was just asked to describe my style and i don't think ihave a good descriptor. uh, target.

    - keith dresses like iflurch from the addams family got lost in old navy. - keith has like four blue button downs, that he wears constantly. like doug funny's closet, you open it up and it's just the same shirt. - i like blue squares so like, lots of little blue squares. a few big blue squares.

    really big into blue squares. - he almost looks likeone big swatch of blue. blue shoes, blue jeans, blue button down. - keith also always wears the same shoes. it's like every day, same blue shoes. - having clothes for different things was never something that i did. i slept in the clothesthat i wore that day. that's just how i grew up.

    - i think i have a prettygood fashion sense. it's getting better. - zach, is a little like an old cat lady trapped in a teenage boys body. - half the time i look at him, i'm like, "how's this appropriateclothes for the workplace?" - i like to allow at leastone item in what i'm wearing, express a sense of colorful personality. - even though i love his undershirts,

    i don't think it'snecessarily the sexiest thing you can wear when you'rea single guy at a bar. - [zach] one thing ithink i struggle with is, how to mix and match. - zach is little all over the place. sometimes he looks really cool. sometimes he looks like a child. - i basically just allowthe women in my life to dress me.

    - i've never had a stylist. basically i've had the same haircut. same kind of style my entire life. - ned's fashion is steve carrell, in the 40 year old virgin. - he's preppy, casual, white guy. - i typically like tokeep things conservative. - i think he likes to havea level of professionalism. so, he's very muted.

    - i wear polo shirts almost every day. but i guess that's not good enough. - i feel like ned is veryclose to looking like a dad before he becomes a dad. - i get uncomfortableif i wear super flashy or edgy things because i'm like, "who does that?" well, eugene does that. - i like to think that i take risks.

    overall i would say i'ma conscientious dresser. - eugene has a greatsense of how to marry his personality into different styles. - future sex space ninja. what does eugene not wear? - he wears everything from sweatpants to a full on suit. - we'll talk about what we're wearing and we all agree on a casual look

    and he shows up in a fucking suit. - if eugene was a spicegirl, he'd be posh. - i'm just excited to see what part of my personality i have yet to explore, through wardrobe. - i first start with a consultation. what would you like yourclothes to convey about you? - oh man. is that the question you'reanswering when you put

    on clothes in the morning? - yes. - that i have my shit together. the opposite of a hot mess. - that i have a sense of adventure. - that i'm nice, funny, personable. but also simple. - i would love for peopleto think that i'm cool based on the way i dress.

    - who would you say is your style icon? - (exhales deeply) i don't know. i have so many. - (exhales deeply) yeah. - david bowie. - oh gosh. - will smith from fresh prince. - (stammers) i can't think, i don't know. - my mom.

    - or the first personthat comes to your mind when you think of a well dressed guy. - eugene. (laughter) - what would you consideran insecurity of yours when shopping? - have to look at the sizesand then look at the style. rather than look at the style and then find one in my size. so, i feel like beat down by shopping.

    - honestly, i think a lotof it just comes down to confidence and i'm puttogether and i'm fine but i don't think that my outfit is sexy. - the first thing peoplesaw when i was growing up was asian. there were a lot of negative stereotypes. what my mother could controlabout how people perceived us was through fashion. - my biggest insecurity isthat i don't like wearing

    things that are outside the box too much. honestly, dario most of theitems in my closet i don't like. - how about we go lookat your closet now then? - how 'bout it? - [dario] we then gothrough a closet purge. - so, you wanna see my closet? - yeah, let's see what we got here. - these are all of my clothes but these are the onesthat i wear exclusively.

    - the bulk of what i wear, day to day, is this. it all matches. (laughs) - i would love to seewhat you consider pieces that you've purchasedthat you've yet to wear. - oh, wow. - is the shit that you throw up here, shit that you wear? - no, never.

    - i sometimes wear that one. damn it dario! this is not fun! - let's see your sock collection. so, we're gonna takeall of your white socks and dispose. - what, what? - we do have a video from your fiancee. - i would love for keith toget more of a professional

    looking everyday outfit. he'll have a button downthat he really likes but then the has a super old belt. and dirty gym shoes. - you can definitelyhave a few more options that help these colors pop. so, you're not so blue all the time. - and i want him to think he looks cute. because i think he is.

    - i think you're a really fun guy. i think your clothes don'tquite portray that yet. - if i find a shirt that ilike, i just buy two of them. monday, tuesday, wednesday... - when we go out, he'll wear like a blazer but i have to really encouragehim to wear a blazer. - let's move to your suiting. - my favorite suit, this dark blue one. matched with this pink shirt.

    - he doesn't go shopping and he just needs more clothing, so that your suits don't feellike a really special thing. - do you ever add a pocketsquare to this outfit? - no. no. i almost laughed out loud when you said pocket square. - i just think a lot ofthe time i just end up going back to what i know works.

    i mean today is a classic example. i didn't want to think about my outfit. - do you feel like you sometimes just throw things together? - by your tone, i thinkyou think i do. (laughter) - why does your outfit now work? - fuck dario, that's a good question. all right, so my basic is just like, making sure things don't clash.

    - what would be your version of clashing? - the outfit you told me that worked. - that would be clashing? why would that be clashing? - these are both kind of red. - do you think your hatclashes with your outfit? - no. - why? - because i think that...

    - i think you have a lot of great options. it's just a matter ofpairing those to where they're most effective. to helping get dressed a little faster and a little easier in the morning, is having a bit of rhyme and reason to your wardrobe. - yeah, this drawer's a nightmare. it takes me forever tofind a matching sock.

