homecoming hairstyles for black hair

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    homecoming hairstyles for black hair

    (upbeat music) - hey, guys! it's bailey from brooklyn and bailey, and i know my twin sisterbrooklyn is missing, i feel the emptiness right here. that's because she's super, super sick, so i decided to come up here and film the intro for you loves. so today's video ison, drumroll please ...

    (drumroll) get ready with us, homecoming style! and in case you don'tknow what homecoming is, i'm about to explain. homecoming is an american football game that our school playsagainst another team, and afterwards we have a dance, which we are hopefullycelebrating the win of our game, and a boy can ask a girl to this dance,

    or you can just go withfriends as a group, so brooklyn and i got asked. they're just friends. so we show you the wholeprocess of the homecoming week, so we filmed a coupleof those days for y'all, and the dance, (clicks tongue)so let's go check it out. (small dog barks) oh my gosh! what does it say? i can't see. oh my gosh, yes, i'll goto homecoming with you.

    it's fabulous. - [voiceover] ohhh! - i can put it around my bun. - [voiceover] that's so fun! oh my gosh! - [blonde boy] hello. - (gasps) oh my gosh! (gasps) - [blonde boy] will yougo to homecoming with me? - yeah! oh my gosh. thank you.

    - [voiceover] i thoughthe was bringing a puppy. - [bailey] (laughs) yeahthat would have been ... - [voiceover] that wouldnot have been a good idea. (laughs) - [voiceover] how long didit take y'all to do this one? - like two and a half hours. - [bailey] brooklyn, what day is it? - it's tie-dye tuesday. - [bailey] now check out the outfit.

    go stand against the brick wall. - [bailey] for my outfiti decided to wear my orange tie-dye dress toshow my school spirit. and of course, sincebrooklyn's more of a tomboy, she decided to go with at-shirt and jeans look. - so today is wilderness wednesday and we are dressed up as animals. - animals, we're probablygoing to be like the craziest ones at the school, but that's okay!

    - no one's dressing up, but-- - she's a deer, she's a leopard. i'm a tiger. - [voiceover] we've got hunters. - [voiceover] we've gotthe hunters over there. (snarl sound)- hunters over there. - and our dates are dressingup in bright orange outfits and camo, and they're gonna be (claps) hunting us all day with binoculars.

    so, (clicks tongue) fun times at hoco. - [bailey] and here i am,on wilderness wednesday showing off my deer lookby wearing my antlers. (upbeat guitar music) so brooklyn was supposed to be a tiger, but everyone thought she was a mouse, so we'll just go with itand say she was a mouse. this is my best friend,faith, and she's showing off her wilderness wednesdaylook by going as a leopard.

    isn't she adorable? - hey guys, it's thursday, and today is the powderpuff competition, and if you guys don't know that, it's basically girlsplaying flag football. - tough, and it's epic. - and so, we're rootingfor our team by wearing the team color, blue.- blue! - it's awesome, we'repumped. let's do this.

    - we're gonna win! - [bailey] to show my teamspirit, i decided to wear a full blue outfit including my sparklytop, headband, and jeans. and since brooklyn and i werecheering for the same team, she wore a full blue outfit as well. brooklyn and i are onour school drill team, so the morning of homecoming game, we performed this hip-hopdance at our pep rally. work it girl!

    (electronic music) - hey guys, it's friday!game day, hoco game day, and we are wearing our mums today and we'll have renee hold thecamera and show off our mums. - i can't speak. - she lost her voice.- (rasps) it's so bad. - her voice is gone, buti'll speak for both of us. we're super excited. let's go. - [bailey] homecoming monthsare totally a texas tradition.

