homecoming hairstyles for a strapless dress

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    homecoming hairstyles for a strapless dress

    hi, i'm amelia and i'm going to talk to youabout different ways to create updos for prom. you always want to make sure that you takeinto consideration the layers and length of your hair. if you've got shorter hair, youmay just want to flat iron or blow it out special for the prom and maybe use a clipor two to accentuate and style. if you've got hair with a lot of layers, you've gotto take into consideration what to do with all this layering up top. so, i find the bestway to work with hair that is heavily layered or, you know, that you've got some differentstyles going on with, is you want to make sure that you just divide it up into differentsections on the hair. you're going to want to push these layers out of the way, you candeal with them later. i always find the best

    foundation for an updo, especially for onethat you're going to do at home is either a twist or a ponytail. and you can do severaldifferent ponytails, or two twists, doesn't matter. you can just do a twist here, anda twist here, and have these pieces hang out. or you can do one large twist, and i liketo anchor that with a hair pin. and then these pieces you can either flat iron straight ormake them curl. and then this hair in the front you would just bring back. another thingto take into consideration is the style of your dress and the neckline of your dress.if you're wearing a strapless dress you can wear your hair up or down. if you've got ahalter style dress on, you're always going to want to wear your hair up to bring outthe neckline of the dress. jewelry is also

    something that's really important when figuringout what you want to do with your hair. because if your hair's down, you don't need to wearas large, or as flashy jewelry. half up, half down is also a great way, and it's becomevery popular. you kind of get the best of both worlds, rather. so, you would just puthalf of it up with a hair pin or clip and wear the rest of it down. you could curl this,flat iron it, it just depends on what you prefer. and those are some great techniquesto use when creating prom styles.

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