    - here i have the underwear. here i have ankle socks. here i have workout socks. and over here are all my dress socks. there are definitely items i've bought that i don't wear often because i'm maybe a little self conscious about it being too, editorial looking. a lot of people, maybehave had the fortune,

    of kind of going throughlife not necessarily thinking about how they look. so, every choice i make withclothes has led to this point of seeming like a confident person. - your confidence is prettymuch what sells your outfit. your outfit doesn't sell your confidence. - i'm ready though, to see how i look like in something that'snot safely fashionable. - something more avant garde

    and a little bit more androgynous. - yeah, that would be totally new to me. - so, i think we've thrown out about half of your closet now. - yeah. - i would say we start shopping. don't worry you're in my hands. i promise i'll take care of you. - okay.- [dario] pinky swear.

    - pinky swear. i love it. - from the closet purge and consultation, i was able to develop a look that i felt they were confident in. but a more stylish version of themselves. fashion is an art form. dealing with apparel, your style, is how you marry that fashion

    with your personality. (men cheer) - look at that dapper man. he looks like more powerful when he walks. - [ned] keith never wears sweaters. - [zach] where did these shoes come from? those socks are not white. - i'd let you marry my daughter. - i love that jacket.

    - [eugene] that suit jacket isbasically his shirt elevated. - [zach] yeah.- [ned] that's right. - he actually looks like a host now. - [ned] bob barker me all over. - [eugene] he looks like a ken doll. - i'd dress you up andput you in my dream house. - okay.- [eugene] yeah. - what!? (men cheer and laugh)

    damn zach! - [keith] it's all he's ever dreamed of. - i want these clothes. he doesn't look single as fuck, he looks hot as fuck! - [eugene] i've neverseen zach look that hard. - [ned] like i'm a little intimidated. - oh yeah, i wouldn't talk to him. he's too cool for me. (laughs)

    - he's too cool for me. - [eugene] i've never see zach in anything but the same glasses. - [ned] he's the bad boy. - [eugene and keith] he's the bad boy! - i'm the bad boy?! - [men] you're the bad boy! - look at him. - don't hop, no.

    - [all] yeah! ♫ hard hard hard i ballhard in this mother ♫ i ball, i ball, i ball hard ♫ what's up, what's happenin' ♫ - whoa, that tie! oh, that tie's beautiful! - i love the little touches of red and the pocket square it's really vibrant. now he looks like an edward.

    - [eugene] before nedlooked like he was on a boat but now he owns the boat. - [zach] he owns theentire fucking marina. - this feels like something hecould wear to work for sure. - sorry ladies, he's taken. it is worth pointing out, you should kind of dress like eugene. - actually, i think he'sdressed better than me. - [zach] i'm confusedbut it's working on me.

    - [ned] is that a lady's skirt? - [zach] it's just a skirt. - [ned] well, now it's a men's skirt. - this is like how we'reall gonna be dressing a hundred years from now. i'm not there yet. - [keith] but i'll be honest, it's not a stretch in my imagination to see eugene wearing this.

    - you're saying thisisn't avant garde enough? - this is not avantgarde enough for eugene. we can go harder. - let's go harder! (trance music) - this is awesome! oh wow! - yes, slay! - [zach] you look like an anime character.

    - like a future western detective. - [zach] i've never seen youattempt something like this. - [keith] there's awhole sheep on this man, look at that coat. - it takes so much confidenceto be able to pull that off. he exhibits a power. - clothes almost became therapy for us. i was a little bit afraid of what i would end up looking like.

    what a hot nerd. it's like dapper but it'stotally still casual. - the shoes that keithis wearing, he actually already owned. which looks really good on him. - you own these?! - why don't you wear them more often? - because they outclassedall of my other clothes. apparently i already have enough clothes

    to make a good outfit in my closet. i just didn't know howto piece them together. guys, i think i want better socks. i want better socks. after seeing this, i'm much more inclined to try to look like this all the time. because it's looks really good and it really isn't thatmuch more difficult. - look at the new you.

    - fuck! i feel way cooler and sexier. - as in, i'd fuck me! i'm miserable thinking about having to dress myself tomorrow. would a snoopy watch go well? or would it ruin the whole thing? - coco chanel quote, "before you leave the house,

    "take one thing off." - this is the first time i'veseen you wear your yeezy's and they actually match your whole outfit. - i don't, what are, why are... what are yeezy's? - now my personality is the quirk. as opposed to wearing the quirk. it's amazing to me how clothes can change the way people perceiveyou so dramatically.

    - look how stylish i am. hi, my name's edward. man, i need to join the sales team! (men laugh) look at this, i'm wearing a pocket square. but i love it. i am a guy that's really on top of my shit and so my wardrobe should reflect that. - ned, had actually beenbuying the wrong size suit.

    - i had been buyingthings too big for years. made my butt look good. (men agree) - i want to get married to you now. - oh well... my wife would think i lookfreaking hot right now. it was tough at first tobecome critical of my style but i feel like i've emerged, looking like the best version of myself.

    - ohh my god! whoa! i feel great! i feel like it'sinvigorating this side of me which is really creative. really weird. what even is this? - that is actually a jumpsuit, zipped up halfway and thentied around your waist.

    - you look like a deletedscene from cowboy bee bop. - that's the nicest thinganyone's ever said to me. - you're welcome. - i think i went intothis being complacent. you have to keep challenging yourself and seeing how partsof your personal growth are reflected through your style growth. i just turned and i almost for a second didn't recognize my friends.

    everyone here now lookslike fashion models.

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