    basically, the boy that asksyou to homecoming makes this giant ribbon for you allabout your personality and gives it to you. and you make him a garter in return, which is a little bit smaller. so these are the mums that we wore the day of homecoming to school. - hey guys, so it's rightbefore the hoco game and we are pumped, as you all know,hoco games for football are

    a big deal, at least in texas they are. - major. - anyway, brooklyn and iare on drill team at school, which means that we perform at half-time, so one of the things that wehad to do to get ready, are ... some of the things- we wear red lipstick. - we wear red lipstick,which we have on right now. and then we also haveto have our hair curled. and then we have to wear our full uniform.

    so we'll show y'allpieces and parts of that. this is the name of our schooldrill team, the majestics, and part of our routineis curling our hair, and wearing red lipstick. we always have to wear red lipstick to be in full uniform. and then these are our white boots that help us kick during the game, kicking is very important,you gotta kick your hat,

    and then this is our fulluniform on the hanger, it's very sparkly, but iabsolutely love sparkles so it's totally cool with me. and then here's the hat thatgoes along with the uniform. before we perform athalf-time at our game, we always eat dinnertogether as a majestic team. - and while we were eating dinner, i saw that they weresetting up homecoming, so i grabbed a few shots for y'all,

    and these are some ofmy friends from school. hello, guys! (acoustic guitar music) we're at the football gameand we're ready to win. check it out! - hey! (cheering) - [voiceover] let's go boys! - [voiceover] so, we'reat halfway through the

    homecoming process, right? - yep. - we've put the prep curls in the hair. brooklyn's got hers, too,they're just kinda pulled back. - mine kinda looks like a lion right now. - but we haven't styled,and we just finished bailey's makeup, minus lips. let me show you these eyes, though. close 'em. huh! it looks dang good.

    and we have brooklyn, whowe are about to tackle. - plain face right now. - she's au naturel face right now. - thanks.- so look at the difference, before and after. look at those eyes, ka-pow! - [bailey] we're in the processof doing brooklyn's makeup. - i'm cute. - you're contouring.

    - [bailey] you look great. - we decided to do somecontouring for a fancier look for homecoming. - [voiceover] and nowwe've added mason taylor. - [bailey] this is one of mybest friends, mason taylor, and i have done her hairand makeup every year for homecoming so far. - [voiceover] here'sbailey, what are you doing? - mason taylor's, don't look at this eye,

    but look at this one,i'm doing her makeup. - let me see, may-tay. ooh. let me see your hair, bai. let's bring the front ... hang on. pretty. there's may-tay's finished hair. - may-tay looks gorgeous.

    - [voiceover] for oureyeshadow looks for homecoming, we used vegas nay's stardust palette, and then we just curled oureyelashes and added mascara, and voila! - here's mom, to do my hair. there's like, it's like, where is it? we filmed a video of this hairstyle if you want to see a tutorial. it's already up, so youguys can go check that out

    if you want to do thishairstyle at any point. i love it, it's verycute, i wanna show it. - [mom] so this is the curl toback. and there's the braids and the rosette. and it looks good! - [voiceover] and here weare getting the last-minute details together for homecoming pictures. (upbeat acoustic music) - [bailey] brooklyn's hairtutorial is up on cute girls

    hairstyles, and now i'mabout to show you her outfit. she wore red converse to homecoming because that's totallybrooklyn's personality. and then this is her dressthat she got from bebe. it's super cute and fit really well. and then there's the topfinished makeup and hair look! to pull out the red popsin her outfit, she decided to go with this fun lipsclutch that we found on amazon. and here's my hairstylethat i wore to homecoming,

    thanks to my mom who did it for me. i found these black heelsthat i wore to homecoming from nordstrom, and then i also found myred dress from sherri hill, her dresses are amazing, i might add, and then, there's thetop look of my makeup, my hair and this wonderfulclutch that i found at nordstrom. (upbeat electronic music) give this video athumbs-up if you liked it,

    and leave a comment below onwhich dress you liked better, mine or brooklyn's.hopefully both of ours, because they were adorable! and also, let me know what your dances are like where y'all live, idefinitely want to hear about them. and, i'll see y'all next week. loves and kisses! (kiss) bye!

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