homecoming hairstyles with box braids

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homecoming hairstyles with box braids

everyone clearly here with three quickbraided hairstyles for you guys i think this is great because we have the newyear coming up and you want to have fantastic here in the new year these come together really quickly andeasily and work for so many different occasions so to start off i'm gonna tellyou how i prepped my hair i actually went with second day here cuz i kindawanted to show you guys that you could use this on a second day hair turnsecond day hair into awesome hair we could also do this on just about anyhair texture and your hair doesn't have to look pretty when you start out tomake the hairstyle pretty so we're going

to start out with this half updo andthis one is great for looking amazing on a casual day going to start off withbraids number one which starts about three inches back from your hairline alittle bit more if you have really short layers around your face then you'regoing to braid all the way down your hair and secure it with an elastic onceyou reach the end then if you want to add more of a bohemian row luminous lookto your braids you can pull it apart just a little bit and then you're readyto move on to the next step and now we're actually going to put our hairhalf up so you're going to start out with the hair that's in front of thebraid on one side and that is going to

go back you're also going to make a similarsection on the other side of your head with the hair that is right next to yourhairline both of those sections are going to go back and you're going to seehere them with the clear elastics you create this half up hairstyle now we're gonna finish off with one morebraid to do that you're actually gonna pick up hair around the little elasticthat we just secured so you have enough hair for the braid then you're justgonna braid all the way down that section securing it with a clear elasticonce you reach the end to hide the clear

elastic at the top i just loosen my hairup a little bit and then i kind of pushed the elastic into the braids thathid itself nicely you can also use a bobby pin to hold it there if it doesn'tseem to want to stay in place inside the braid and then of course i listen tobreak up just a little bit more for some extra volume and then i'm finished offby adding a couple more little curls to my hair because this one second day hereand i wanted to just kind of juice it up a little bit but you don't have to dothat said you can totally skip that just go with however you want your hair tolook for this and once you've got all that done the hairstyle is complete andlike i said this is a great casual

hairstyle because they can make yourhair look great in just five minutes and will stay in place all day long and nowon to our braided ponytail which i love to death you're going to start out withjust seeking a section of hair from the top of your head and kind of securingthat out of the way we're going to use this to cover the top of the dutch braidlater then we're going to create our braid so to do that you're just going totake the hair from right next to your hairline in a nice little section andthen you're going to begin touch braiding and that's basically doing afrench braid but taking the strands under instead of over which i reallylike because it makes the braids look 3d

instead of kinda like a zipper i feel like a french braid looks like azipper anybody else agree with me or not anyway so then you're just gonna grateabout four inches doing your dutch braid once you've got that done you're justgoing to break the rest of the hair normally but don't secure it with anelastic quite yet because the next thing we're going to do is pull the braveheartfor more volume this time i'm actually pulling on each individual little pieceof the braid and you can see that's giving it kind of more of a bubblyreally voluminous look and i really like it for that soonce you've gotten that done with all of

the normal braid you can add an elasticand then go and pull apart the dutch braid just like you see me doing it herepulling on either side then you are done with the braids and it's time for theponytail i'm just letting on the section from uptop and letting that drape over just like it would in a ponytail so that youcan even see the hair that's going into the dutch braid then you're also goingto pull the rest of your hair back into a ponytail and finally add the braidinto that ponytail as well then secure it all together with anelastic or two for a really great hold and finally we're going to wrap the hairaround the elastic i like taking a

really small piece of here and wrappingit around until all the hair has been wrapped then just putting the end of itagainst my head with a bobby pin making sure that the bobby pin goes between myhead and the elastic so i'm also finishing this one off by adding acouple little curls again you don't have to do this but i kind of like to i alsoadded a little bit of texture spray just to make it more beachy and lived inlooking once that was done the hairstyle is complete i love how versatile thishairstyle is i can see it being great for like a girls night out or evenpromise we'll definitely try this one out and finally we're finishing off withthis braided updo which i love and comes

together way easier than you think first of all we have to make the braidyou're gonna start about three to four inches back from your hairline and thenif you want to leave any bangs out you can if you have side bangs or normalthings go ahead and leave them out of this situation and then you're gonna goahead and braid all the hair from that section that's like you know three tofour inches back from your hairline then you want to make this super voluminousso pull on each little part of the braids make sure that it has max volumei do have a video on how to do this so if you need any more tips check thatvideo out and then secure it with an

elastic now we're going to tie back thehair from the front so you're gonna section your hair in front of your earson both sides and then pull that back to like a low ponytail height in the backof your head you can also leave out some longer pieces from the front if you wantin this process so i'm pulling these pieces back and then i'm going to justuse a normal hair elastic to hold them in place now we're going to create whati call the headband loop which you guys probably already know how to do we'regoing to use this half up portion like the back of a headband so you can kind of loosen it up a littlebit if you need to then take all your

hair together and you're just going towrap your hair around behalf of portion of this hairstyle and it works just likea headband you ever wrap your hair around the headband is literally the same thing just wrap itover and over and over again until you have all the hair wrapped and you can dothat once twice three times however many times you need to now if you take a look at it you can seethat on the left we have this portion where i wrap the hair first and it looksnice and pretty and then on the right we have this portion that's wrapped overand over again and it's not as pretty

so what we're going to do is slide heretogether so that the pretty hair goes over the wrapped hair so basically youjust hold the pretty side with your left hand and tuck the right side underneathit and it actually works really well at all just slides into place so just holdthe pretty side with one hand and tuck the not as pretty side underneath untilit's completely hidden and then once you have it nicely tucked underneath you'rejust going to use bobby pins to hold everything in place that's it for this hairstyle i love howromantic and sweet this one is definitely great for homecoming or promor any kind of wedding occasion you

might have where you know how everyoneaware

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