homecoming hairstyles instagram

Judul : homecoming hairstyles instagram
link : homecoming hairstyles instagram

    homecoming hairstyles instagram

    i got you something.will you go to prom with me? i've had way to much coffee.but will you? if it is a yay press the thumbs up buttonif it is a nae comment nah sorry i already got a bae.but actually, nah nah if you already have a bay you should totally come to prom withme anyway you should ditch who ever you are going toprom with and come to prom with me instead hahahathat is my proposal but for real guys prom season is coming upso if you answered yay to the question of will u go to prom with methen hopefully u won't be to disappointed

    because we can get ready togetheri'm about to show you a hair and makeup look for prom that i have worked hard on that ithink is original and cute and that i'm obsessed with.so if you gave this video a thumbs up, you guys should stick around and we will get readytogether so we like literally could go to prom together.here i made us like an interactive prom, so this is nno the prom.so this is not the hair and makeup look obviously because i didn't want to spoil it but i'mgonna get into it in like 12 seconds~ oh god countdown pressure~i hope you enjoy and letsget ready ...*ding dong* (thats me answering the door for you) hey lets get ready in myroom

    first what i do is just put my regular foundationon- did not want to change that up for prom- and then what i do is just put a little bitof a pearl color for the lorac palette on my lid and then go over into the crease witha light brown. i don't do too much on the eyeshadow because i really wanna focus onthe eyeliner for this look so what i do for the eyeliner once i've blended out my eyeshadowis just add it to upper and lower outer lash line. i was inspired buy a way a loft of japanesegirls to their makeup. and then what i do is just put a little bit in my lower lashline, curl my eyelashes, put on my trusty mascara and powder my face. i straighten myeyebrows out a little with a light color eyebrow pencil and then omg you guys i did not putred lips on i actually put on a light pink

    from nyx and then put a little bit of a darkerpink on the inner part of my lips to kind of give it a kiss effectand then i just added a little bit of an orange coral coloured blush to add some nice colorto my cheeks. and that is my makeup look. it's almost time to move on to part 2 whichis hair. the first thing i'm gonna do is curl my hairwith the nume reverse curling wand. i'm obsessed with thisokay so i wanted something i could use to curl my hair with that wouldn't make it looklike my everyday curls like how i would do it for like school or work or whatever soi found this magical tool. its literally a curling want but its like upside down andit turns my hair into legit mermaid hair so

    if you ever wonder how to have mermaid hairapparently it is with this guy. and i am obsessed with it so after i curl my hair, all i do,is just take one of the strands of curls that is right above my ear and braid it becausewhat i'm actually gonna do is loops it over and make it a braided headband .i feel like since i already have like mermaid curls this is like the perfect thing to adda braid into. so all i do is just braid right above my ear,loops it over, bobby pin behind other ear and then i'm gonna do some crazy stuff now,i'm actually gonna go back to the first side and take the piece of hair or the little curlthats right before i started my braided headband and braid it right into itso it almost looks like its part of that braid

    so all i've done really is take a little curl,brad it right in there and then i'm just bobby pin it right there at the end and then i'mgonna leave that for now and i know it looks a little crazy and i'm gonna pull my hairinto a loose low side pony tail, the go back to that braid, and loop it around ,thats whatit ends up looking like, i leave a few pieces out and that was after six hours with no hairsprayso i'm just really obsessed with how it came out. i really really love the whole boho mermaidhair look that i went for i wish i had found out about the reverse curling want earliersomeone should have told me about this mermaid hair maker um but ya oh and i will not forgetto link it below in the description because i know all of you will want to know whereto get it and special announcement time actually,

    when you go to the link and if you buy itif you type in maybaby, you actually get it for 39 dollars and if you try out this hairstyle, make sure to tweet me pics even if you are not using it for prom i totally wantto see it so i can retweet you guys and follow you and stalk all of you pretty hair pictures.thank you so much for watching, now leave me an answer to this questions. if your promhad a theme, what theme would you want your prom to be? i know i would want mine to becasino royal so like james bond, poker that type of thing, but let me know what you guysthink below! and i'll see you guys next time. i just kicked the camera+outro+

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